This post is inspired by new commenter in the Soulati-‘TUDE! community, Adam Clarke. Thanks, Adam!
Today marks the first in what’s hoped to be a continuing series for bloggers to share their blogs. My goal is to get 50 bloggers to give a blurb about their blog, its topic(s), and of course some link love. I will visit each of the bloggers who share and try to keep those regular visits happening. If your blog is from a vertical other than social media, marketing or PR, then ALL THE BETTER!
If I already know you and you’re a part of this community now, no matter! We all can be reminded what you’re writing about and try to get introduced to new peeps. If you’re at all like me, my time is limited and I rarely get a chance to visit others as I want and need to. Perhaps this will make it easier (is that selfish?).
So, I’ll begin:
1. Soulati-‘TUDE! was born in March 2010 and it’s all about whatever I want, heh. But, it’s highly geared to public relations, social media, business and marketing. I’ll write the occasional off-topic post because I’m inspired to share a rant or three, but generally that’s what you’ll find here.
2. The SMB Collective was a trial run for a blogging community launched October 2010 with about six core contributors. Its topics are aimed at small business owners and anything is game for the writing. The blog still exists yet is highly dormant due to time constraints and the need for fresh writing. If anyone wants to help me push this blog back to new heights, I’m game and interested! Please…!
Now, it’s your turn…please share…and let’s get to 50 new blogs we all want to know about! Thanks for playing!
What a great idea! I’m always on the hunt for new blogs to read and this is going to be a great resource for these. (I write for two blogs but I don’t want to be greedy 🙂 Anyone who wants to check out my communications / public speaking related blog is welcome to email me or I will additionally share it here with your OK Jayme) – this is my baby blog. We just launched the blog/product in the last few months and it’s been a lot of fun to nurture something like this. It has a wide range of topic from public relations, small business, and some great organizational tips for businesses and personal needs alike. Yes, it’s a company blog, but I try to keep it fun.
Wonderful! Thrilled you think this is good idea, and yes, please do share your second blog! I should’ve said no limit (unless of course someone is writing for 10?). Am very interested in a wide variety here and hope others will come visit. Thanks for being first, Maranda!
Oh, my goodness–50 blogs to visit regularly? Now THAT’s Bootcamp, Jayme! Well, I’m a copywriter and editor, and I like blogging about the usefulness of words and how to use them well in both regular and marketing/sales contexts. I also have a regular compulsion to blog about social media as I see it happening around me, and to offer basic marketing tips to business owners.
My link:
Thanks for the opportunity plug ourselves, Jayme. I’ll be back to add some new stops on my blog beat.
And, this woman is one of my absolute favorite writers, bar none!
Yay! – This is a communications related blog and while yes, we do sometimes talk about different & inventive ways to use our products and services, for the most part, I tend to stay away from that. Instead, I offer up public speaking tips, customer service related topics, and tips on writing effectively. (as a side note, comments are closed on this blog as we work out some spam issues but I’m always available on our Twitter account for thoughts and reactions)
What a wonderful gift you’re giving us here Jayme. Not only do we get to meet awesome peeps, but we get to shine a little light on our own blogs…I call this an early Christmas present extraordinaire!
Although I started blogging just nine months ago, I’ve had my business for 28 years. I’m a business and life coach/strategist, and former Olympic level coach and television sports commentator. I parlayed my skills from the athletic arena to the business world, where I assist people to be the best they can be, in business and in life. I do what I love and love what I do.
My blog can be found at
I hope to meet many new people here, and thanks again Jayme! To quote someone I luv…U rock hot! Cheers! Kaarina
Eh?! Yes, indeedy, Ma’am…so great to have you sharing. #RockHot!
Well, you know me, Jayme. But I already see a blog that is new to me, listed here. Looking forward to seeing others! Mine is I write about social media, website design and development, and mobile.
Yes, indeed, I do! However, there are several bloggers already new to me here, and I’m so excited to know them. Hope we all get some more readers as a result of this! Thanks, Neicole!
One of the most cultured and thoughtful bloggers out there!!! I love your work Neicole and always look with interest at what you’ve come up with. Thank you!
I love these and will be back, great chance to meet new bloggers. You might already know, but here goes (and thanks for the self-pimping opp):
My blog rambles on a semi-regular basis, trying to be funny in hopes that small business owners, peers and colleagues will be entertained as they learn something. I’m trying to make public relations, social media, marketing and a little extra (I call lagniappe) relatable, practical and useful.
Queen D. Thank you. #ThatIsAll.
