Self-publishing a book in whichever format comes first is a wonderfully tedious, exciting, disturbing, and mind-boggling experience. I know this to be true because I just did it — with many trials, tribs and nail-biting.
Today, I’m so pleased to present:
If you download the e-book, and find you just can’t live without the soft-cover to hold in your hand, you can get this .
There’s an entire system of pricing you have to consider when setting yours. Because I used a hybrid publisher, they get a portion of every sale and so does Amazon. Hopefully, your first book is an experiment in the discovery of the process and not a get-rich-quick scheme (‘cuz I hate to break it to ya, that ain’t gonna happen).
My Biggest Mistake
I was so hell bent on publishing the manuscript for the soft cover to debut mid-April at the that I neglected the e-book.
I was exhausted after writing the book, proofing, fixing, proofing, seeing comps, building a presentation deck, traveling, and ohmygosh where did the time go…that I put aside that e-book.
When I went to tackle it, apparently, I couldn’t add the hyperlinks to the hard copy template. Something about InDesign vs. Mobi files…?
So, I created a spreadsheet with 40 hyperlinks that needed to go into the document on a respective page on a respective line and for a respective word phrase.
After two weeks, I got a file to proof and check those 40 links, and then I got another file and then I got another file to check those 40 links. So, if your analytics shows me pinging your blog for two seconds, you’ll know why — Jon Buscall, Danny Brown, Dino Dogan, Gini Dietrich, Adam Toporek, The Jack, New England Multimedia, Ralph Dopping, Kaarina Dillabough, Laura Click, Erica Allison, Fire Pole Marketing,, Steamfeed, and others.
My Best Move
Embarking on self-publishing is a mine field. Just hook into any thread on a LinkedIn Group or Google+ Community oriented to the topic, and your head will spin. There are about 24 gazillion pieces of software you can use to publish, and if you’re just an author/content marketer as I am, you’ll drown choosing the right fork in the river.
That’s why using was the best move I made. As a hybrid publisher, they help you with any aspect of the self-publishing journey from proofing/editing, designing the layout and cover, publishing the e-book, adding a QR code, and printing the hard copy. It even has a storefront on its website featuring a variety of little known authors writing on a breadth of topics.
Interested in working with a publisher like this? Try them; see my interview right here. David Braughler is top dog in my book.
And, speaking of “my book,” Thank you, world, for waiting patiently as I schooled myself in the self-publishing arena. A special shout out to who ALWAYS supports, shares and ‘raderies moi and Roho, aka , for that awesome review of this book.
Jayme, thanks for sharing your mistakes and best move. My partner (and dearly loved hubby) is just embarking on writing a book. I’m going to make sure he sees this post and when we get closer to publishing time, he may pick your brains if you don’t mind.
Thanks so much for your generosity,
Sharon Gilmour Glover Absolutely, Sharon! And, now that this is finally on the market, I can get to your guest post. This has held me up for weeks. I plan on writing more on this self-publishing world; it’s a nightmare, really.
Even the pros are confused. Thanks for coming over!
Great job on getting your book completed 🙂 A wonderful milestone. You just don’t realize how much is involved until you really get stuck into the project. Nice tips too. Finding the right level of help is a challenge.
Very appreciate you coming over to say so! Thank you. The hard part is NOT the writing; it’s what comes next. I am not sure how to make it all happen, though…I’m kinda done with this experience and want to move on to the next one? LOL.
Marketing is the toughest part…
Congratulations Jayme – looking forward to reading it!
You know what’s too strange, Brent? I am a little embarrassed that someone wants to read this. It’s an odd feeling I need to fess up to; kind of like when you’re new at blogging and worry if you’re good enough. Cold feet? Nervous Nelly?
Nuthin’ I can do now, right?! Thanks for coming by.
Ah! There it is. Again, thanks for including me in your journey. You are one awesome person. Beat of luck with the sales. I will certainly make the purchase. Cheers.
Thanks, Ralph! For your always…