It’s the Monday after Social Slam, the Knoxville social media conference brainchild of Mark W. Schaefer of {grow}. I have attended three years running, spoke at the first, was a VIP at the second and attended “normal” the third.
You know what? It makes no difference if you attend a conference as someone special (depending on whose eyes are looking) or just yourself. You need to just attend already.
The energy, enthusiasm, ‘raderie, learning (yes, you’re bound to learn at least one thing or two), sisterhood in social are quite intoxicating. Here is my need-to-post-something-quick round-up of why you should attend social media conferences on this scale especially:
1. The chance to meet peeps face-to-face elevates relationship. It’s called relationship marketing (if you have to put it in those terms), and it’s amazing for your psyche.
2. Bloggers and peeps you Skype want to see what you look like and make that connection with a hug, laughs, a photo for the Wall of Fame, and a Facebook or Instagram post or two.
3. You get a Klout bump…ooh, did I say that; the channel everyone loves to snark about? Yep, I did…my score bumped 3 points sitting at the conference tweeting all the trending content from the conference.
4. You can learn. So many people are afraid to invest in tradeshows in fear of “I won’t learn anything.” Au contraire. The ticket price for Social Slam to register is still less than $100; the hotel is about $125; gas for a tank is about $50, and you can eat for $12. It was a sum total of less than $300 to participate, and it’s entirely a business expense.
5. Meeting the community is priceless. Enough said.
6. Ideas proliferate when slammed with that much information all day long; no kidding. You listen, you watch, you nod your head, you shake it in confusion, you get a book signed, you see a young upstart with such drive you want to be him (Christopher Craft, chief visionary of Nao Media); you chat with total strangers on an intellectually strategic level; you solve the world’s problems; you have immediate access and shoulder bumping with every single speaker on stage; and, you take video (watch this space for Soulati Media On The Street from Social Slam!) of one another engaged in all levels of business ‘raderie.
7. You get blog fodder; yes, lots of it.
8. You are inspired to create new products and services in your own business because of the ideas presented by John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing and featured in his new book he autographed, The Commitment Engine, Making Work Worth It.
9. You fuel your social media channel with peeps you’ve only met via avatar and 140; and you compare notes on who’s not there with a little gossip behind the scenes.
10. You build your brand and earn new followers and blog readers and respect for what you’re doing in social as a leader, and you realize just how great it truly is to be in this sector building roads for those on which to travel.
Don’t ever think you’re too jaded or knowledgeable that you shouldn’t attend a social media conference; there is always someone to meet the first time, hug in renewal of relationship, and vow to connect with on a deeper level. Your own inspired creativity requires this type of engagement; the cost is well worth the challenge of leaving the office.
Thank you Social Media Club Knoxville and all the faculty, planners, originators, emcee, attendees, and sponsors for making this show one I will always attend in whatever capacity I go.
Attend the New South Digital Marketing Conference, May 17, 2012! Jayme Soulati is on tap as a presenter!
Yes, yes and YES! So glad to see you at this stellar event three years in a row! You nailed it – the content is good, but the people are even better! So glad we had a chance to solve the world’s problems before the event. You rock!
lauraclick Morning, Laura! I think we need to collaborate on Solving The World’s Problems in a co-authored blog post…we went around and around and did we actually solve a thing except cute shoes are a must?
Great seeing you in Nashville and Knoxville last week! There is NOTHING as important as face-to-face relationship building.
Great post Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing ! I agree with lauraclick – you nailed it! Was great seeing you…wish we’d had the chance to chat more, but look forward to connecting until our next irl meeting! 🙂
lizreusswig Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing lauraclick Hey, Liz! Let’s make sure we connect on all the channels! I think conferences are great for an initial scream, hug, beverage, and little in-depth engagement!
We have to save that for blog comments! Heh. Great to see you, as well! Thanks for coming over!
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Yes! 🙂 lauraclick
Gossip?? Girl I must have missed that. Not sure who I would have gossiped about, though…
See – we’re one of those reasons.. we got to meet IRL and I’m hoping to catch up in Myrtle Beach next month!
