OK, don’t shoot me for mixing up a Twitter tradition with Facebook. We on Twitter typically use the #FollowFriday to send a shout out to specials in our stream. To be honest, my head is loaded with too much to hone in on a blog topic for today, so I took a cruise through Facebook (where I’ve had messages since December) to troll some small-business Facebook pages.
These are the ones I recommend for a “Follow Friday:”
- New England Multimedia — Michelle Quillin begins each day with a question d’jour, and it varies topically and is always interesting. I believe she’s killing several birds by engaging her members, earning likes, and finding blog fodder for her equally interesting blog. I commend Michelle for how she strives to keep members interested with issues oriented to health insurance, employment issues, social media, video production, and so much more for small businesses and clients.
- Terracom PR is a Facebook page by my colleague Christine Esposito. She engages on all things green. As a public relations practitioner I’ve known since my Publicity Club of Chicago days, Christine impresses me with her expertise in sustainable marketing. Her posts are nothing but high-end expertise on a range of environmental, ecosystem, and other green topics, and she highlights them with informed statistics to back up her musings.
- The Eye Site is a Singapore (what else?) spectacle retailer. This page does a great job of mixing it up so the posts are not too salesy yet engaging with customers. It’s worth joining to see how Desiree Koh seems to mesh food with eye glass retailing, and it works! The pages are deep with videos and 29 (!) photo albums available, too.
- The Meatloaf Bakery in Chicago produces authentic, creative meatloaf meals as a cupcake. This FB page shows this small business has the right frontline team doing its national media relations, social media, and location-based marketing. The posts are a healthy mix of what’s on the weekly menu; hits in national, regional and local media; as well as Groupon promotions. I’m impressed with how this page has come alive; now I need to get there and sample the goodies for real! Congrats, Cynthia!
- GJEL Accident Attorneys is a page for which I influence content every now and again (it is my client in the name of full disclosure). Why I deemed it an important addition to this list is due to its resourceful and educational content. This small law firm in northern California orients its Facebook content to safety issues pertaining to all ages of motorist (see the section devoted to parents), teen drivers, vehicle safety and a breadth of other information including links to the firm’s blog posts. As law firm sites go, this one is worth considering because its content is fully educational with downloads everyone can benefit from i.e. its On-The-Scene Accident Checklist.
Those are my picks; can you add any of your favorites we should check out?
Jayme, thank-you so much for including me in this awesome list of Facebook Pages you recommend! I’m at once humbled, honored, and now kicking myself for not having built that doggone landing page.
A week ago I started being very thoughtful about what I post and why, strategically thinking about interesting the people I want to alert to New England Multimedia’s servicec: WordPress sites & redesigns, websites, video production & editing, & on-hold marketing. It’s made social media a lot more fun, having a sharpened focus.
I checked out the Pages you’ve recommended here! The Mealoaf Bakery: what an incredible idea! I took a closer look through the photos, and loved the flavor combinations! Did you see the spaghetti “frosting” in the meatloaf tarts?
The Eye Site: this style is my favorite — https://on.fb.me/eePcmZ . Now if only I could pull it off…
Terracom PR: I’m a new fan. Always looking to cut back on energy consumption, even to just save money so I can spend it in more fun & meaningful ways.
GJEL Accident Attorneys: Now THAT’s the kind of Facebook Landing Page I keep promising myself to build for New England Multimedia. Nice work!
Thanks for pointing these folks out, Jayme!
You are so welcome, Michelle! And, thank you for taking time to comment here about your thoughts, too. Appreciate it!