This post originally appeared August 5, 2011. Figured we’d do a repeat (my first ever) in honor of the Olympics in London this week.
Momaraderie is a sometimes feature I write to recognize an elite bunch of business women who are mompreneurs. I’ve written about several amazing chicas over time, and if you’ve not met them, please stop in to these posts for a refresher. I’d like to introduce you to Kaarina Dillabough, a Canadian Olympic business and life coach.
I am not sure how I met Kaarina Jokinen Dillabough; I believe it was Twitter, and after the first few tweets a fast friendship was born. Kaarina is a mom of several boys and lives in Canada. She also calls her boys, The Beatles, and if you ever Skype with her be sure to ask for a grand tour of her beautiful log home she and her husband (together since 1978) built. On one wall where she finally landed the camera is a tribute to the The Beatles.
What impresses me most about Kaarina is her aptitude for friendships. She is intuitive about business, life and knows when someone needs a virtual hug. She writes a blog that’s fairly new, yet the comments are fast and furious from a variety of peeps. It’s because she’s a darn good writer with amazing perspective about business.
What is more amazing is her storied sports career! She started rhythmic gymnastics when three-years-old, attended the National Ballet in Toronto, ran track and field, competed in artistic gymnastics and played varsity basketball at college. Her place in the history of Canadian Olympics is rock solid.
Kaarina tells her story…
In 1976, I was selected as part of a team to perform at the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Montreal. Rhythmic Gymnastics was not yet an official Olympic sport, and our inclusion as a demo sport was intended to lay the foundation for its inclusion in the next Olympics. The experience was almost indescribable.
Our particular team was seated at the base of the Olympic flag until the moment we performed. I still get goosebumps remembering the march of teams, the raising of the Olympic flag, running in of the torch (for the first time by both a male and female).
After the Olympics, I became the youngest President of a National Sport Governing body for Rhythmic Gymnastics for Canada. I was proud to have been involved in the lobbying for inclusion of the sport. Unfortunately, 1980 was a boycott year, and we did not attend the Games.
But we hit Gold in 1984! Lori Fung, from Vancouver, will forever hold the title of first-ever Gold medalist in the sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics. I was one of her coaches during her preparation for the World and Olympic Games, and represented Canada at all World, International and Olympic rhythmic sportive gymnastic events in the capacity of Chef de Mission, Coach and CBC colour commentator, with direct responsibility for all team, media and government relations at home and abroad. I prepared all print materials for print and electronic media and was spokesperson for Canadian delegations to public and press at all International Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastic events, including World and Olympic Games, for a 10 years.
I had the honour of doing CBC Colour commentary at the ’84 Games with Ernie Afaganis.
There is a really interesting story about those Games. We were not expected to win, and we were up against Basketball for air time. As we commentated live, it was becoming apparent that Lori was going to win the gold. The event was over, and immediately after, the producer cut to my headphones and said we were going live in 3…2…1
I had to commentate the event as if it was actually happening, with the producer talking me through where Lori was on the floor through my headphones…all the while I was looking at a blank screen. Pure adrenaline took over, and I don’t know to this day how I held it together. But when I review the video from that event, you’d never know it wasn’t live. That is an experience I’ll never forget.
Our first son, David, was born in 1985: our Olympic baby! When he was just 6 months old, he travelled with me to Spain and Switzerland for the World Championships. He had his own accreditation, and quickly became the team “mascot”. When we travelled to Japan, he stayed home with dad, and I wrote him a daily journal, which he treasures to this day.
Five years later, our second son Michael arrived. From that time on, Rhythmics was behind me, and I was on the bench as an athletic trainer for hockey and lacrosse. I was the lacrosse Trainer for our 2000 team to the Canadian Championship Minto Cup, and to the Brogden Cup (Canada Vs. USA) in Florida, where we won Gold!
Over 25 years ago, an associate said to me: You know…what you do for athletes, business could really use. I began to volunteer my coaching services to business owners, long before the moniker of “business coach” came into being. I soon realized that the skills I possessed were marketable, and I’ve been a business consultant, coach and strategist now for over 25 years, helping business owners to reach higher levels of profitability and prosperity, and working in both the public and private sector with small to medium sized enterprises. Throughout it all, my family has been my strongest support and loyal fans.
That was great. I enjoyed learning more about Kaarina and her background. I have been to the Olympics, but never as a participant. That must be incredible.
That was great. I enjoyed learning more about Kaarina and her background. I have been to the Olympics, but never as a participant. That must be incredible.
Thanks Jack: it was indeed an incredible experience and I’m grateful to Jayme for encouraging me to talk about it, and for her to write about and post it. Cheers! Kaarina
To be able to parlay participant to coach is what I marvel at, too. And, the work she did to bring R. gymnastics into the Olympics, too!