Another blog I love to stop by and lurk at :=)
This is fantastic! Thanks Jayme for doing this. So glad I found your blog via @neicolec’s tweet. I look forward to digging in to it. My blog is I write about a combination of style inspiration, fashion marketing and small, independent indie designers. I look forward to checking out all the other submissions
Tha-rilled to meet you, Lisa!!! Seriously. Very excited. Thank you for coming in to add yourself to the blog of fame! Am coming over…just not right away…and hope you get tons of traffic!
Ok, I am shamelessly here after a long time to publicize my blog!
Though I don’t write about social media or marketing… I write about personal experiences and how life is just a series of sarcastic events and that the only way we can get across is to complain and move on! You could find my blog at
Though I started with a blogspot blog, I shifted to a self hosted wordpress blog. I will try my best to check out the others too!
Thanks so much! 🙂
Oh, boy, Hajra! Thanks for the link…we can all do to get away from business only and have a kvetch place. Love that word, BTW!
Oh, boy, Hajra! Thanks for the link…we can all do to get away from business only and have a kvetch place. Love that word, BTW!
Oh, boy, Hajra! Thanks for the link…we can all do to get away from business only and have a kvetch place. Love that word, BTW!
Oh, boy, Hajra! Thanks for the link…we can all do to get away from business only and have a kvetch place. Love that word, BTW!
Jayme, what a fabulous community-building idea, and also a great way to build a guest-blogger list! Did you think of that “icing on the cake” that this post provides? How cool is that?
I miss writing for the SMB Collective; and with the new blogs that show up in the comments here, you’ll have a one-stop-shopping list of writers to tap for that crowd-sourced project.
For those who don’t already know, New England Multimedia’s blog focuses on powerful tips for combining social media, blogging, video and more to build relationships with and get your message out to your online audience. Every now and then we write go-after-your-dreams inspirational posts, or share experiences we’ve learned from over the years. Find us here:
We’re on Facebook and Twitter, too, where we share a lot more social media/blogging/video marketing content, and point you to others doing the same! Connect with us at and and send us your good stuff!
Thank-you, Jayme, for this great opportunity to meet new folks and check out new blogs we may never have come across otherwise!! I can’t wait to see who shows up.
So glad you added FB page, too, Michelle! Guest bloggers?! Anyone game? I always forget to ask…silly me.
So glad you added FB page, too, Michelle! Guest bloggers?! Anyone game? I always forget to ask…silly me.
Recommended !!!! If you don’t know Michelle @NEMultimedia you’re definitely missing something good.
Jon, thank-you! So nice!!
Love this idea, Jayme! Thanks for the opportunity! I know we have been honored to have you visit us in the past, but our blog is : It has no one set topic. It can cover web, mobile, technology, or current events. We also have the blog open to guest bloggers currently (so if you like to, we be thrilled to have you). We work with companies in almost any industry so we like to offer a variety on our blog to showcase individuals our clients could potentially work with and learn from!
I especially like that you did this around the holidays…it’s like inviting all to a holiday open house, it will be fun to see who stops by!
I’m gonna secretly tell you I’ll GP for you, Jennifer, but don’t tell @twitter-59802772:disqus or @Shonali or @jonbuscall or @lisagerber. Anyone else I promised a GP and haven’t spit yet? Oy!
Don’t worry, my lips are sealed! 😉
LOL :=)
I’ll play! My blog is I write about marketing for small business owners and solo entrepreneurs, with a focus on real-life examples and inspiration. I look forward to checking everybody else out — maybe I’ll find some new success stories to feature. Thanks!
Hi, Kelly! Thanks for coming! And, you’re a new site/person for me to come visit. That was the entire purpose — for each of us to learn about new peeps. I’m so excited!
Great idea. My blog is about roofing, my travels, and the life of a small contracting business.
Oh, man, could I have used your expertise this summer. Every house in our ‘hood has a new roof! What trials. So glad to know you, Joe/Joseph! Hope you get tons of love from being a roofer blogger — congrats!
Jamye: Splendid idea. Thanks for the invitation. My blog is about digital marketing. Here is a link to post on: 2012 Marketing Plan: Mapping Marketing Content to Buyer Context. Would love comments etc.
And, fascinating you’ve elected to use Posterous when so many have migrated away, Margaret. With content like yours, I’d immediately self-host to control ownership of it. I’d be fearful you’d lose content somehow, some day. Thanks for adding yours here!
