On so many blogs I see the definition of public relations is confusing to folks, especially since the advent of social media. Im not surprised; Ive spent the last 26 years educating people about what I do and expect to spend the next 26 years doing the same.
What I can share is my passion:
- Im the most fortunate woman to have landed in a profession (quite by chance rather than choosing) that is always evolving and allows me to learn so little about so much.
- I dabble in all industries and all shapes and structures of companies and organizations.
- The explosion of new channels to communicate allows public relations to assess metrics, monitor the conversation, measure, and adjust strategy to engage tiered audiences.
- Limitless opportunities exist to influence business goals with strategic and creative marketing public relations strategy.
- My passion for public relations is palpable; every day, week, month, year are different and energy-filled no sameness, no boredom, just a never-ending quest for higher learning.
Thats my somewhat description; let me share an authors opinions who wrote a book on public relations in 2000. is author of . In his book, he references Thomas L. Harris, author of , who brought us the term marketing public relations, which I love and am now using to show the blending of marketing with public relations.
- Chapter one, line one in Mr. Saffirs book states In the corporation of the 21st century, public relations will rank higher than advertising. Line two states CEOs of major companies will come out of the public relations field. (I love these powerful book-opening statements!)
- I wrote in a recent blog post . If thats so, which I firmly believe, then what drives public relations? Mr. Saffir says Creativity and ingenuity drive public relations.
- More insights from Mr. Saffir include:
- Public relations has grown into a full-fledged discipline with the power and reliability to influence perception.
- The primary goal of public relations may be to shape the broader context within which publics in general or specific target publics form opinions and make decisions.
- While marketing identifies customer needs and satisfies them at a profit, public relations produces goodwill among various publics whose goodwill is important to the organization.
- Heres a comment that might raise a few hairs Public relations is a discipline and marketing is a task to be accomplished by various disciplines in the corporation sales, sales promotion, merchandising, marketing research, advertising and public relations. (Interesting! Do you agree?)
Whats your definition of public relations? On the flip, perhaps its not necessary to clarify; mysticism is good!
When I think of Public Relations I think of “identity”, and the importance of same ( both ) particularly on the World Wild Web.
If I may, Fernando Flores ( https://bit.ly/95SpwH ) has some foundational perspectives on the concepts of speaking, listening and identity building, that your readership might find interesting.
David Bookout
Wonderful suggestion, David! Public relations was born a century ago and has evolved rapidly to incorporate, integrate and blend with its sister disciplines. When you say “identity,” I think of brand identity. As a public relations practitioner, I’d say “positioning.”
Perhaps a little mysticism, eh?
Thanks, Jayme, mysticism relative to the process 😉 !?
I think the difficulty in using these words, particularly the “B” word, is that like PR “Brand” is also widely mis-understood.
There is an internal ( what I think ), and external ( what others think ) perspective that MUST be accounted for:
If nobody knows I ( individual / company / product / service ) exist, then that entity doesn’t have a brand and they don’t have an identity.
When I think of “Positioning” I think of the graphic / linguistic / implementation strategy that needs to be employed to move effectively through the identity / brand building chain:
Awareness / Interest / Trial Sale / Repeat Transaction
Then, as an entity moves through this continuum with each constituent there must be mindful, proactive management to avoid the external views and thinking from becoming an unwanted perspective.
David Bookout
Your level of thought, thinking, strategy is refreshing. Love this insight; I tracked with you each step.
Brand is definitely misunderstood; however, a simplified way is what you suggested — the internal is oriented to marketing; the external to public relations. When they blend, it’s integrated…in a perfect world.
Thank you!
Thank YOU, flattery will get you everywhere 😉 !!
However, I don’t quite agree with this last part. What I meant, and what I think is needed, is for the disciplines; Marketing, Brand, Public Relations… to align strategically with an internal interpretation of the strategy and implementation that is essential to build a brand / identity.
Externally, the challenge is everybody else ( all constituents ) in the world as they sit on the other side of the continuum, and quite probably oblivious to our existence.
Please forgive the shameless plug, and perhaps I was a bit clearer on the phenomenon in my “Meet the new sales person, Marketing…” here ( https://bit.ly/3nhLh )
Sincerely with the best regards,
David Bookout
I’m thinking on this. You have a futuristic approach to all things as a business leader; this I’m instinctively getting reading your 2008 post and noodling on these comments here. The challenge, IMHO, is to get everyone re-aligned so the disciplines further collaborate and play nice.
When I’m brought in early alongside marketing, I can offer richer strategy from an internal perspective that segues external. But, at the end of the day, my effectuation of change is more to external audiences with a checks/balances internal.
Hi Jayme,
While I appreciate the acknowledgements, I’m afraid I may have taken things off course relative to your request to define.
For fun I decided to see what WikiPedia had to say in regard to a definition of Public Relations => ( https://bit.ly/9LzoS6 ). Particularly interesting was this quote “…Public relations and publicity are not synonymous,…” in the “Methods, tools and tactics” section.
In closing, I would offer that the big driver to change is a leadership education issue, and who better to take that on than a PR professional such as yourself.
David Bookout
In spite of the “off course” comment, David, you provide intense food for thought, and it’s appreciated. Hope you stop by tomorrow to lend to the discussion. The post is to be on ownership, and I know you’ll have a keen remark or two!