Anyone wondering where I’ve been? Yeah, me too. This blog is suffering from low-to-no mojo.
What excuses shall I share? Absolutely none; there are worse things in life; thus I shan’t complain. But I can be upset with myself, mope around a bit, hit bottom, and crawl my way back into action. What I can’t do is force the words or ideas because that’s lame and everyone can see right through it.
What I will offer are several posts from others to help remind all of us that blogging is downright time-consuming, requires a steady stream of creative content and as Mark W. Schaefer reminded us this week — highly creative content. When we bloggers get down in the dumps, because I’m telling you, (sh)it happens, here are some wonderful reminders to weigh anchor and sail:
–Here is what Shakirah Dawud sent me by Rhonda Hurwitz, and it is a wonderful post, called Holy Blog Fail, etc., with many recommendations on where to find creativity. Rhonda also reminded me on Twitter yesterday “to spend time on things that make my topline healthy.” (Indeed.)
–Ali Luke (don’t know him/her) wrote How to Nurture Your Creativity; just read it and it’s good basic recommendations.
–On ProBlogger, a guest post from Glen Allsopp of Viper Chill has other insights for bloggers to Re-Ignite to Get Their Steam Back.
–Here’s some nonsense from the Creative Leadership Forum (and Harvard Business Review?) suggesting creatives should embrace failure but do it inexpensively…LOL…because it can be very powerful (yeah, like taking a downer for days).
–And, finally for today, here’s the icing on the cake — to be creative, stop thinking about yourself. Yeah, I think I like that and will heed this counsel over all others.
And this, too, shall pass, right? (Please share your secrets to get out of the dumpster…)
And….she’s back! Girl, you have mojo for days. What you don’t have is the luxury of quitting your paying gig to devote every waking minute to the blog. I think I’ll write a blog post now on the fallacy of that notion…blogging daily while running a business.
As you and I discussed, it takes time (which we don’t always have) and as you mentioned here, talent (which you have in truck loads). I enjoyed hopping onto the links included here and know that took some time. I think we should make a pact right now, when the mojo has left the building, we call an emergency board meeting: you, me, @jennwhinnem:twitter , @ShakirahDawud:disqus , and @3hatscomm:disqus
and set things straight!
The emergency board meeting idea is right on – when I’m feeling especially low, I need to call in friends.
Yes, yes!
You’re wonderful for the psyche, Erica! You’re in the camp solidly — a solo mompreneur blogger. Yikes; that’s a mouthful. Love the board meeting! Do you Skype? When I get my new office soon! Thank you.
Thanks, Jayme! You’re not so bad yourself…you helped jump start my brain yesterday! Much needed. I have only skyped with my parents so that they could see the kiddos, but I could work it out here in the office, I’m sure!
Let’s see, now that Microsoft owns Skype…what changes can we expect?
Love the emergency board meeting idea. You can count me in for that! 🙂
You’re in!
@3hatscomm will flat put some mojo on yo ass………….just sayin’………………….
That 3hats girl…where is she today?
NOT getting the email and Twitter notifications it seem, whatzup wit dat?
Wassup widat? How dem fries………..uh, huh……………..
I can certainly realte to you. I have a cold right now and the last thing I want to do is be creative!! Un-creative times can strike when you least expect it!
What do you do when you feel uncreative, @markwilliamschaefer:disqus ? Share the secret to your success!
Mark, you inspire even when you have a cold! Thanks for stopping in; very much appreciate it and you!
Which is going to happen to any blogger, so you gotta plan for that right? Which is me talking through my hat as I certainly don’t have even half of a half-baked plan; i.e. I blogged for shopping advice today. Think @twitter-54546555:disqus is right, would be helpful to know everyone’s secrets. Hmmm.
🙂 Thanks, Friend.
Yes, Mark and I go way back, Rhonda! Love seeing you here; thanks. And, your blog post took much time to develop with all those wonderful tips.
Fantastic tips, friend. I think a lot of people are going through this right now. I didn’t post at all last week for very similar reasons. In fact, I came back today with a post called “4 Reasons You Should Push the Pause Button on Your Blog.” I might start a riot with that, but let’s face it, sometimes, we all need a break. In fact, I really should added that as #5!