I LOVED watching rhythmic gymnastics. Kaarina, how AWESOME are you?!?! VERY. Super cool experience! And I love how you apply your coaching talents both in sport and business. Double super-cool!
My memory of rhythmic gymnastics isn’t as fancy, but it still cracks me up. We were in grade school at the time, but I would make my little brother pretend he was my teammate and we would get all fancy with the hula hoop and wave streams of… well… toilet paper around and pretend we were little gymnasts!
Loved this post and laughing about my toilet-paper-ribbon days! 🙂
Thanks for the very kind words, Crister. Not many people in North America are familiar with Rhythmic Gymnastics, but I sure like your toilet paper version:) Innovation at its finest!
And I love the fact that my athletic coaching experience translated beautifully to my business coaching business. I do find that “double super-cool”.
I know that one of my strengths is assisting people to achieve excellence in their business and personal goals: gives me tons of satisfaction, and I love being an objective, neutral, supportive but “stern task master” accountability partner. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. You have now left me with visions of toilet paper ribbons dancing in my head:) Cheers! Kaarina
Such a great story!! I just love learning more about online friends!!! They Olympic story can allow me to ignore the fact that you are a Canucks fan! ;p
Aw, you Blackhawk fan you! I was only a Canucks fan during the Stanley Cup. My team of choice (…wait for it…) Toronto Maple Leafs…yes, please feel my pain. Cheers! Kaarina
LOL!! We love the Leafs around here! My son wore a Sundin jersey for years!!! When he started getting into hockey & playing (he played for a LEAFS team) he couldnt watch the Blackhawks on TV here (blacked out due to now deceased owner). So, he and my hubby watched the Leafs on hockey night in Canada since he was 4 (he just turned 10). He enjoyed the rumors a few years back that Mats might come to Hawks. He has since had to retire the jersey because he grew too much!
I was on that Canadian Rhythmic Gymnastics team, but they found out I wasn’t a Canadian; damn the luck………..
I know Kaarina very well, Skyped today (3rd time) so I know the Beatles as well too. She is a very dear friend and you can tell she is an excellent coach and mentor. If you spend any time with her, I think you will find the Olympic story is just the tip of the iceberg. I think there is Finnish ancestry and national ballet in there as well.
Thank you for showcasing Kaarina as your Momaraderie. When is it going to be my time? Just today somebody called me a mother when I accidentally pulled in front of them with my car. I was thinking, ‘what a nice compliment’……………….
Good to see you ma’am. Hope you have a great weekend.
Bill, we were trying to keep that citizenship thing on the QT…
Thanks so much for your kind words and friendship: I appreciate both. And just when I think it’s safe to go into the water….boom! You end your comment with what I can only call a “Bill-ism”. You make me LOL:) Great to see you sir. Cheers! Kaarina
Just askin’…did you wear a pink tutu when you twirled your ribbon and baton?
I did and thank goodness for the solid white tights so I didn’t have to shave my legs…………..although some of the hairs were popping out. The good news is, they didn’t have HD TV back then………….just sayin’……………
WOW! Kaarina! This is so cool to learn about you. I love watching rhythmic gymnastics!
Thanks Jenn:) It’s been quite a few years since my RG days, but they bring back amazing memories:) Cheers! Kaarina
Great to learn more about Kaarina. What an interesting background and life! One thing about Kaarina that I’ve noticed over these past months is she is one of the few bloggers whose energy really comes through in her writing. It is very impressive.
Excellent choice for the Mompreneur spotlight, Jayme! Congrats Kaarina!
Thanks Adam: your comment about my energy…well…it energizes me! Thanks so much. Cheers! Kaarina
Wow ! This is impressive. (Had to post on Facebook) So glad I was introduced to Kaarina. Super cool lady with all kinds of skills !
And yes, your energy inspires me too ! Thank you.
Thanks, Al, for stopping in here to help me recognize Kaarina! Great to see you!
Loved knowing more about the Olympic chic! I have never been near to Olympics..never happened near to where I live 🙁
Kaarina, you are so cool! Congratulations for such an amazing accomplishment… really…you should do a video on gymnastics.. 🙂
Hajra, I thought it was Ramadan and you were not supposed to be online? Thanks for coming over!
Wow! What an amazing woman! Thank you so much for sharing her story, Soulati! Kaarina sent me over here and it’s great to meet you, by the way. =)
What I love about Kaarina’s story isn’t just the excitement of the Olympics and the achievements, but also how she treasures her family and her transition to business. It just goes to show that many skills are transferrable to drastically different fields. We just need to have our eyes wide open and keep our heart wide open to let life show us the way. =)
Thanks, Samantha, for dropping by, and for your very kind words. I know you’ll love Jayme’s blog here, and her community. Here’s to open eyes and open hearts. Cheers! Kaarina
I have a great time reading this blog! I love Olympics. Thanks for sharing!
And, it’s great having you visit, too! Thank you very much…enjoy your weekend!
