Time management is not in my favor of late. You’ve not heard from me here in awhile because I’m off to The SMB Collective, my new blogging adventure targeting all things small-to-medium business. If you head on over, you can see it’s a vibrant community of many voices and perspectives providing rich content for we SMBs. I’m loving how it’s coming together, but at the risk of ignoring you!
I will keep Soulati-TUDE! going and growing; it provides me a singular outlet for opinion and perspective on my calling — public relations.
That calling was put into question last week on a late Thursday night when a commenter here called me a “moron” and questioned my parenting ability as well as a few other choice words. She, the 20-year-old, had found a blog post I wrote awhile ago, Shards of Glass Ad Not Cool, and decided that because she didn’t agree with my opinion she’d lambaste me with her questionable intelligence.
My reaction was one of dismay, and I immediately deleted the comment although I thought twice about it. While the blogosphere is supposed to spark healthy debate with opposing views, being attacked negatively is uncalled for.
My colleagues were supportive, and thanks to Michelle Quillin of New England Multimedia who suggested I should’ve kept the trashy attack live so she and all the other moms could support me and blast back. I guess everyone likes a good war of words, but you know what? I can’t waste my time with imbecility; nor do I wish my colleagues to do that either.
Thanks, too, to Jenn Whinnem who shared a site I had no idea existed, Spokeo. She reversed the email of the commenter recorded in my blog’s database to see how and where she engaged. It informed me of her age and showed the X-rated trashy sites she frequented. Enough said, eh?
I’ve seen other bloggers add policies about commenting to their pages, and this is certainly good fodder for why.
Unfortunately many people think that it is the first amendment right to be uncooth and nasty to others.
So great you came by! Love that. Thanks for the support, as always and ever. I know not to get brought down by evilness, but in the moment it can affect you.
I appreciate you, D!
Jayme, glad to see you take this one head on. Policing comments can be so time consuming; on the other hand, negative comments can be so distracting from great dialogue! Seems like people have to be asked these days to behave in a mature fashion. It’s a shame.
There was a “Today Show” story on the lack of civility in our society. Didn’t watch it, but it resonated with this post. Also, the drunken gloat call I received last night at 9 p.m. to which I did react kindly. Sigh. Thanks, Jenn!