What does “BM” imply to you? Excrement. Poopie. Crap. Sh$t.
It’s also the texting lingo and acronym for the previously esteemed Burson-Marstellar, which even uses “BM” as its domain name, a leading global public relations agency that was recently named agency of the year by someone.
I would be remiss not to also write about the recent unethical behavior by B-M as it went stealth on behalf of Facebook to schmear (the only thing I schmear is cream cheese, hold the lox, on a bagel) Google in a very unprofessional, unethical, and nasty campaign it lied about, took Facebook posts down about, and slapped more egg on the face of the public relations profession.
We’re really taking a beating, and it disgusts me when the alleged leaders of the industry behave in this fashion. Look at the home page of the B-M website; what a trove of extreme tweets – one apologizing to the woman whose Facebook comment was removed (obviously because it was anti-BM); the statement by the firm about its work for Facebook; and its notation of being selected North American Agency of the Year. Oh, and there’s one more – B-M is hiring; want to work there?
*** @JessicaRMurray Jessica we’re sorry about removing your post. Clearly, your comment was fair. Please feel free to repost. 3 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
*** Our firm’s statement on our work with Facebook https://bit.ly/kjkJ0L 4 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
*** #Burson-Marsteller is named North America Agency of the Year at #Sabres https://bit.ly/jBbY5j 5 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
*** RT @maggievdleeuw #Burson-Marsteller is hiring experienced #b2b & social media folks in our Corporate Practice https://bit.ly/jqYvo8 #in #SM 6 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
I will not repeat the excellent job of my esteemed colleagues who always know the news just as it breaks in the PR world; in fact, I get my news from these Ad Age Power bloggers the likes of Gini Dietrich at Spin Sucks and Spin Sucks Pro as well as Waxing Unlyrical’s Shonali Burke (who I just watched in a dark video on her blog and love, love her accent; can’t decide if she’s doing the British thing with American slathered in or American twang and trying to maintain some semblance of British propriety).
You can also see for yourself on B-M’s Facebook page; its now allowing everyone to party on in true critical fashion; however, B-M is nowhere to be found! So, go ahead, hijack the page just like everyone else. B-M got its hand slapped for removing comments from its Facebook page just hours after the campaign surfaced. Someone even posted this from the Huffington Post on the B-M Facebook page (that’s a good shiner if there ever was one). I think I need to post this post there.
While I’m a tad late to the party, it’s easier to watch the fireworks, comment early and blog late. That way, I can see the fall out (and it’s a beaut) and add some hot links to this post. However, in all seriousness (I’m trying to be that way sometimes), I hate that this happened. And, “hate” is a banned word in my house; in fact, I charge for that word. Each time the kidlet uses it, she pays me $.25.
I’ve written with this community about What is PR. We spent something like six weeks drafting commentary, together, about all the ways we need to define PR. In fact, we even came up with something called the PR Justice League. (I recently saw sketches for our super power figures by Beatriz Alemar of BlackCat Strategy.) Many have been so up in arms about the values, ethics and standards in public relations that the venting launched right here and continued into an entire series.
To sum it up, we didn’t absolutely define PR, but we tried and we brought the discussion to a semi close. What we did discuss and share about was the necessity of ensuring people in business and young peeps entering the profession understood that at the core of this profession is a passion for standards of quality. When the leaders among us deem the mighty dollar more important than upholding values and ethics, we are doomed as small-businesses to pick up the pieces and suffer their arrogance.
I’d love to survey the B-M employees globally and ask them one simple question, “Do you believe your employer, B-M, should’ve counseled Facebook against engaging in this anti-Google campaign?”
About that image above, courtesy of PRinyourpajamas.com, I’ve not seen an apology yet, have you? Comments very welcome, but I know everyone’s seen the story already…thanks for reading!)
I love it Jayme that you use your blog to tackle the big issues about the PR industry. Go for it!
Thanks, Jon, for coming by!
