A summer intern is a keen idea out of the gate, and your business needs to be completely certain the newest hire is not relegated to fetching coffee and filing papers. College students hired on as an intern can be actively involved in a business and contribute a productivity boost. If you start an internship with that foundation and concept, it’s a win-win.
What’s critical for mutual benefit is a well-designed and structured position. An internship based on real experience and tangible projects helps the intern learn and grow. Over time, the intern should be able to positively affect deliverables and results. Ultimately, a student gets experience in a field, and the company benefits from a low- cost and fresh-minded employee.
So, how specifically does a company benefit from hiring a summer intern?
Pay It Forward
Most college graduates have had the privilege of an internship. Everyone knows the equation is skewed – a fresh, untrained college student needs work experience and a busy executive has little time to train. It’s not about that; it’s about giving back and paying it forward.
Test-Drive Employees
One advantage of an internship program is the ability to vet future employees. While another full-time staff member may not be within budget or even necessary, an intern can be hired for a limited time and work fewer hours. Remember, the temporary nature of an internship will resolve the situation. On a more positive note, if the intern works out, there is opportunity to have them stay on the payroll and work during holiday breaks throughout college. If the relationship has blossomed, there’s even opportunity to hire the graduate directly out of school.
Earn Productivity and New Ideas
Young people who are just entering the business world are willing to perform smaller, more time-intensive tasks. For small businesses, these summer internships can boost a company’s productivity. As the intern works on side projects, other employees are free to focus on higher-level or more creative tasks. A special short-term project could also benefit from summer intern–focused efforts. Furthermore, many interns may be able to provide new perspectives and solutions for old problems. These students are eager with fresh outlooks and ideas since they are being taught the current information and technology. They may have a lot to learn, but they also have a lot to contribute!
Motivate and Build Enthusiasm
Lastly, summer interns are motivated and energetic about employment opportunities. Speaking personally, my generation understands the position we will be in when we graduate; a diploma does not guarantee a job. Therefore, we view any employment as a chance to learn, grow, and gain some real world experience. According to Internships.com, summer interns are “among the most highly motivated members of the workforce.” In addition to accepting a lower wage, we are eager to work hard and help your business grow.
About The Author
Claire Freier is a summer intern at Soulati Media, Inc. for The Heart Of Marketing Podcast. She attends Hillsdale College in Michigan majoring in English and Latin with expected graduation in 2017. She is social media director at Dunroven Christian Retreat Center, is a member of Eta Sigma Phi, the National Classics (Latin) Honorary. She is president of Amnesty International at Hill-Murray School, a chapter she launched and manages.