Since you asked… 🙂
Shatterbox ( is a forum to share ideas and tools for legal marketing in the Social Media Age.
Thanks for the kind invitation. Great idea.
Hey, Jay! Wonderful to see you…not sure you knew, but I’ve been in legal marketing for about 10 years now. We ought to connect live and trade war stories. Eager to stop in at your house; thanks!
What a great idea!! I love reading your blog and Kaarina’s blog and look forward to checking out these new ones.
I started blogging last year, but haven’t been as faithful as I need to be. Although, seeing stuff about the next Social Slam has inspired me to do better lately! My blog is called Sociality ( ) and it is mainly my ramblings about social media sites, philanthropy, social activism, my jobinternship, and stuff I find that I think is cool.
Thanks for letting everyone share!
Rambling is good, Rebekah! It’s how good things begin with a rant and a ramble…don’t get too serious about it all because you lose your authenticity…will be coming by soon!
Guarded by basset hounds, stranded in Sweden, blogs (and podcasts) at about digital marketing, communications and occasionally rather worrying Norwegian pop music. Welcome!
I vouch for him…dogs ‘n all.
Heh. (Need to lurk by more often.)
My blog is awesome; you can find it at Please leave $5 per comment…………
Great idea; I haven’t seen one of these in awhile. It seems like everybody else is bemoaning blogging these days. Hmmmmm……
My goodness; the blogs are the only things keeping us sane as long as you insulate!!! Heh. Hola, King Bill!
$5?! So that’s what I’m doing wrong. 🙂
You crack me up.
You guys are all too funny! I love this idea!
Geesh, the price has gone up Bill!
FYI. Since Bill’s site is in Florida, he does give a dollar off for retirees
G’Day Jayme,
Youse Persians! Is your charity limitless? Before you change tour mind…..
If you employee people, you really orta wanna read my blog My special field is helping managers in small medium business to improve the onjob performance of their staff without training courses. I’m old and cantankerous. I believe that most HR practice is way out of date and mostly useless; Like written applications and expensive management training rehashing concepts that have been dead for at least 20 years. I’m also an Aussie and I’ve actually met Russell Crowe.
Now, just in case your computer crashed while tou were readind this, here’s my blog again
Make sure you have fun
Uhhh, may I have what he’s having? Cheers, Leon!! XO
Jayme!! (Such a classy-sassy one, to be sure!)
How wonderful is this!
(ok) I started Alaska Chick’s Blog ’cause HubSpot said so! (really!) I blog about Pioneer Outfitters, where I have been the manager for almost (!!April) 20 years. I also write about living in the “bush” and a very remote, fly-in area in the mountains of Alaska. The blog gives us a way to chat and get to know people in a way that was never possible for us before. It allows folks to ask me anything that comes to mind (there are NO stupid questions) and to see inside our lives here in Chisana. It’s about what it is like to live on site of the last historic gold rush and to home-school my children. I write about the trainees that come to us for Survival & Guide Training and pretty much whatever else comes to mind! Most especially, Grizzly Bears!
Pioneer Outfitters has been leading adventures and big game hunters into the wilderness of Alaska since 1924 on horseback. One family, three generations and so much love and respect has kept the family in the mountains doing what we do. (For me, what that is, is keeping people safe in the Last Frontier and sharing with them the joy and wonders this land has to offer each one of us.)
Thanks for this opportunity, Jayme. I love it and you KNOW I love talking to new people (or the same ones!!) about these bears!
I knew there was someone I wanted to pop up in this post, and so glad you did, Amber-Lee! What you write about is so cool and your life is so exciting. I hope that your blogging journey has brought more peeps into your business, too. Great to see you here!
Leave it to you, Jayme, to do this. What a wonderful way to bring together those of us who have much to say but say it in different forums. What we have in common is an unabashed admiration of you and of your talent. Thank you.
That having been said, I am new (very new) to the blogging world, but not to the writing world. No longer able to be a lawyer because of a medical condition, I have to try to use writing ability in a different way. Therefore, I have become involved in a project called Letters Done Right ( Feel free to take a look at the site for a description of what we do, and if you like it, “Like” it on the Facebook page.
Again, Jayme, thank you for all that you do.
And, perhaps, if I’m not mistaken, Mr. Brown, your FB page is ? Is this accurate? And, thank you so very, very much for your kind words.
Hi, thanks for this opportunity! I have a personal/poetry blog at My poetry is there and I talk about the writing life, personal observations, societal issues and more!
Oh, can’t wait to visit…anyone who writes poetry gets my A+; thank you!