Funny – I’m having a very similar kind of day to day. It’s about the Sketchers Shape-Ups for Girls. They are back peddling quickly saying that they are to help kids get fit. Watch the ad. NO THEY AREN”T. Kids don’t need to TONE UP. They need to learn to enjoy exercise and lead healthy lives. Anyhow, I digress. It’s too bad that not everyone in the profession shares more positive values, but I think that’s true anywhere, from doctors to contractors to stylists. For that reason, I don’t know that it gives the industry any worse name, but I sure hope that those individuals and companies who aren’t choosing the greater good are affected! P.S. You have great ideas. Don’t shy away from saying what you feel!
Fashion is an industry likely next on the list; right now food is taking the heat re childhood obesity and school lunches. Fashion caters to anorexia; period.
I appreciate that all of us on ground level spin our wheels to fix the products, behaviors and messages from the big guns. Yet, when it’s so blatant, so obviously unethical, it’s unacceptable! Where are the industry police? It’s you and me, Rachel; one day and blog post at a time!
Or RUN from food.
Great addition to the discussion of how BM is using (not using) their Facebook page. I feel a great sense of disappointment over this. I was at Counselors Academy this past weekend and was SHOCKED at how little discussion there was on the topic. People kind of shrugged and pretty much said, “Well, what do you expect?” And this is an organization of our peers. Maybe we’re both naive and see life through rose-colored glasses, but I’m sorely disappointed.
Wow, really? people didn’t even feel like talking about it? Where’s the PR Justice League when they’re needed, eh? Of course, I’m one to talk. I would have said the same thing, but I wouldn’t have been saying it as an indictment of the industry, just as a “somebody had to do it” kind of shrug.
And I do see these conversations cropping up here, on WUL, and on your blog, @ginidietrich:disqus , but I’m curious as to what @soulati:disqus imagines the PR Justice League doing to B-M.
Yikes. Not sure I’m going to police the industry; good grief! Scary! The impetus behind the PR Justice League is more for we who uphold the industry via blogs and attempt to set the record straight with the professionalism we strive for. @balemar is going to get those drawings into color and jpg so we can formally launch this program and deliver the honorary membership status to @shonali and @ginidietrich. Will need help tracking the blogs who uphold, Shakirah, and hope you’ll be able to help?
Upholding is good–I was joshing about the “doing to” although I’m sure from the heap of insults piled around their (uh, very unfortunate) name it would be fun to watch! Interested in helping to the best of my abilities, although I’m really just a friendly neighbor to PR. I find it fascinating.
I really wish there were a governing body. Something that would hold actions like this accountable to a code of ethics. But, I guess, lawyers have a governing body and there are still shady ethics, at best, in that industry.
OMgosh; could you imagine how that would work? It would be like a tsunami and not enough $$ to manage squat b/c it would be a huge mess. Oy. Schmear me, hold the lox.
Yikes. Not sure I’m going to police the industry; good grief! Scary! The impetus behind the PR Justice League is more for we who uphold the industry via blogs and attempt to set the record straight with the professionalism we strive for. @balemar is going to get those drawings into color and jpg so we can formally launch this program and deliver the honorary membership status to @shonali and @ginidietrich. Will need help tracking the blogs who uphold, Shakirah, and hope you’ll be able to help?
I absolutely echo and amplify the disappointment. I didn’t hunt too far for other remarks on this; I was hoping PRSA would have a response, and, then I suspected they wouldn’t go against the grain of the “leaders.” What @dannybrown said awhile ago: where are the police? I would suggest we are indeed wearing rose-colored glasses; our values and ethics are different than most, apparently. Thanks, Gin Blossom.
@ShakirahDawud:disqus I haven’t been to Counselors Academy (I know, @ginidietrich:disqus , you really want me to go!), but I suspect they are somewhat tired of seeing this, because it’s not the first time something like this has happened. PRSA did post a blog on it, and I believe it was picked up by PR Daily as well. The last I heard they’re not firing those guys, but they’ll be giving them “ethics training”… it will be interesting to see how that works out. You know, I feel really bad for the majority of B-M employees, who are probably as shocked as the rest of us are. It must be tough for them to hold their heads up high.
