You can tweet without a blog; you shouldn’t blog without Twitter, and every blogger needs Triberr.
Oooh, that statement is going to get me in hot water, eh? So many people can’t see the light about Triberr, but have you seen the innovative things happening over there? Triberr is trying to single handedly alter the way we blog, get subscribers, earn traffic and analytics, and so much more.
Most of us were in on the early ground floor when Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo were accessible with lots of marketing time on their hands to do some fancy sheep videos with Danny Brown about Klout. Today, Dino and Dan are so famous, they nary have time for us small fry. Kidding. Dino and Dan are still the most accessible chiefs, cooks and bottle washers the blogosphere has ever seen.
I digress.
For those of you bloggers who aren’t on Triberr, think about how hard you work to push out your content. When it’s good content, and you know it, here’s what you have to do:
- Post to Facebook
- Post to your Facebook company page unless you’re part of Networked Blogs
- Post to Google +
- Post to LinkedIn
- Post to LinkedIn groups
- Tweet all day
- Post to Buffer and Crowdsource
- Tweet your friends and ask them to stop by to comment
When you have Triberr and belong to a slew of tribes, then your reach is exponential with all the social sharing possible and feasible right from the Triberr platform. And, the cool thing is, when you’re in a tribe with mighty bloggers you get access to their content right away as soon as it publishes.
I was never so glad to be invited to a tribe recently to hob knob with a few big-daddy bloggers I hadn’t been able to bump shoulders with. Once in their tribe, now I can easily comment on their blog after I re-tweet their post from Triberr, and I can come right on back to the Triberr platform and repeat the process as often as I wish with other bloggers.
What Triberr allows is streamlined productivity and each time you head there, new buttons and features and functions are added with that in mind.
Dino and Dan are working on new beta products always – there is a micro-sharing thing that’s interesting and exciting, and there is also atomic Triberr in early beta for testing.
I encourage all bloggers with consistent content to join a tribe. Heck, join mine! I am always seeking some new inspiration in my Globe Spotting tribe where bloggers around the world share posts with others. I have other tribes I belong to, as well. Need an invite? I have a few bones to spare because Dino asked me to take a survey and the payment was bones – Triberr currency. That was an excellent bribe; took me all of 2 seconds to take the survey.
Confused? Don’t be…it takes a few heartbeats to sign up, and then you reap the benefit of being introduced to new bloggers. You don’t need to automatically share their blog posts — you can select which blog posts you want to push. The thing I love the most is that my favorite bloggers’ posts appear in my Triberr home page, and that’s how I don’t miss anyone.
What’s your thinking? Wanna duke it out? 🙂
Where’s the link? Don’t you know I’m lazy?
@Middy M Whatchutalkin’ about? Do you have a blog? If you have a blog, then you get an invite and then you can belong to a tribe! ??
Thanks so much for taking the time to write about Triberr, Jayme. How did you dig up that old logo? haha
@DanCristo That’s funny. I hit Google and took the first thing that came along! I can adjust that, but didn’t find anything decent on my Triberr page, either!! Hah.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @DanCristo Surprised there’s no official banner/link/logo/press materials page so people can share the Triberr love 😀
Soulati!!!!!! 🙂
Thats right…thats like 7 exclamation points 🙂 You deserve every single one 🙂
@dino_dogan This has been brewing awhile. Very impressed what you two have taken on with your little innovation that’s growing like weeds. Change artists. Like.
I love Triberr! Thanks so much, Jayme, for enlisting me for ericamallison ‘s PR Justice League Tribe, and in doing so, introducing me to such high-level professionals in the B2B space. Triberr has been an incredible boon for our blog’s reach beyond our own audience.
You’ve perfectly described all the time and energy involved in getting a blog post out. Triberr is an amazing performance-enhancing platform for a blog! Curious: Have you ever turned down an invitation to join a Tribe? If so, how did you do it without ruffling feathers?
@New England Multimedia ericamallison I’ve turned down plenty of invites. You’re right…it’s kind of a delicate situation….I find you jus have to do peeling off a bandaid. Quick and fast 🙂
We were thinking of making Invites time-out after x number of days of non response. Thoughts?