I love this idea. I would hire you if I could afford it. Then again, I don’t even know what your fees are! I have quite a lot of webmaster expertise, organic traffic strategies, and of course lots of delicious link juice. 🙂
Oh, dear; Adam, friend, fees are sooooo over-rated.
I completely agree. Its quality relationships that count!
I love that — “nothing in particular.” That’s because you’re probably like me — you take inspiration on the fly and write about whatever you want? Don’t go changing! There’s tons of room for peeps like us to do the random dance, Sanjiva!
Hi Jayme. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. What a great list you are gathering. My website and blog started on August 6th of this year. My “blog” is The CARE Movement. I focus on the CARE acronym; Communicate, Appreciate, Respect, Encourage and try to Influence and Inspire Positive Change. My main goal is to help improve morale in the workplace. I have been so blessed to have recently completed the November guest blog series, where I had 22 awesome guest bloggers. Wow. Hope you will be a part of the next one.
Grateful & Faithful.Al
I would be more than honored, Al! Now, can you please add your link to your comment?
Since Al is sunning himself in sunny Florida, here’s his link
Hey @55bda8bf067c222f67632d2dc41af473:disqus , did U see that?
Hi Jaime, this is much easier than writing the guest post I owe you : )
As you know, I like to share information about social media, entrepreneurs, and startups. Folks can visit my blog here:
This is a awesome idea and will be visiting the blogs listed in this community. Please share them on Twitter too so I can share there too : )
Cheers to you Jaymee – love your style miss : )
Heh. Finally, someone who owes me a GP…I think I’m in hock up to my arm pits right now with about five peeps expecting product! Thanks for helping push this, Mark! You brought Lori G in from G+ and that’s perfect!
Thanks for allowing us to share and connect! is focused on breaking down social media marketing into chewable pieces and also developing skills to tackle fear evoking challenges.
And, I for one am guilty of not popping in frequently enough, Monyelle. Thus, this post! Thank you!
Hi Jayme,
Saw the link to this on G+posted by @markharai:disqus ! I second and third the wonderful comments already here and am happy to find new blogs to add to my Reader! My blog is about life – we talk about it, dissect it, figure it out and come to know that even though we have different perspectives and ideas about it, we’re all in it together!
Thanks Jayme!
Hi, Lori! Great to have you here; thanks!
This is a great idea. Thanks for the opportunity for shameless self promotion. My Blog is I’ve been doing it for just over a year now, and discusses everything related to the real estate industry. As well as the occasion irreverent marketing helps.
So happy to know you, Derek! Thanks! Will come by; promise!
Once again must say this is a great idea. There are a lot of amazing Blogs that I now know about. Thanks again for heading this up. I hope that you’ve reached your goal of 50
I post at http;// I focus on all things related to my business of
advising public relations and related communications agencies: Growing
business and better managing the business you have; improving
relationships with your clients and the service your agency provides to
them; and enhancing your staff’s performance, motivation, communication, and leadership skills. So I cover leadership styles,
communicating with your team and your client, the changes in our
industry, managing today’s work force, constructive
confrontation, delegation and all points in between. And since I’m a
trainer, consultant and coach, you won’t be surprised to know that I’ll
be discussing those topics too. Thanks for creating this forum, Jayme. @kensviews:twitter
See…here you are, Ken! Great to have you and have to say am impressed with your topics. Eager to pop over. Thanks!
I am so thrilled with everyone joining and participating in this spur-of-the-moment idea. Thank you! Now, what to do to capture all of you? Add all the links into a blog post? Launch a Share Your Blog Here service that is a monthly feature? Focus on vertical markets so we can all find new peeps?
I’m open for suggestions, y’all!
Fantastic! Love the idea 🙂
Here is mine:
Kacem 4 change (Kacem is my name) and the blog is a cocktail of news from Tunisia, Palestine, the MENA region, Human rights and Internet freedom. Equally I worked as a social media specialist and IT journalist but I like to keep this blog to advocate for positive social change and human rights. Quite a different niche – hope you all find interesting 🙂
#RockHot! Such a pleasure to have you here, Kacem. Can’t wait to indulge in global affairs via your writings and hope others will do the same! You’re #32!
What a great idea Jayme. I look forward to “meeting new friends” and finding new blogs to read. For myself, I blog at Mary’s Garden Party ( My topics include public relations, social media, communications and what makes a stronger community. Yesterday I published a “This I Believe” piece in the spirit of Edward R. Murrow’s 1950s series restarted by NPR in 2004 (
Hi, Mary! Great having you join in! Interesting piece, for sure!