@soulati:disqus , LOL re: the video! The truth is, I don’t know quite what my accent is. When I moved here, I thought it was a well-spoken Indian accent, but everyone thought it was British. Now, after living here for 11 years, I suppose there has to be some American influence, but I can’t imagine the day will come when I’ll say “cant” instead of cahhnt.” :p
It’s charming and so are you. It’s good we only hang virtually; otherwise, I’d be adopting your speak. Ethics training? Seriously; let me know how that goes; not something taught in any circles I’m aware of; in fact, what exactly does that mean? It’s a fascinating situation. Thanks, Shonali, for leading the way in these discussions (via Matt LaCasse, too).
She is charming, isn’t she.
I thought it was southern……………..just sayin’……………….maybe w/ a twinge of Brit……………..:)
BM? Doesn’t that stand for Blessed Mother?
Love this post Jayme. I probably owe you a few quarters at this point.
Well, you can decipher texting lingo however you wish! You know I need my dictionary handy when a certain someone comments! Thank you; pay up.
It seems their name fits them quite well Jayme — who could have known when they picked it!
Hilarious!Money, Power, Fame — these cause men to do the stupidest things imaginable. There truly is nothing new under the sun.
I don’t know if their name choice or actions on this Facebook campaign were dumber. I guess it’s just “dumb and dumber.” 😛
Hilarious. And, what’s also interesting, Mark, is that someone at grassroots level managing Facebook pulled those posts and the entire brand suffered. Those people in the C-suite and corner offices had no idea that was happening.
Wouldn’t it be cool to have someone say “we’re sorry for the punches we threw on the profession?” I don’t expect anyone to say no to taking business from Facebook; however, I do expect ethical behavior and social media smarts. This Facebook thing is what’s hurting them more than anything.
Am going to fix that RSS thing on the blog; thanks for pointing it out and also for trying to subscribe! (I joked it was my ploy to stay under the radar…that’s not too tongue in cheek, either!)
BM has handled their own PR crisis badly. This is what clients pay them for (besides scmhear). How are the other clients supposed to have confidence when BM can’t even use the tools they have to mitigate the mess they made? They should know better than deleting comments and clamming up.
The shoemaker’s children have no shoes.
I amplify you. YES.
Why are you holding back? : )
I’m a mere wall flower and this was one of the days I had to explode…!
yeah I agree with Mark. I think we should get you riled up more frequently and set you loose on a keyboard.
I think I’m getting picked on, right here in my own house. Anyone else notice a gnat flying around in comments? Harrumph.
NO! I loved the energy of it! Woke me right up.
Hola, my sassy friend. I know I’m extremely late, but it’s been that kinda day! I loved your expansion of the discussion and especially liked the facebook page link and the Huff Post link.
My thoughts to BM: Nice move, dumb ass. Here’s a quarter (or is that only for saying ‘hate’?). The problem with this whole scenario…PR industry takes another hit, the rest of the world keeps on moving, and BM fades into the background. I’ll bet they don’t get a lot of calls for ‘crisis communication’ – or do they? You see, I think (rightly or wrongly) that there are a lot of C-suites and corner office occupants out there that think hiding out until the storm passes is THE way to go. You and I and lots of other PR people out there would choose an opposite course of action, a leadership approach that admits the mistake (or never takes that gig to begin with), educates folks in the process, and ends up with a better reputation/brand in the long run. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s gonna happen here.
Enjoyed this post and your little sidebar conversations embedded within it. 🙂
I accept all latecomers and late bloomers, and thanks for being here any time! Echo you; you hit it. We will feel the residuals of this activity; they will move along like nothing happened.
Ok, I’ve read thru the responses because on the surface it sounded pretty crappy and based on the what I’ve read they probably were. I’m not in tune enough w/ the industry to weigh in intelligently but based on the responses it sounds like maybe they should just eat worms and die.
And that’s all I have to say about it……….
Can we subscribe yet?
Amazing write-up! This could aid plenty of people find out more about this particular issue. Are you keen to integrate video clips coupled with these? It would absolutely help out. Your conclusion was spot on and thanks to you; I probably won’t have to describe everything to my pals. I can simply direct them here!