Let’s get one thing straight; real straight. I have avoided anything oriented to politics this election season; you have not seen a blog post about political leanings or who’s getting my vote. I’m not brave enough, but one of my friends is. If anyone so much as disrespects her for her views on this blog, I’m gonna come find you.
Jenn Whinnem and I go way back to about 2009 when we met on Twitter and I got to meet her IRL twice. She informed this community in a guest post here that she has cystic fibrosis, a chronic and fatal disease for which there is no cure. To live beyond mid-life, she likely will require a lung transplant. What that also means is her medical care on a daily basis is exorbitant.
Listen to her story here, and in the spirit that is this community, I beg for your respect for one American’s perspective. It may not be yours, but it’s hers, and whether or not I share her view is my business.
I will always be a member of the Jenn Whinnem fan club. She’s an amazing writer, a strong supporter of anyone on the Interwebz, and she has enough quirkiness to make me shake my head in amazement and say, “Atta girl!” She speaks her mind, has strong opinions, and is very good at what she does. I consider this house her blog when she wants a forum, as she has no blog of her own.
If you have something positive to share, please do so in the spirit of ‘raderie and support. If you feel like bashing, please go elsewhere…thank you, kindly.
Here’s Jenn…
Someone very dear to me and my family has CF and we have lived through her struggles with her. Of course, my heart goes out to all who suffer from chronic diseases and, yes, we need to provide for them. Unfortunately, Obamacare is not the answer. Indeed, it is the opposite of the answer that we need. In a very short time we are going to see the healthcare we all need growing less and less available under this program regardless of who pays for it. You see, the problem is that Obamacare went beyond the issues and created new ones. We need to repeal it quickly before the damage is done. However, we need to work just as quickly on an answer to the real issues of affordability of healthcare, not a better answer than Obamacare, but a real answer. BTW, I have used the designation “Obamacare” as a form of shorthand so that I wouldn’t have to type “Affordable Healthcare Act” repeatedly, and I know it really isn’t “Obamacare”. He didn’t craft the bill. Indeed, he resisted it, refused to support it until it had passed Congress. Thus, I cannot see why its existence should serve as an excuse to vote for his reelection. God bless you, Jenn. I hope you live long enough to realize your dreams. I hope I live long enough to see Obamacare repealed, quickly, and a real solution in place.
@JackDurish Thank you for your kind words. Your friend is lucky to have you.
Many people oppose the ACA. But I haven’t heard a suggestion as to what would work better. What would a “real answer” look like?
@JackDurish Thanks, Jack.
Jayme, you are too kind. You are a true friend. I’m so glad we met. And you are very brave to have posted this here, because you are opening yourself up to, well, a lot. I can tell you the conversations I’ve been having are interesting, to say the least of the least.
@jennwhinnem You are always more than welcome, Jenn.
Jenn, as a Canadian I sit here is the safe haven of my country with its robust healthcare system and feel heartbroken for the many American friends I have made. Some are well to do and can afford to take care of themselves but I am sure many are not. As a Canadian I have never had to be concerned about health. Ever. I know that I can get the treatment I need when I need it.
As I get older it concerns me more and more that America is in the position it is in with it’s health care system. I have very little knowledge of the inner workings of how it works but from what I can see there are significant challenges. It is unfortunate. I support Obama for one of the reasons you indicated in your video which is he appears to be concerned for the people of the country. Whether he can continue to make the necessary changes that will swing the pendulum away from tax dollars being used to support the military (for example) and toward the direct concerns of the people of the country like the healthcare system (for example) will be interesting to see.
Sure, I took a stand here and I may get lambasted but I don’t care. It’s painful to watch good people who help themselves continue to suffer. Canada is not perfect by a long stretch and we have our policy issues but it seems to prioritize tax dollars to support the social system.
Yep, Jayme is brave but let’s not forget you. You are very brave for taking a stand and sharing your story. For that, I support you!
@rdopping Hi Ralph – thank you for your support. And yes, I agree with you, so I don’t have much else to say. Other than, for those who oppose the ACA, what do you offer as a viable alternative?
@rdopping Thank you, Ralph.