Your post is an inspiration for the people and they will feel great after reading it.. I am glad I visited here and come to know about it.. I enjoyed being on your post..
As this is my first re-publish of an old post, I see the comments have resurrected. All the better. Thanks Kaarina Dillabough for playing!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I’m not sure of the proper protocol or etiquette here…do I respond to comments from the original post, or not? I’ve replied to all of the new comments, but if I should go back to revisit original comments, just let me know Jayme:) Cheers! Kaarina
@KDillabough I’m thinking it’s OK not to comment on the old posts? Not sure they would get the comments, or not! But, have at it??
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Just wanted to check with you. I’ll just let them be, and thanks again for posting this. It brings back such fond memories:)
Kaarina should shout out this stuff all the time, but I think she’s way too modest 😉
Amazing! I’ve now learned even more about a very impressive woman. I would love to see Kaarina’s color commentary while watching The Games.
I prefer to watch the Olympics on CBC vs. NBC too … 🙂 This is something the Canucks do better, don’t you think?
@Craig McBreen So glad we have a post so timely. Now, if Kaarina would stop hobknobbing with all the Canadians in Toronto at Danny Brown’s event, ahem, she’d be by here already!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Craig McBreen I’m here, I’m here:) Better late than never?
@Craig McBreen Thanks Craig:) I believe I’ve shared the story of how it came about that I actually DO share my story. IRL, my friends would say, “tell me your story’. But online, people said, “I want to hear your story.” It’s only after the latter that I actually started talking about it. And today, at SocialMix in Toronto, I actually did share this story, and people said I must transfer my Olympic videos (yes they’re on VHS, eegads) to digital, so I can share online.It’s been such a pleasure to share, and not something I would have done without my online friends, including this WonderWoman here…yes, I’m talking about you @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing 🙂 Cheers! Kaarina
So glad you re-posted this. Sorry to say the original post was, shall we say before I discovered your blog. Those were dark, dark days. Seriously, I really enjoyed the read.
@PaulRobertsPAR Pretty amazing I still like this post after a year; the person featured sure as heck helps, but one never knows what you’re going to get after a year goes by with writing! Thanks, Paul.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Smiling from ear to ear:)
@PaulRobertsPAR Great to meet your here Paul, and I’m delighted that you enjoyed the story:) Cheers! Kaarina
They wouldn’t let me back on this year; even with the pink tutu……..go figure, huh?
@bdorman264 Did someone not tell you that pink is out this year? Did you not get the memo? 😉
Jayme, I am so, so glad kdillabough is in my life. She’s such a great influence on me.
Reading the story here about how she had to commentate LIVE and BLIND on Lori Fung’s rhythmic gymnastics performance, using just her knowledge of Lori’s routine from memory while the producer told Kaarina where Lori was on the floor, gave me goosebumps! My adrenaline was pumping just imagining being in Kaarina’s seat. I can only hope I would’ve been able to be so calm and professional under that kind of pressure.
The fact that she was able to pull that off, and without a hitch, is just further testimony to the many gifts Kaarina brings to the table. I’m crazy about her.
@New England Multimedia And I’m crazy about you:) I was just sharing this story at SocialMix today in Toronto, among a few online friends that I met IRL for the first time, and for the few times that I’ve actually shared it, it never loses its lustre. Thanks so much for your comment, and for the ongoing support you give to me. I’m honoured and grateful. Cheers! Kaarina
Kaarina, you’re a brilliant woman! Your words and conversations have moved me since the first time we met… Thank you so much for being you!
This is an awesome write up @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing : )
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Thanks so much Mark: it’s wonderful to know that, across the miles, and without ever having met in person, we’ve become such good friends:) Thanks so much for those very kind words. Cheers! Kaarina
@Mark_Harai You’re such a charmer. But, yes!
Wow! What an amazing story! So lovely to learn more about you, Kaarina!
BTW – perhaps I shouldn’t admit this, but my sisters and I used to pretend that we were Olympic gymnasts when we were little. I’m pretty sure we danced around the house with ribbons to mimic the rhythmic gymnasts! So neat to know someone who had such a major influence on that sport!
@lauraclick But what a great role model you didn’t know you had!
@lauraclick That’s a GREAT thing to admit Laura:) I can picture it now. And thanks: I’ll always treasure the involvement I had in the sport. Cheers! Kaarina
How cool is that? And I finally got to meet our very own Olympian in person last week. It’s such a great thing to be part of someone’s life even just a little that has such a great story. Inspiring to say the least. It was great to finally meet you @KDillabough
@rdopping And great to meet you too Ralph!
@rdopping @KDillabough I love you guys met; it’s what we all did at Social Slam and this year there were so many more peeps we knew from the ‘sphere. It’s sooo cool.
Ralph, I’m certain when you and I have the pleasure of meeting IRL, we would be fast friends.