@dino_dogan ericamallison I have no idea, Dino. I guess if an invitation times out after a few days, it lets the invitee off the hook, which is good. It must be awful to see an invitation sitting there day after day, begging a response, and not knowing how to say no delicately. I don’t think there’s any perfect way to handle invitations we want to pass on. It’s best to just carefully weigh our words and say, “Thanks so much, but…” and then explain with tact and diplomacy. It’s easy to do if a Tribe’s content isn’t aligned with your brand, but not so easy for any other reason besides that one.
@dino_dogan @New England Multimedia ericamallison I like that, actually. That way if someone doesn’t want to activate, they can let it expire after 3 weeks.
@New England Multimedia ericamallison Someone I know was invited to a tribe, said yes and when she got in, it was crapola. So, she politely left and said it wasn’t quite working. Perhaps ruffled feathers, but better to be away from something that doesn’t align with your brand than to fake it.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @EricaAllison @dino_dogan Triberr is where I met half the people here.
Can’t stress enough the importance of being part of the right tribes. That is where the power lies, connecting with like minded individuals.
Okay… Jayme… wow.
I’m seriously considering taking the plunge on Triberr. Between yourself, Adrienne Smith, and an AMAZING post I read by Dino about the future of sharing (and why we should dump e-mail subscribers), I’m interested.
@Jason Fonceca Jason, it does nothing wrong and extends your reach. How could that not be a positive? You saw above all the hard work to push content; this way you have others doing that for you.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Sounds fantastic! I’m psyched, and it turns up I signed up a while ago but had no clue how to use it, so my accounts just sitting there.
Guess I coulda asked you or Dino or someone eh? 😛
I have joined Triberr some time back but I still don’t use it often enough. I need to get active there!
@Hajra They key is finding the right tribe. If you’re in a great tribe it’s super easy to get active and have fun. Then you start seeing the traffic results and it makes it even more enjoyable.
@DanCristo @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I have to get more active there; I know I am in some tribes, I just haven’t been there regularly…
@Hajra I did invite you to my Globe Spotting tribe, right? At least we mentioned it. It’s an international tribe for global bloggers and then I invited @TheJackB so I didn’t have to go to his blog all day long and find his posts! We have @jonbuscall @Mark_Harai Stan Faryna and others come and go.
That’s the frustration for me to keep the blog alive with fresh bloggers who want to stay in. Please join us!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I think you did; lemme check and get back!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall I can do better. And will. My word to you Jayme ; )
@Mark_Harai @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall I had a few good peeps from other countries, but they didn’t materialize. So, we need a Canadian; perhaps someone we don’t know well, a Brit, and who else?
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall I’m surrounded by Canadians here! I even talk funny like them now 😮
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall
Whoa, whoa, whoa… I’m not top of this list? What’s more Canadian than my recent Canada Day Tribute Post? there’s also Ralph Dopping, Kaarina Dillabough, and more 🙂
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall Whoa, whoa, whoa… I’m not top of this list? What’s more Canadian than my recent Canada Day Tribute Post? there’s also Ralph Dopping, Kaarina Dillabough, and more 🙂
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall
I tried to fix that link twice…
And I forgot Ruth Zive.
@Jason Fonceca @Mark_Harai @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall BAIT!!! Hook, line and sinker, Jason! Good Morning!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing
Thanks so much, Jayme 😉 Rockin’ group we’ve got here 😀
T-Dot represent!
@Jason Fonceca @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall Cheers Jason… That link doesn’t work?
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Hajra Stan Faryna @TheJackB @jonbuscall LOL, Mark you’re the best. I fixed the link in my comment right underneath, and here it is again…
…though I’m starting to make a mess of these comments 😛 Rock on chief, are you in Toronto?
@Hajra I feel the same, Hajra, but I’m sure it’ll happen when the time’s right. I have a lot to offer 😀
I love what @dino_dogan and @DanCristo are doing with Triberr. I wish it worked on my blog : (
I’m ready to get busy with it!
