This post first appeared at Ken Mueller’s house at Inkling Media. It is one of my all-time favorites and highly received by Ken’s community (and 323 Tweets later…uhh, what the heck am I not doing at my house?). I’m swiping a trick I’ve seen Laura Click of Blue Kite Marketing do – re-post her guest posts on her own blog. I think this is a swell idea because why shouldn’t I actually capture my writings should other bloggers decide to remove their shingles?
The premise to the story below is that it’s lonely at the top for bloggers…see if this material is still relevant after having been published August 25, 2011.
I’ve been feeling and seeing some angst on the blogosphere lately. Some folks are having a bit of confidence issues; blogs are folding, people are saying their writing does not stack up, and some wonder if being a power blogger is attainable.
What I’m also seeing is that the power bloggers — those who rank higher than the Ad Age Power 50 – are distinctly on a pedestal put there by their peers, themselves, or others in their communities.
This is not intended to be a negative; it’s a fact and it’s what the blogosphere thrives on — leaders. But sometimes leading bloggers are regarded so highly that new bloggers struggle with that influence also wondering whether they can stack up.
If your goal is to become a power blogger, take a look at those who have earned their position. These bloggers are rightly on pedestals. I am always amazed when I see another level of giving, counsel, time, and sharing that is delivered to complete and total strangers in the name of building community, brand and business.
I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting Mark Schaefer, Jay Baer, and Gini Dietrich IRL (in real life), and I feel like I’ve met Danny Brown (he is very accessible). These four peeps are to be congratulated for their positions as leaders on the blogosphere. (Since I wrote this, Marcus Sheridan has burst onto the scene; his writings are indeed powerful.)
There is no guidebook how to be a power blogger; ithappens over time and with a lot of hard work. In fact, I would suggest power bloggers’ blogs are true extensions and representations of their businesses. When you reach that level, monetization of a blog is moot; it happens automatically, and the blog is the business.
I know how competitive we humanoids are — we want to have the best blog with the most readers, comments, RTs, and highest rankings with awards badges in the margin. We want to have authority and influence, and we want to change the world with our insightful content. I’m certain that each of us will eventually get there, but only if we want to. It’s OK not to be a power blogger, but if you want to be on a pedestal, let me offer you some perspective.
The next time you’re chastising a power blogger for his or her comments, thoughts, opinions, articles, or the way they conduct themselves in their own house, know this:
- It’s lonely at the top.
- What I said above–there is no mentor for them to follow and fashion a set of rules after; each of them is writing their own guidebook.
- We are like paparazzi to them; everything they say, write, do, eat, share, photograph, we want a piece of. They are in the limelight because they sought that position and have earned it.
- When you feel like attacking as a troll or someone having a bad day, think twice about blogjacking the tone with your drivel.
- If you’ve ever left a snarky comment, ask yourself whether it was because of envy or jealousy?
- How many times have you learned from these people about new trends in social media, new apps, new tech, new devices, copied their blog design, or received your invite to Google+ or Spotify? It’s real easy for me to sit back and wait for a power blogger to do the work first with a post that paves the way.
- Lastly is simply about thanks. Have you ever genuinely recognized a blogger leader for their time, commitment and dedication to teaching you what they know? Thank you is a wonderfully unexpected two words.
I’ll say it again, folks, it’s lonely at the top and showing the love is one small courtesy to bloggers on your pedestals. Whether the bloggers you follow have a badge of honor or not doesn’t mean they are any less influential or authoritative. A pedestal can be as short or as tall as you deem.
What is a power blogger.
Hey Jaymee – I’ve gone through the low self-esteem factor with blogging. I connected with the most gifted writers on the web. That’s just my style… In business, I go to the top and develop relationships with people that can get things done. Why go any other route?
On the social web, I found myself trying to write articles that stacked up to professional writers who move the blogosphere with their writing and I didn’t feel it stacked up. Live and learn.
One thing I’ve always done in life and business is serve people and attempt to enhance the life experience of those people I have the privilege of being part of. That’s enough of a motivator for me to continue to learn and grow through writing – it just took some reflection time to get there.
The 5 blogger’s you mentioned in this post are ‘super bloggers’ who make a difference in peoples lives. They set great examples to follow and provide value with everything they do… They got there on there own by working their tales off and making a difference. These are great people to learn from : )
Those people who make it their life’s mission to positivity impact the lives of others are the real power bloggers in my mind.
You’ve summarized everything so well; the takeaway is that blogging means different things to different people, Mark. The super bloggers still had to start somewhere; it is truly their own passion, commitment, dedication that put them where they are today.
If I can share one thing I’ve always stated, it’s to give it a year of 3/week blogging. After that, doors open, things happen, a comfort level is reached, a community is thriving, and so much more.
Good for you that you had the strength and dedication to return to blogging; I’m so glad you did, as the writings you offer are heartfelt and powerful. I have enjoyed.
Oh, and, TheJackB? Mark just answered your question.
Actually, I think Jack is on ‘power blogger steroids.’
He’s like a machine.
Hah! Have to fully agree! In fact, I have no category description for that guy…he’s just TheJack.
Ha ha “The Jack”!
Nah, just a regular guy who writes occasionally.
Hi Jayme! We all want ” …to have the best blog with the most readers, comments, RTs, and highest rankings with awards badges in the margin.” ~Whew! I thought it was just me! You say it’s lonely at the top? Interesting perspective – thanks! As you’re working your way, you don’t think of this.
Please know, I’m not at the top! So, I’m not lonely, Lori! This was written last August, and I know the impetus for the story from a power blogger who shared something. Anyway…we’re always growing and going, eh? Thanks for stopping in.
I remember this one – it was a goodie! I’m glad you posted it again here for your peeps.
And, feel free to swipe the idea away. I’m sure I saw it somewhere else to begin with. 😉 Thanks for the shout out, my dear!
I feel like I’m on an island all alone; I never knew that when I became famous as a power blogger how lonely it could be. Of course, be careful what you wish for, huh?
When I jumped in, I could see there were a certain set of rules and guidelines it takes to ‘play’ in social and I bought into it hook, line and sinker. As one of my social friends and I like to joke about, I took a big ol’ drink from the ‘kool-aid’ too. Fortunately, I came to my senses and back down to reality before it totally derailed my enthusiasm.
The pedestal phenomena I now see is, you don’t appreciate the community you have as your sights are always set one rung higher than you. You only go play in the big boys house to make sure you are seen and still playing by the rules, but forget everybody else if you don’t think they can further your cause. I can’t tell you how many posts or comments I’ve seen people bemoaning how they hated high school because of the cliques, but these same people are desperately trying to make sure they make it in the right ‘clique’ in social.
I’m not criticizing, just observing; we all make choices and these choices ultimately define us and that is all I will say about that. Just treat people like you would want to be treated and it makes everything nice, normal and simple.
There’s no real response here, because you’re spot on. Absolutely! You’ve shared your journey, and we all have those trips and twists starting, but then it gets real and comfortable. I hope I can always be that way and not be looking higher for that next rung. Tell me if I my britches are too big, woudja?
Oh of course; I would do a post about it……….you know me…………:)