There’s a solid distinction between branding yourself via a blog and monetizing a blog. In various conversations of late, I’ve grown to understand that difference and would like to share here.
Before I do, let me also share that I’m a late blogger bloomer. There are many, many others doing this in their sleep and who may also have the privilege of surrounding themselves with a team of accomplished experts.
As a core public relations solo professional, my skill set is in earned media, owned media and shared media – not digital marketing. That, in HubSpot school, I’ve had to learn on my own.
It’s resonating.
The goal of any professional blogger is residual income; earning cash via a blog on a consistent basis until you become rich, rich, rich!
Monetization Is Elusive
And, this quest is so very elusive.
When you first jump in to blogging it is not and never can be about monetization.
For the first two solid years, all you’re doing is building a solid brand as an influencer. Perhaps it takes you three years to do that. The goal, even though you never stated it outright, is to earn a reputable brand as a professional blogger so that others pay attention, maybe hire you, and at the very least, they read your meat when you post.
Are you nodding your head? Hope so, because ultimately that brand you’ve powered up contributes to the methodology with which you will eventually monetize.
I’m working on a post I hope to turn into an infographic about what I just mentioned above. It paints the visual timeline of this progression, and sets some expectation (from my experience only) for those in the midst of professional blogging and wondering what’s next.
I’m going to use my friend Tim Bonner again as an example. He was so transparent to share how he has found a way to monetize online. No, I didn’t say he was monetizing his blog! Tim stated clearly that his blog has never made a single English pound. I concur!
My blog is set up to build a brand. Only this year in year three of blogging have calls to action and landing pages been added so peeps can purchase my first book, Writing with Verve on the Blogging Journey.
Back to Tim. As a stay-at-home daddy to two toddlers, Tim has found time to research the best way to earn cash. His first attempt failed, but his second is successful and on the uptick.
Niche Blogging/Specialty Sites
Tim built a niche site (his second) on a topic and product he selected from Click Bank. It’s oriented directly to toddlers about two-to-three years of age (both genders). It’s also a topic Tim has knowledge of and a passion for; thus, he could write about 10 blog posts on the topic and insert said product into the niche site and BAM! After a month of wondering whether this was a bust, traffic began to build and sales happened. Tim’s profit is about $400; nothing to sneeze at as hosting a website costs nothing near that, and Tim’s time is devoted to being a parent and building his online business.
Maybe your niche can be about selling popular movies, cell phone accessories or electronics.
I love Tim’s story, and I do want you to check Tim’s blog out here; he writes about tech and more cool topics – all things he’s learned since being confined to quarters as a dadpreneur.
Do you understand the differentiators here?
Your primary blog will not make money outright; that’s not what it’s for.
Your niche site will; that’s what it’s for. You select a product with which you have a connection and build, test, rebuild, sit back, earn a bit here and there, reset, and gain your stride.
Simple? NO! Nothing is simple.
Either of these avenues – branding and/or monetization take immense commitment. To be successful you need to pull it out from the depths of your toes and work it every single day. People will understand what’s happening because stars are born every day; you just don’t know it’s going to be you until it is!
Thank you for another mention Jayme! I’m blushing :-).
That’s exactly how I see my main blog – a way to build engagement, building a brand, make friends and build trust.
I know some people do make money from ads on their blogs and from product reviews but I’ve made small change so far from Adsense.
The aim from my main blog is to build a mailing list and eventually come up with a paid product which I can then promote on both the main blog and mailing list.
I’ve also considered doing some consultancy work, setting up and maintaining websites via my main blog.
Equally though, those are things that won’t happen overnight and maybe not for many years whereas in the scheme of things, a niche site can make money relatively quickly.
Buying a domain name and hosting it is pretty cheap and if that particular idea doesn’t work out, you can just try again until you find something that does work.
Nothing’s ever simple is it?
Then again, some people may give up on their main blog if they’re not making any money from it. I’d encourage them to keep at it and diversify their efforts, like I have.
Thanks again for the mention Jayme and I’m so honoured that you’ve now included me in a couple of posts here on your blog!
Hi Jayme,
I love the way you’ve dissected this so well. I’ll admit that when I first started blogging, I thought my enthusiasm would make the magic happen. Well, that was silly. After two years of blogging and many iterations with the overall tone of my site, I think I kinda, sorta have this thing figured out 😉 We shall see.
My current blog is now very closely tied to my business. So there’s a cohesiveness with the tone and branding. I have plans for that site and it’s about consulting and some product offerings. But there’s another project I’m now working on … a blog for the over 35 set looking to truly bust a move. It’s a bit of a passion project, but built around some very big changes I’ve made in my own life in the last three months. It’ll be fun and I’m looking forward to the launch.
An, um, that Tim Bonner gets around … 😉
timbo19731 Hi, Tim! Funny how that happens…you said something that fully resonated with me and got me thinking; as you can see that’s always dangerous!
I have been pondering our futures online awhile now, and I realize just how scrappy we all need to be to make it.
With your situation as a dadpreneur (which I’ve watched evolve massively from infrequent daddy blog posts about personal stuff) to now internet marketer, it’s a wonderful story. You’re the poster child in my view b/c you’ve got the moxie to keep fiddling. Way to go, Friend!
Craig McBreen Isn’t it truly a journey, Craig? I get to keynote a content track at ConvergeSouth in a few weeks. My deck isn’t written yet, but I think in the last 10 days, I’ve come up with the presentation concept.
Like you, with your uber secret concept (and may I say, we’re all on pins and needles waiting for the launch and you’re just teasing!), we each find a way one day. The light bulb does go off, but only after blood, sweat and tears! Believe it when I say I’ve had the latter two!
Thanks for stopping over, Craig…I have had zero time to spend visiting others, and I know you’re in the very same boat. Massive thanks for your presence here and so many congrats on your journey, too!
Soulati | Hybrid PR I’ll keep teasing for a while 😉 But plenty of work going on behind the scenes 🙂
timbo19731 You are steady and willing to put the time in and that is a huge part of the formula for success here.