Last evening, I had the pleasure of sitting in on a group chat in real time on Tweet Chat captured by #SBT10. It was an esteemed bunch of experts from the Start Blogging Today online course, in which I’ve recently enrolled.
The cadre of folks on board last night offered fabulous tips for bloggers concerned with traffic, finding a voice, consistency, partnerships, content, and more. I want to share what was pertinent to me and see if it resonates with you, too:
- Bloggers need to be remarkable, said John Haydon, and Dr. MacNamara defined that as Seth Godin’s Purple Cow.
- Play the edges, added John, and present content in a way that’s 1000% you.
- Dr. MacNamara asked for unique content that has “your personality intertwined.” Readers want to connect with an authentic person.
- Grant Griffiths, the ring leader, said to talk with your audience, give them answers to questions and solutions to problems.
- Grant suggested bloggers should network with other bloggers you regard not as competitors but as potential partners in the future. Networking should be done with bloggers you can grow with and not just the “big boys.”
- Grant mentioned bloggers should not stand in the crowd, but stand out from the crowd. Set yourself apart from others in your niche.
- Bloggers should write content about their particular area of service or business and write about what they know and their expertise will show and you’ll get noticed.
- A blogger will be sought out if s/he remains laser focused on the purpose of the blog, added Dr. MacNamara.
- And, this point is particularly appealing – Grant suggested bloggers listen to their audience and give them what they want and not what you think they need.
It’s an intricate statement. What do you want, dear Friends?
I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write about our #sbt10 Twitter Chat which was held last night. Your participation was essential to developing the conversation and we enjoyed getting to know you better.
I trust you’ll find all the resources you need inside Start Blogging Today to take your current blog to an entirely different level.
Take care!
Dr. Patrick, thank you for taking time to comment! You know how valuable that is to new bloggers. I’m thrilled with the opportunity your course provides, and if last night’s Twitter Chat was an indication, then I’m in for a roller coaster of learning. Very exciting! We’ll be in touch, I’m sure.