@Mark_Harai @dino_dogan Soon enough, my friend. We’ve been working pretty hard on Atomic Tribes lately. Now that they are ready, the big focus is going to be on the plugin.
@DanCristo @Mark_Harai @dino_dogan Did we miss the Atomic Tribe beta window? When I read the post, it looked like only 3 days were available to join in early.
Mark, aren’t you self-hosted? Shouldn’t Triberr work on your site? I know the experts are all over it.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @DanCristo @Mark_Harai Atomic Tribes are available for few more hours.
Mark has a special issue we’re working on.
@dino_dogan @DanCristo @Mark_Harai Thank you. You recommend getting in now, Dino?
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @DanCristo @Mark_Harai I really think everyone should learn about Atomic Tribes immediately
That post will help you decide if it’s for you, and if it is, yes, you should get it now.
We rolled them out at 50% off so that our existing community can get them on the cheap.
Another way to cut through it all is to see if you’re paying for email marketing. If you are, Atomic Tribes are a solid replacement which gives you few less options email wise, but WAY more options reach wise 🙂
And we’ll keep closing the gap with the email marketing features 🙂
@dino_dogan @DanCristo @Mark_Harai Thanks, Dino.
@dino_dogan @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @DanCristo Dino, will it work on my site?
It loaded on my other site. I’ve been reblogging posts there, but my personal blog is where I’ve got (building) traction…
That will benefit all who I join and crank out some good work with…
@dino_dogan @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @DanCristo Dino; you and Dan are going to hit the cover off the ball with this…
Just love it!
I’m not gung ho on automating anything; but that doesn’t have crapola to do with most bloggers who are trying to build profitable businesses : )
@DanCristo @dino_dogan Awesomeness! I have 100+ business clients/ advertisers here in Costa Rica… I would like to get ALL of them on this platform.
Maybe a Triberr Social Media Summit is in the future… We’ll see : )
@Mark_Harai @DanCristo @dino_dogan Hey, why don’t you three get a room? Sheesh!
@DanCristo @dino_dogan I just shared the most recent updates and info with @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing just last week and she is not wasting anytime!
I’ve been getting the word out a bit here in Costa Rica too… but I would really like to have everything working on my blog properly… Sorry for the hold up guys.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @DanCristo @dino_dogan Just spreadin’ the love : )
Triberr? Nevah heard of it……………..
Triberr already has amazing traffic according to Alexa, but for people who are on Triberr everyday could be rewarded with a few free bones. For example, if you log on (and do something if that’s trackable) seven days in a roll, you earn a few bones.How this is good for Triberr: this would ensure that Triberr’s traffic stays high.
@Ronie Walter @ IT Staffing Agencies hey Ronie…thats a great suggestion and we have certainly considered it. But we decided against it, and here’s why.
Triberr doesnt care about how much traffic it gets. The whole purpose of Triberr is to bring traffic, content and engagement to YOUR blog.
Whatever traffic we get is a byproduct of that goal.
Having said that, I think rewarding users for taking certain functions is a good idea and can lead to even greater fulfillment of our basic goal.
Btw…warning…Im gonna brag a little now 🙂 We’ve sent over 2 million visits to our member’s blogs in June alone….I think it’s time to pull up July stats…..I’ll keep you posted 🙂
@dino_dogan @Ronie Walter @ IT Staffing Agencies Hmm, why did Ronie delete a comment? Perfectly perfect question and one I liked. I read it from the perspective of the Triberr member; how can we earn a few more bones?
I took the survey and got some, but perhaps there’s a germ of an idea there. I have also paid for bones in the past, too.
Hey Jayme, I am part of one small tribe but haven’t spent enough time on this network. Sounds like it’s a real benefit to be part of a few or more. I am behind the 8-ball on etiquette so I am not sure if it’s ok to request to be part of a tribe or have to wait for an invite. So, I think I sent a request to your Globe Spotting tribe. Huh, wonder it it worked?
@rdopping Morning, Ralph. I will go look over there and if it didn’t work, I will send you an invite. I mentioned we were seeking a Canadian blogger to join us. Thanks for raising your hand!