Who’s cutting these blasted onions in my office again?
My husband has been on a dual liver/kidney transplant list for over 10 years. He is kept alive through state-funded insurance after his boss fired him the day before he started dialysis. His treatments, hospital and doctor visits must come close if not surpass $1 mill, not to mention the cost of the transplant and lifelong meds needed afterwards.
We have 9 children. All of them want their dad to be comfortable and healthy. Me, too.
But here’s where I diverge from most people.
If all treatments were to stop tomorrow his days would be numbered. That’s the way that it is. We’d say goodbye and start the next day without him.
I believe that we feel too entitled to health and long life and spend way too much time worrying about the stuff that doesn’t really matter. A president and his health care plan, or lack thereof, cannot ever give me what I already have in my heart and in my relationships no matter how long they last.
I will vote my conscience in November. I refuse to get caught up in the emotional hype and misguided anger that parents watching the race will pass down to their kids.
They are both phenomenal men who are wonderful fathers and husbands. But they are not the father of my children or my husband. Whatever the outcome I’ll be fine and won’t complain.
‘Cause life is better lived loving, and being grateful for the minutes, hours, days and years that we have been given…
@BetsyKCross Wow. Thanks for sharing your story, Betsy. My prayers for you and your family. Your family is lucky to have you.
@BetsyKCross Betsy, however do you manage with 9 children? I bet each helps the others and you help them all as the family matriarch. Great response. Thanks for coming over.
Hey, Jenn, you forgot option 4… become a Canadian. No, I’m not joking. Those Canadians are pleasant, friendly, have cool accents and don’t think twice about walking into a doctors office.
Above and beyond that, stay healthy, we always need good people like you in America. Thanks for that message and thanks for your vote for Obama.
If Mitt wins… Canada will have two more residents, aye?
@MiddyMatthews you crack me up! It would have to be at least 4 – my stepson & his mother would have to join us.
@jennwhinnem @MiddyMatthews Well Jenn, you count like an American, we’ll have to work on that (don’t worry, it’s included in the Canadian National Anthum class I have enrolled you in, please look for your schedule in the mail). Here’s the count thus far. Me and my daughter (the two I originally mentioned, I was not proposing to you) and your family of three. That makes 5 unless the Soulati Duo plan to join.
Either way, stay safe and if everything goes south… meet me at the border.
@MiddyMatthews ha ha ha! me + husband + stepson + ex = 4, and I didn’t even count my cat, she is going to be furious with me.
@jennwhinnem Well Jenn, Okay I will rent a white van for border crossing. If you keep adding people, I’m divorcing you. All ex, step, half, once removed stuff makes my head spin. It’s the main reason I never married, I can’t sort that stuff out. I think we should all just act like we’re partially related, unless you don’t like someone or have those “special” feelings for someone.
I must get back to work before my “trickling stream philosophy” turns my brain to mush.
@MiddyMatthews Hey Middy! Got your note and will reply; just won my tennis match, so getting back to the desk and playing catch up. Great having you comment. Thanks!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Hey Soulati… as you can see I’m running around like mad. Get to me when you can.
Great to win, eh? (how’s my Canadian?)
Hi Jenn and Jayme
Living in the UK, we have the National Health Service (NHS), and I forget sometimes that other countries don’t have a similar publicly-funded healthcare system. We shouldn’t take it for granted. It’s not perfect but it gives me free medical care, prescriptions and dental care for the most post.
I haven’t really been following the US presidential election too closely to be honest but I hope whoever gets into the White House can sort out healthcare for the future.
@timbo1973 Thanks Tim. I’m with you on that. The health care delivery system & payment REALLY need overhaul.
@timbo1973 Thanks for comments, Tim…so interesting how other countries work.
Bravo for having the courage to share!!! I joined you and voted early for Obama last week! I believe that he wants good things for all Americans.