Glad to join the party: My blog is
Word Chef aims to help Small Biz folks find and share their Secret Sauce with the world via online marketing strategies. I’m a marketing consultant/coach, writer, foodie and have a slight WordPress fetish. I’m currently calling for nominations for “Tastiest Small Biz Brand” and have some great prizes for both nominees and those who do the nominating:
Love your shameless plug, Tea! That’s what this was for…glad you took me for my “word!” 🙂
I’m game. My main blog is and yes, it is pretty random. You’ll find posts regarding freelance writing (what I do for a living), book reviews, spiritual pondering and random life musing. For my more creative side and a little more consistency I post my original poetry on another blog
Stop by and visit.
I think I’m going to take great inspiration from all the new poets among us! Thank you for coming aboard, Kathleen!
Here and happy to share!
I blog at Spot On ( where I like to think that what I write is just that…Spot On.
I blog mostly about Marketing, Social Media, Metrics and ROI of both, Branding, Small Business, and PR (tho not as much as I should!). I have been known to throw in a post or two about my kids (they’re darn cute and have great stories) and I’m friendly to new-comers. 😉
Spot.On. #ThatIsAll
I’m in! Find my blog here: It is housed on a website I maintain dedicated to feral cats, stray cats and shelter animals. Therefore, I write about dogs, cats, and anything involving dogs and cats (like the Puss In Boots movie!) I also like to attend charitable events for the local shelters and rescue groups, so you will find follow up commentary about my experiences. All for a good cause! Looking forward to meeting you all and reading your stories.
Hi, Susan! Lovely to have you here; thanks so much. Animals, pets, shelter issues are all fab topics we all enjoy knowing more about.
I’ve been hesitant to visit your blog because I may be changing domain names at some point. Ah, well, people can still come to visit at These days, I’m mostly channeling my energies toward creative communications and how to add some creativity to “professional” or corporate communications. I’ll still touch upon social media but only as it relates to writing. I may even continue some of the posts about entrepreneurship. Everything is “up in the air” at the moment.
The SMB Collective sounds interesting. We should chat. 🙂 While chatting, we can pretend to have tea and scones.
Hmm, let me know when you adjust the domain; meanwhile, I’ll need to use this one for future posts to include you?
Yes, use the current address. I don’t have a time frame for the new domain. My computer programmer is having job difficulties and isn’t available like he once was. I am interested in learning more about the SMB Collective, though.
I am at jayme at soulati dot com, Erin. May we begin with an email xchange re? And, if anyone else is interested in injecting new blood and energy into The SMB Collective, please advise! I need help!
I shall send an email later this afternoon.
I blog at
Typical topics include social media trends/tactics/tools, content creation, organizational and change management. A bit of a mixed bag at times, but I try to stay on topic. 🙂
Thanks, Jason!!
My pleasure! Happy Friday. 🙂
I blog at
Typical topics include social media trends/tactics/tools, content creation, organizational and change management. A bit of a mixed bag at times, but I try to stay on topic. 🙂
Hello! Jayme really wants me to post this here even though I’m not sure this will be of interest to you all…
I blog for the Connecticut Health Foundation. We’re the largest independent health philanthropy in the state of Connecticut. Our goal is to improve the health of Connecticut residents. Our priority areas are: Children’s mental health, health policy/advocacy, oral health, and racial and ethnic health disparities. We don’t do direct service, instead we aim to change systems so that we’re changing things for the long haul.
If any of these topics interest you, you can find me at:
What might interest you is this post: Brandon Frame is an EXCELLENT example of someone using social media to create social change. He’s not even a “social media guy”, he’s the Director of Business Partnerships at a local Hartford high school. His blog, the Black Man Can, is a wildly popular side project he does. I was just blown away by him! I hope you’ll at least visit this post to see what this extraordinary young man is up to.
Girlie, this has nothing to do with PR or moi; it has all to do with you. Knowing about bloggers who are blogging in a vacuum and wanting everyone to learn more about one another, blah, blah, blah, blah. TU!
You already know Spin Sucks, but I want you to get to 50. So here you go!
Thanks, Twin! And, for those of you who don’t know? She’s one of the most prolific bloggers on topic I know !
Spin Sucks? Sounds like a rag to me. 😉
I wonder if The Gin Blossom is reading that, Jason?