Hang in there and we’ll all be ready for when you get your mojo back! Maybe by then, I’ll have a new avatar! 😉 (cc @allarminda @twitter-54546555:disqus @EricaAllison:disqus )
I constantly struggle with the pressure the blogs provide all by themselves. Thanks for the support! And, this is your secondary job, too! P.S. I did notice your absence, seriously!
You know, Laura, I just saw a post by another tweep of mine today on the same topic of staying motivated. Is there a virus going around? I think I’m starting to get over my own after weeks of no posts.
Shan’t; is that an old school word? Just askin’……….
When I get down and no or low creativity I just start drinking, then I become really funny.
Whadda mean stop thinking about yourself; it’s all about me, right?
Since I am only kicking one post out a week I try to have 2-3 in reserve or if I have a blinding flash of the obvious and I write one down for an immediate publish, I haven’t run into a roadblock yet. My challenge is, the ones I thought were worthy two wks ago can become dated very quickly.
I’m always looking for inspiration so I will check your recommendations out; when all else fails just bang your head against the wall.
Good to see you and sorry I couldn’t be more verbose, but I’m still digging out from that mess yesterday. Thanks for your supports.
I’m later to the replies than all your cronies yesterday, Bill! i think that’s a good thing cuz it slows you down and takes you to the next commentary…I appreciate your head-bangin’ counsel; gonna try that, especially b/c something’s got to work.
The ‘post in reserve’ was one thing I was going to suggest, really Bill. I’ve got a drafts folder @soulati:disqus and will dive into it when I’m stumped. Once in a while I’ll read it, flash to a recent post by someone else and that’s the lightbulb.. update some links and voila, a post.
You know I like to steal your comments and put them into a post b/c they’re so postish. It’s time for sleep; what’s that?
I like this one, Bil,l because you reference in passing that you only post once a week. During my slump, I got so paralyzed by the fact I wouldn’t have a post for the next day that I… well, I paralyzed my whole blog. If I were to have slowed down my schedule instead of taking the “all or nothing” approach, I may have been able to ride it out more gracefully.
Ok, I’ve got wine, just had fries so I’m carbed and cholesteroled and ready to help. Try any of these:
– Schedule schmedule? Rethink your plan. @EricaAllison:disqus is right about the challenges of the daily schedule and we all ain’t Mark or Gini or Danny. Some of us need to work and sleep and shower. Maybe scale back to once a week, then build back up to a manageable level.
– Backup folder. Per what I told Bill, draft a bunch of stuff and have it ready to go with a few tweaks.
– Ed cals. I’ve heard of these things, never used one but they do help if you’re really wanting to blog for certain things, make sure you have a certain mix of SEO posts, thought leadership posts, posts directed at different audiences — I’m trying to figure out what appeals to potential clients as much as industry insiders, when I do.. My first crappy free e-book! 😉
– Just write. Seriously, about anything. Dovetailing interests… if you have a favorite TV show, then are there any marketing or PR lessons there? Fave book, write a short review. I mean, you can turn a WDW vacay into a post, so there are plenty of other options.
– Get on your soapbox. I’ve been on a kick of late, need climb down from mine.. but then I read ‘rah rah automation’ posts and get tempted to wax ranty again. Which is an issue for me as while I have ideas and opinions on SM, there’s less practical experience in the field with clients (work in progress).
– Less is more. Fire off a quick poll and let the comments take you, do a short list post, give out some ‘awards’ or something per @TheSalesLion:twitter
and have a little fun with it.
Understand, I’ve got NADA in the tank right now and am trying and FAILING to cut back on the reading and commenting. It’s a problem b/c I like to write, enjoy all these comments and chats, clearly am in love with the sound of my own typing. Ok, I’ll shut up now. FWIW.
I’m beat up from today, and you’re going strong. Just put together a futon frame and took me 4 hours; wrestled the new cover on the mattress and the zipper is stuck; fixed the thermostat; washing muddy soccer gear for game tomorrow; and I hurt all over — fingers from screwing when I had the tools and had never used them.
All of your ideas are fab; I never want for ideas…there’s a stack of tear sheets all over. I need time to write quality. My best posts are those I write when unpressured by a deadline. Stash in the box? Used to; not any more. Perhaps posting less; I’ve been solid every day between two blogs for awhile. Maybe that’s it; I pressure myself.
All you cool kats; thanks for today. Really. It’s wonderful, especially in light of the topic!