What is a message map?
In Jayme Soulati’s (that’s me) new e-book, Message Mapping: How to Sizzle External Communication with a #RockHot Tool for Leaders, I explain the concept of message mapping and why any company small, solo, mid-sized, or large needs this tool.
The e-book, available only at https://MessageMapping.co, also provides a step-by-step example of a message mapping exercise for a fictitious company. Readers are walked through the exercise to create messages that form the foundation of external communication.
Message maps are born in the media relations field within the profession of public relations. I have been doing message maps for 20 years for a broad brush of companies in all shapes and sizes with expertise from Chicago’s agencies.
Those people who work in the crisis communications field also use message maps to ensure that spokespeople are on message and less apt to stray from the approved messaging platform.
In this era of social media, companies may be in the spotlight of journalists less. This doesn’t mean preparation is not required or necessary; to the contrary. Spokespeople need to be ultra prepared today to ensure they can answer questions from many different channels. Having a message map is the first step in ensuring that comfort.
My book teaches marketers, public relations executives, business owners, and more how to work with a facilitator, the steps in the process, how messages are developed, and finally the step-by-step process to making a message map come alive.
Buy my e-book now, right here.
It’s a tool every company needs for copywriting, social media, media relations, website development, internal communications, and more.
Big Thanks
A team was instrumental in bringing this book to market. Without the help and expertise of Scott Quillin of New England Multimedia; Glen Moyes of Glen Moyes Design; and, Jenn Whinnem, this book would still be a seedling. My heartfelt thanks.
Two Books
Within six months, I have authored two books.
The first, “Writing with Verve on the Blogging Journey,” available as an e-book or softcover via Amazon or Greyden Press, is a three-year collection of blog posts about blogging. It was a book that needed to be published first, and it showed the steps through the world of self-publishing.
Message Mapping: How to Sizzle External Communications with a #RockHot Tool for Leaders, is not available via Amazon or a publisher’s store. It is only available on https://MessageMapping.co in an e-commerce setting.
Once I understand more about this journey in the online world of e-commerce, I will have more learnings to share with you. For today, I’m so happy to launch my second book in 2013, and I’m hopeful it will be a hit for the business world.
Jayme, I love the work you do, and having had the opportunity to work through a client campaign with you, it’s very clear that you sharp as a tack, and this info can help business owners tremendously with their perception in the marketplace.
Congrats to your work – your one of the hardest working professionals on the social web, and your payoff is right around the corner.
Solid hard work pays dividends!
Mark_Harai Thanks, Mark! I so appreciate all of your support and encouragement always. What no one understands is that these projects are always part of a larger circle of friends, and that means you.
Congratulations, Jayme!
Congratulations Jayme! Thank you for sharing this great news of what you have accomplished! You are an inspiration… ~Rae
Dr_Rae Thanks, Rae! All of this stuff is learned on the fly…it’s rewarding when it works and painful when it doesn’t!
jennwhinnem Appreciate you; thanks!
Indeed!!! Your bravery, fortitude, and tenaciousness is awesome, and impressive 🙂
Good for you Jayme! Looks like one more thing I need to add to my reading list. I look forward to reading future posts about what you are learning from this process. Congratulations.
Congratulations, Jayme — I’ll check it out!
RobBiesenbach Hi, Rob! Thanks so much…
digitaljgo There’s so much happening around how this book came to be and where it’s going to lead me. And, I don’t have the answers! Will share when I do, though!
Does every company need such a map? Even if there are only two employees?
<a href=”https://managementnetworks.com/blog/en/management-styles/”
title=”management-styles “>Sidney</a>
SidneyElton Hi, Sidney! Thanks so much for coming by. I encourage you to understand this process, and I help you and guide you through it in the book. Even if you’re only 2 people, your messages need to be solid. It really doesn’t matter the size of your company/business because you have to market to bring people in.
Without a solid messaging strategy or agreement on what you should say to market services or share stories about your company, you don’t have a uniform delivery for your external audiences.
It’s highly likely you can do this process yourself as a team. In the book, I provide an example of a message mapping process for a fictitious company. Let me know your thoughts again if you do pick up the book. Thanks for asking!
Soulati | Hybrid PR
Thank you for your quick answer.
I think I’ll read the book soon!
SidneyElton Soulati | Hybrid PR And, I would welcome your feedback! The beauty of an ebook is that I can update it whenever I need to. Getting true experiences from those reading and using would be valuable. I’m here if you need me, Sidney!