You’ll certainly be welcome at, where I share green tidbits primarily from and about Chicago. Sometimes they pertain to Terracom clients, many times not. Sustainability and eco are my things. So stop on by for ideas, news and curiosities. Today, a tidbit on Santa’s carbon footprint.
I’ve known Christine for years since my stint as president of the Publicity Club of Chicago (hey, I have to shameless plug, too, ya know!). She amazes me with how she finds the bits and bytes to share about eco. You’ll learn a ton, and if you’re like me, it’ll fly pretty much over your head when she gets down and dirty in the worms.
TKS for the nudge, Jayme. Just back from vacation and may have missed this otherwise! SO … I blog in a lot of different spaces (motherhood, marketing, small biz, writing, etc.), but the blog that will probably be most relevant for the Soulati movers & shakers is – This is where I write as my marketing geek self – talking about branding & voice, content and connection, and how to find a marketing groove that’s the right fit. In my “spare” time, I am an aspiring fiction writer, avid reader and walker, and a student of voice and trapeze (not at the same time). 🙂
Happy to make everyone’s acquaintance!
Actually, this compilation is anything but only PR and marketing, I’m thrilled to say. Will you kindly add all your blogs, please, in all the areas you write for? I have a vast array of peeps who’ve come forward, and you’ll be amazed when you see them all next week! Thanks, Jamie!
Of course, dahling. You don’t have to ask me twice! 😉
I’m part of a collaborative B2B marketing blog at
I’m part of a collaborative writing blog at (my archive page is at )
I am part of the BabyCenter blogging team here:
… and the primary writer as well as editor at Fans of Being a Mom here:
I will also be launching a new project in 2012 that’s not ready for unveiling, but will be yet another departure from the marketing/mothering/writing topics.
Gotta keep things interesting, right?
Jayme, Great idea! Thanks for reaching out and fostering this blogging community!
My blog is The Wonder of Tech and it’s a personal technology blog designed to help explain the developments in personal technology to the everyday person. The blog is written in plain English, no tech jargon or geek speak allowed! If tech is fun and/or useful, I explain it in a user-friendly way.
What an Awesome find! All these new blogs to read..Thank you. I don’t have a blog up and running yet but am working on it! After the 1st of the year I’ll be back!
Is it obnoxious if I say that waited so that I could get the top position. You can find me at
This is the blog where you learn the answer to every question you ever had but didn’t know. We provide a thorough explanation and education on how to blog, write, talk, cook, read, speak, code, and much more. Read my blog and you will become a better person and your IQ will increase by a minimum of 5 points (7 if you are Canadian) and not only that but God will love you more than he/she/it did before.
Indeed; you’ve earned the top spot. What happened to that key word “Daddy” blogger? Have you totally ignored your lot to rabble rouse the opposite sex and make trouble at home? Unofficially, you’re #50. How can I resist.
Well said jack, I’m in… lol!
#51 I guess… just wanted you to exceed your goals Jayme! 🙂
I blog about customer service and the customer experience at the soon to be renamed If anyone has a great customer service story (bad or good) that has some CS lessons, I am open to guest posts.
What a neat idea, Jayme! I explore new and emerging media — less about tools and applications and how-tos but more about analytics and deep thoughts — at
My blog is about being a French Mum living in London and struggling to understand the Brits. Do not hesitate to come and visit!
Ooh. I hope I am not too late. I work with authors – giving them ease and freedom in creating an online presence and also the odd newbie getting started online. I am at
So lovely to see lots of fellow bloggers!!
check it out if you can! thanks!
Great Idea. My Blog is about banking. Although it is written in German, there is a google translation service attached.
So I hope for some more readers and commentors
Kind regards from Germany
Yeah I know I’m late to this game! This past year I moved over to we are a new blog and just getting things moving!
Thank you for letting us be appart of this.
Hi, thank for the opportunity. My blog giving its readers to download all kinds of PC softwares. Do come and follow my blog
G’Day Jayme,
Thanks for the “leg up.” If you employ people, my blog could be useful. It’s a B2B blog about improving staff performance without training courses. But be warned. I challenge just about every conventional wisdom of the HR fraternity.
So have a click and a look and , as we Aussie curmudgeons say,…….
I am totally and utterly Mad. I love writing it’s my Life. My Blog has all kinds of Random Stuff. My favourites Blog theme posts are Life and Love Enjoy =) and Comments much appreciated 😉 And I don’t charge for them so be my Guest =D
My blog is about starting a life that is full of hope and happiness away from worry and deprssion. Check it out please:
My blog is about my weight loss journey struggles and successes.
I need followers!