I’m pointing a finger at , the CEO of Feedblitz, with whom I’ve become so very acquainted over these last 10 days since I decided to .
I wrote a blog post on my experience (link above), and Phil alongside my good friends and . No one would argue these two are short of A-listers (because all the A-listers fully deny they’re anything at all related to such a moniker).
What Phil said in his case study about my blog is that I am a “little known blogger.” (He said after that he should have said, “little known to him.”) No worries, Phil! I happen to know that my blog post about Feedblitz has influenced no less than six migrations to your Feedblitz service and about four (that I’m aware of).
Now, mind you, I was not influenced by Danny Brown’s post to migrate to Feedblitz. I had seen it, but the email marketing campaign Feedblitz sent to me worked.
And, I do agree with you, Phil…in some regard…I’m a little blogger, but not little-known, at least in social media circles.
Not So Good Little Blogger Facts
- This blog has few to no subscribers. Subscribers are NOT one of my metrics for blogging success. (Well, OK, that’s really lame; I ‘m gonna work on that!)
- There is no newsletter. Not for lack of interest; it’s for lack of time.
- The RSS feed I had was really just for my daily blog post, and I never knew how to use it. (Now, Feedblitz can share all my content from two blogs, comments elsewhere, tweets, Facebook posts, and more.)
Awesome Little Blogger Facts
- #RockHot community with comments that are so in-depth and insightful they can become blog posts on their own.
- Readers who lurk, like and tweet about what they see.
- Positive commentary everywhere that shows my content sings (based on what people tell me).
- Passion about topics, profession, teachings, sharing, engaging, and so much more.
- More than 2.5 years blogging and a year blogging on another blog.
- Contribution to the future of blogging that no one can deny.
- Consistent growth with tweaks and tech that help nurture newbie bloggers (because there is always someone newer).
- Mentorship of little bloggers and encouragement to stay the course.
So, Phil, and everyone else who regards subscribers as the best metric (especially when you make money off subscribers, I get that), it’s not always about the analytics. Although, would call me stupid for not putting that on top of the heap.
- Bloggers have goals.
- Stick to yours.
- Publish genuine, authoritative and authentic content consistently.
One day we all will be that not-A-Lister blogger who got a start somewhere.
You know, I woke up one day and everybody was writing a “I switched to FeedBlitz” post. Was there a memo? Yours was the first I read, and I have no doubt it was the catalyst that started it all! 🙂
Numbers are important. Connections are important. But being the blogger that fits your own goals is most important of all. Provide value (as you consistently do) — all else follows from there.
@Adam | Customer Experience That’s so funny; I think you’re right, Adam! And, stay tuned for tomorrow…you may be a winner! Gonna try something I’ve never done before…kinda gonna be cool to see how it goes.
And, P.S. I relaunched The SMB Collective today. I’m thinking your posts at Customers That Stick can all be repurposed there and you can have a spoke for your hub. Want to help me reinvigorate that blog founded by @neicolec @jonbuscall @nemultimedia @jennwhinnem and me?
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @neicolec @jonbuscall @nemultimedia @jennwhinnem It’s tomorrow… did I win? 🙂 Thanks for the heads up on the SMB Collective. I’m not familiar with it (other than the name), but with that list of founders, I’m sure it’s rocking. I’ll check it out!
@Adam | Customer Experience @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @neicolec @jonbuscall @jennwhinnem I’m sure with my honourary Florida status, I’m the frontrunner;)
@KDillabough @Adam | Customer Experience @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @neicolec @jonbuscall Adam you’re a natural fit!
@Adam | Customer Experience @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Adam, it’s that vulcan mind meld happening. All of a sudden a topic that you’ve been thinking about, or one you had no clue about explodes all over the blogosphere. Jayme, yours and Jason’s were the first posts I read about feedburner/feedblitz. Still clueless. Checking into the implications for my site. Now about that #TeamBlogJack….Cheers! Kaarina
@KDillabough @Adam | Customer Experience It’s like the bucket list; that post went viral and morphed into all kinds of things. I still can’t believe how that happened.
Stay tuned in for tomorrow’s blog; gonna try something a tad different here and there’s gonna be a winner…yikes.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Adam | Customer Experience OK, I’m applying early for the “winner” title, and if it involved blogjacking, you know I’m all over it!
@KDillabough @Adam | Customer Experience Ok, so my like feature isn’t working…LIKE!
@KDillabough @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I regret to inform you Mrs. Dillabough that the contest is only valid for Florida residents.
@Adam | Customer Experience @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing But Bill said I was already an honourary Floridian:)
Great encouragement for all the Little Bloggers out there, Jayme! And thank-you for writing about FeedBlitz, since so many of us in YOUR community know you’re always willing to be jump in, give something a whirl, and share your findings with those of us who stand on the shore for a while. We love you for that!
@New England Multimedia Really? That’s so funny to me b/c I do that with Gini Dietrich — watch her do the sleuthing for all things new and then do my post with a special twist. Hmmm, what’s that say?
