Post Update: The contest with .ME loyalty program is now closed; however, I encourage you to head over to and consider a new domain for your purposes. While you’re there, check out that loyalty program with #RockHot bennies.
Domain extensions are getting ultra competitive with a plethora of new ones set to hit the marketspace. If you’re not in the know, last year the list of some 700 new generic TLDs or gTLDs or generic domain extensions were published.
You’ll see .book, .cars, .city, and too many others; yet, there’s one tried and true you ought to pay more attention to. It’s the .ME domain, and if you’ve not registered your personal brand with .ME, you need to run quick and grab it.
About .ME
Here’s the coolest factoid I could find on the extensive .ME website right here, this TLD is the domain extension of The Republic of Montenegro! Who knew?
It’s a very human endeavor, too; they’re running .ME much like a company and a brand, which brings me to the next topic.
The Legalities Of This Post
Right up front, I’m telling you, this is a sponsored post. This is your disclaimer. This is a sponsored post, and I don’t want any guff about not telling you, legal peeps.
Secondly, I’m going to write about one of the most well-attended tradeshows in one of the largest states in the union (Texas) in a city that begins with “A.” I’ve been informed, we are not allowed to use the four-letter acronym (that begins with S followed by a multiplication sign) in blog posts to share company promotions being done in its association.
OK, everyone in sync with me?
The New .ME Loyalty Program
This highly personal branding domain has launched a new loyalty program complete with points, rewards, hosting, gift cards, and more.
On a professional note (this is NOT sponsored), I haven’t ever heard of a domain extension engaging with its users ever, so this is pretty freaking clever marketing. And, in light of the bottoms up in the domain world, it’s also smart to get a jump start.
To honor the folks who use .ME and its new loyalty program, the domain (which has been around five years with 750,000 domain names under management), is awarding a grand prize of some pretty #RockHot swag. Let me list it out for you:
- Accommodations during the interactive period
- A $500 AMEX gift card for travel and entertainment
Deadline for Grand Prize for .ME Loyalty Program Launch
There’s a deadline, so you need to act really fast, OK? Read this post and hit this link right away because there is a grand-prize drawing on Feb. 15, 2014! Gasp, that’s only three days away, but we all know everything moves at warp on the interwebz, right?
Did I neglect to tell you this is a sponsored post? Nope, I did not; it’s right up there in the “Legalities” section.
Thanks, .ME. This is indeed a cool program; something I’ve never seen a domain extension do; in fact, who even knew there was someone who worked at a domain extension?
750,000 domain names? Wow…I’ve known .ME guys for years and I had no idea they had that many domains registered. Very cool.
This is a really cool program, and it’s the first time I’ve ever heard of a host rewarding loyal customers in such a positive way.
I have to agree! Who knew there was a human behind ME?
See what happens when you go hunting Dino?