KristenDaukas Wait, you’re gonna be there, too? See, now that I have met you IRL, I will always remember a fellow curly peacock…you were strutting, not moi! (heh)
I see you featured on Schaefer’s blog, too; I’m coming over to your house when I can catch up and will subscribe to give you a bump, too, Kristen! Sorry I have not come over there yet.
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Remember you were asking a couple of weeks ago if I was going to be your first groupie?? 🙂 I’m trying to manipulate it so that I can be there AND get to Charlotte for Bloggy Boot Camp on Saturday. If I can figure that out, you’ll see my crazy Peacock self there.
And come on over to my house.. I’ve got a couple of them.. Four Hens is my longest standing house and obviously my personal one.
KristenDaukas Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I just came by this morning, as you know. Are you writing professionally, too? Like about social and stuff?
I see you have little ones; how can you travel so much? Secret?
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing the man and I work well together and ours aren’t so little anymore.. 14, 11 and 9.. much more autonomous than a few years ago.
My prof’l opinions live over at but trust me, the tone (sass) is the same 😉
KristenDaukas Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Curls, Sass…it’s all the same, Lady. Yep.
Oh Poo.
I wanna come!! What’s the next – best?
AlaskaChickBlog Social Media Marketing World is right now, but it’s like $1100 to register. This one was so reasonable. It makes sense b/c more people can attend. I have no idea if there is anything in Seattle that is closer to you.
“Meeting the community is priceless. Enough said!” Yup, nuff said Jayme. My first of many SoSlam’s, gained much food for my brain, hopefully to keep the Alzheimer’s away for some time but the IRL connections are priceless! I appreciate you, rcb
bowden2bowden Hey! GREAT having you over, Mistah! And, I agree wholesomely! I know this is the first day of many to come with connectivity at this level…well, maybe not all day like today and last Friday!
bowden2bowden P.S. Now who’s avatar makes them look younger?
You said it, Jayme. Great meeting you in person and hanging out. Can’t wait to do it again next year.
1ad_dad Hola Mr. 1AD DAD…OhMy…I think your Twitter ID is going to be the subject of a SteamFeed! Great to chum with you too, Mistah! Thank you! Yes, this conference is a must do.
And that is that! Hello my dear. Good read. Billy
BillDelaney Mr. Delaney…I appreciate your visit here and I hope your budding business looks like daffodils!
I was supposed to drive down with Jack Steiner but circumstances got in the way and neither one of us made it. Next year maybe.
Joshua Wilner/A Writer Writes I’m thinkin’ you guys could car pool for sure; after all, two drivers are better than one.
Hah, no bumps for me…other than bumping into great friends throughout the weekend for some of that ‘raderie you are talking about!
Great to see you again, Jayme.
dbvickery Ditto, Friend!
Great post Jayme. I’m super humbled by your mention. Much love to Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing!
ChrisQueso Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Chris Cheese; I mean, Swiss Cheese, I mean Chris Queso…LOL.
I’ve got your book on the table ready to pop open and see what lies in wait. You did great, Mistah; and your branding was damned impressive!
Well said Jayme! Of course, SMC Knoxville and Mark put on great content and a terrific event, but the ability to interact face-to-face with colleagues and friends you’ve met online is priceless.
So glad we were able to do so a 2nd year in a row!!!
PS. Worked on your Inside Customer Service interview this morning. Looking good! 🙂
Adam | Customer Experience It’s really not fair. You have the tech savvy to juice up the video; I just publish raw…well, that’s why it’s called Soulati Media On The Street, Adam! You’ll be next up in queue for Monday! Each year we get a few more words added to our history…love that. Thanks so much!
I LOVE conference swag. Give me a tshirt, pen, bag, tumbler and I’ll have a fond memory of you forever! Have a closet full of conference tshirts and some of them a really cool.
TheNerdyNurse Thanks for coming over to say so! I have this mop of a brush, and I really mean it’s a mini mop, for BBQ from Memphis. I got the bottle of BBQ, too; I really wonder if they use that mop head to slather the ribs with sauce? And, then do they put it in the washing machine, wooden handle and all?