The echo chamber should be rephrased to…what…help me figure that out…like mentoring or teaching or tutor…Got Blogger Mentor…or something…wonder if there can be a badge — Blog Trainer; Ask Me.
THINKING!! Always dangerous, and thanks, Friend!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Gini Dietrich I never try anything new until I see someone else did it first, and didn’t suffer any serious repercussions. I’d make a lousy firefighter. “Here — I’ll just hang back here and hold the hose.” Haha!
For the echo chamber, I’m picturing lemmings headed for a cliff, and no one knows what’s below. I’m keeping an eye on you from 6 or 7 spaces back, watching you go over and then listening for your voice to see if you found the landing to be pretty safe! Blog Lemmings! What a great logo that would be, too.
@New England Multimedia Gini Dietrich BLOG LEMMINGS!! Follow the leader with blindfolds?? LOL!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @New England Multimedia Ha! And I’ve been so busy with this book tour that I haven’t migrated us over yet. I guess that can now be a job for one Ms. belllindsay
@ginidietrich @New England Multimedia belllindsay WHAT??? I beat Spin Sucks to something??? Now, this here’s a red letter day!! That’s a #RockHot if ever there was one!
Bravo! Good for you for stepping up to the plate. Not everyone is willing or inclined to do that. I will be watching to see what happens and I have my web developer checking it out for me in the interim.
Love your enthusiasm. It is contagious!
@rdopping Thanks, Ralph. Have been flying lately and it does help make me giddy about all this kind of tech nightmare crapola!!
You have said a mouthful there, lady!! ROCK ON!! Love this post, and now am going to investigate Feedblitz as well! xox
@belllindsay Can’t wait for tomorrow! Little surprise coming on the blog; stay tuned! Don’t start your migration until you see what’s coming! And, so cool you’re here! Thanks!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I look forward to it!! 😀
It all depends what metrics are important to you. I hit the big time when @belllindsay told me that @ginidietrich needed an 8×10 glossy of me hanging out with Tom Petty for the big Follow Friday they are going to do on me.
Between that and the knowledge that my parents read my blog as do two of my siblings I know I am on my way to social media supremacy.
Now where is the Alien from New York. He hasn’t shown up here so I had to step in and write a wacky comment.
@thejoshuawilner @ginidietrich Pictures on FB or it never happened!!! Swooon – Tom Petty.
@thejoshuawilner @belllindsay @ginidietrich Howie the Alien is never around any more; do you think he’s camping in the forests of Vermont?
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @thejoshuawilner @belllindsay @ginidietrich He’s checking out the Manwich aisle in the grocery store;)
@KDillabough @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @thejoshuawilner @ginidietrich HAHAHAHAHA!!
You started a movement here and I honestly think Mr. Hollows should send you a big Thank You letter 😉 Seriously, your post was the one to at least put this on my list of things to do real soon!
@Craig McBreen Oh, believe you me…Mr. Hollows is going to rue the day he called me little!!! Nothing little about me, eh?
Gonna give you guys a hint for tomorrow — a partner of Feedblitz wants to run a contest with this community. More details coming tomorrow for you guys!
You mean you’re a “little blogger”? What does that make the rest of us here? Microscopic?
I’ve been getting the feedblitz email blitz the last few days. I think they could do a better job telling me why I should care. I’m not a luddite, but I do need a little more basic explanation.
@barrettrossie I’m with you Barrett!
@barrettrossie I told Phil Hollows his library of FAQ, etc. didn’t help me figure out my issues with set up. I’m so green it’s scary, but it doesn’t stop me from clicking buttons and trying to figure it all out.
I’m planning a Q&A with him that should let them know that there are all sizes of bloggers who need RSS feeds; yet most don’t have an earthly clue what RSS really is. It’s been a topic I’ve wanted to cover for awhile.
This seems to be a perfect time — forced attention, and it’s a big drag. But, watch this space for more on this; hope to clear up what I have learned at least.
I think Feedblitz/Phil suffer what I wrote about in my last blog post: His emails practically scream: HEY, YOU NEED US!
Well, maybe. But you need to communicate my need, not try to intimidate me into buying your product. I found their campaign off-putting, and I just unsubscribed from their email.
Once they (or somebody… cough, cough…) puts together a little more customer-friendly communication, I’ll catch up. If I find a need.
Stop in; it’s tomorrow! Contest to win free IT help migrating to Feedblitz all the rage! Headline news!
Still on the fence about this. One thing I don’t like is that it isn’t free, and with the number of subscribers I have via email, I have to make some decisions. I’m gonna look around a bit longer for other solutions and see what works. I’m not experiencing any major issues with Feedburner as of yet, and my folks are getting the posts based on a few spot checks. In fact my traffic is up. Need to do some real research.
@KenMueller You raise a good point re the pricing. For bloggers with many subscribers, this type of publishing might be costly…