In going with the healthcare theme, and to help others who want real world examples on how a candidate is helping you, I have something to share. We redid our health plan 3 months or so ago to get the benefits of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACCA). We are self employed and pay our own premiums. While we still pay the same monthly premiums to the same exact provoider, have the same deductibles, but our coverage has greatly increased. Take 2 years ago, my oldest required a physical with immuzations to enter 6th grade (and has I mentioned here we got her the Gardasil vaccine). Our out of pocket for her physical was $750+. This year our son entered 6th graded and needed the same (minus Gardasil, due to his age) and our out of pocket was, wait for it….ZERO! Plus our oldest needed a sports physical that last year cost us $124, this year ZERO! So, we have the same insurance company, pay the same premium, have the same deductible but saved already $1000 in out of pocket expenses. Money that we could either save, put back into the economy, etc. Plus, it helps keep our children healthy. Many others out there who may be paying the same premiums as we do, and havent switched over to ACCA yet might not be able to afford those school required physicals and vaccines, thus putting other children at risk! So for our family, health care in this election is huge! Also, our youngest daughter now has a pre-existing seizure condition, that she cant be denied coverage for! How can Americans not want this, especially for children!
Go vote now!
And Jenn, you are a true hero!
@sydcon_mktg Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry to hear about your daughter, and one thing I learned from having a childhood illness is that parents play the biggest role in how healthy sick kids are when they reach adulthood. I’m glad your daughter has you to advocate and care for her.
Do you know how the ACA affected your family’s coverage? I know the pre-existing clause has been eliminated, but my understanding is that the Essential Benefits Package was still being determined.
@jennwhinnem Thank you for your concern for my daughter. She has Absence Seizures, which she will outgrow w/o any lasting effects. But it is still classified as seizures, therefore, a pre-existing condition going forward.
As far as ACA benefits. Some are still being ironed out, we get letters regularly that a new benefit is now available. Some that we now have are: routine physicals, immunizations for children, womens preventative (ie pap tests, mammograms) just to name a few. All of those are a little to no cost out of pocket to us. Before, we had to reach our deductibles to have things covered (and we have a high deductible) so this has drastically reduced our out of pocket expense. All we had to do was reapply (per state laws) to switch the plan to the ACA. We still have the same plan, same deductible and shockingly it was the same premium – just lots more covered items.
@sydcon_mktg Thanks for coming over; what a story!
Wow Jayme, you’re a true friend supporting Jenn in her time of need.
Jenn, my heart goes out to you as you deal with this horrible disease. I don’t wish this on anyone and I hate that you are so very young and have so much to live for.
While I can appreciate your views I also refuse to speak about politics or religion anywhere on or off the internet. They only cause riffs between family and friends who are so passionate and adamant about their own views. I definitely am voting in this election with what I believe is the best for us all although I think we’re going to need much more to get our country back to a good place.
I appreciate so much what Betsy shared because my Dad had cancer my entire life so I do believe that we all need to think about what’s really important. I’m not downgrading your health at all and I’m sure you appreciate the love, support and kindness of all your friends and family members.
I wish you well and hope that you continue to receive the best care and that all your needs are met.
@AdrienneSmith Smart woman. Avoiding politics at all costs is something more should do because there are too many hard feelings this year more than most. Thanks for your lovely comments.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @AdrienneSmith Actually, I’ve been thinking about this more today, and I would like to respectfully disagree with one thing.
Information and the sharing of that information is critical to the democratic process. Talking with others about their political views can expand our awareness of our fellow human beings and help us make informed decisions. It prompts us to check our “facts.” I think that’s healthy.
That said, I do choose to avoid political conversations that contain words like “rethuglicans” or “liebrals.” That’s just juvenile. So, like you both, I do limit that conversation. For the most part, I do avoid talking about my personal politics at work. In my current line of work, however, we pay a lot of attention to public policy. So politics is somewhat a part of my job.
What made me brave enough to make this video was a leadership program I participated in that’s focused on health justice. We learned that to be effective leaders, we had to be willing to share personal stories. So, I did it. I put myself out there in the name of health justice. And I did it without flinging mud, telling lies, or calling anyone names.
In sum, I respect anyone’s right to participate in conversations as they find healthy and valuable for them. I wanted to offer my perspective on why you might consider trying it – and offer the caveat that of course, you should take what you like and leave the rest.
@AdrienneSmith Thanks Adrienne.