This is the coolest thing since sliced bread! An accolade that needs sharing.
Soulati-‘TUDE! is included as a 50 Small Business Blogs to Watch!
Scroll on down this so very well-done infographic from Infusionsoft, and you will find a PR section with mention of this blog in esteemed company with Spin Sucks!
50 Small Business Blogs to Watch by Infusionsoft
Wow! Way to go, Jayme! Very cool. And congrats to ginidietrich and djwaldow too!
lauraclick ginidietrich djwaldow Thanks, Laura! I am jazzed about this!
Congrats, Jayme! Niiiiice 🙂
suddenlyjamie Thanks for coming over to say so!!!!! My #MomInSummer is nearly over! How’s yours?
Soulati | Hybrid PR This has been my busiest summer yet in seven years of running my own business. It’s also the first summer that has included a few weeks of NO CAMP for my daughter. The results are actually pretty good. She’s at an age (9 1/2) where she can amuse herself (under duress, of course), and I think it’s been really good for her to experience some unstructured time for a change.
I’m just wrapping up two big (and whirlwind) projects this week & am keeping my fingers crossed for a lighter work load over the next couple of weeks. Planning a couple days off with my girl and then, the following week (when she’s with her dad), a couple days off with my beau. No travel except day trips. Just enjoying days that are work- and agenda-free. Can’t wait!
Hope your #MomInSummer has been a success.
Almost back-to-school. Yay!!! 🙂
suddenlyjamie Soulati | Hybrid PR CONGRATS!! Mine was better than years past with the 3 kids in July; they are growing up. But, I cannot focus 100%; there is no way. So cool you are rolling in whatever you want to roll in…stress, $$, projects, and…
Soulati | Hybrid PR 🙂 I’m not loving the stress part, but I’m grateful for the work (and the $$ that accompanies it), and even MORE grateful for what I hope will be a bit of a breather over the next two weeks. THANK GOODNESS!!!
Oh – and I can’t focus 100% either. Who can?
Congratulations, Jayme! And WELL-EARNED!
New England Multimedia Muu-wah, Girlfriend!
Hey, you’re right next to Dietrich-son, way to go 😉
Seriously, some very heavy hitters here, so congrats!
Under QuickSprout, who is NICK Patel? 😉
Craig McBreen Shoot, I just saw his name on Triberr last night and can’t place him. Thanks, Craig!! Tickled!
Just catching up with my RSS feeds since I got back from France. Hey J, this rocks!!! About time you got some super awesome recognition.
The only way is up :=)
jonbuscall Jon, thanks! I have noticed your absence! Hope you enjoyed! Welcome back.
AND it’s a pretty infographic!
Congratulations, Jayme! Truly deserved!
Congrats Jayme!