Annually, I like to anoint a social media person of the year from the Soulati Media community who has impressed me every day and week of the year with social media aptitude, engagement and professionalism.
Jenn Whinnem is that person and my pick as 2012 Social Media Woman of the Year following in the footsteps of Gini Dietrich in 2011.
Jenn lends in-depth expertise to any discussion raging in comments; sometimes she’s supportive and other times she’s the antagonist, going against the grain of conversation with intense opinion based on factual engagement.
She is a woman on a mission and her personal conviction often leads to heated discussion and eventual consensus; she is that convincing. I appreciate her from the sidelines, and I appreciate her when I’m in the throes of conversation with her.
She lends quirky knowledge no one else I know offers up, and she is quick to support anyone who needs a helping hand, a hug or is in the dumps. I have had the privilege of meeting Jenn IRL, and she is as beautiful in person as she is in her avatar (which she is continually changing).
A lover of cats, recently married and a woman who sprouts the most amazing shoes and zany ass tights, Jenn is also one of the most respected writers and grammarians I’ve seen. She can write an op-ed piece that makes naysayers think twice about staying on the other side, and she does so with conviction.
I’ve watched her blossom in 2012 overcoming obstacles by skirting them and chalking up professional accomplishments more than most people do in a five year’s time. She makes this blog home whenever she wishes, and I relish when she runs a guest post here as the topic is never an echo. Of late, you can see her work on Bloggers Unite! supporting Sandy Hook/Newtown and the communities in Connecticut via her work with a health foundation there.
Congratulations, Jenn, for sticking with social media engagement when many have disappeared. Congratulations for growing as a professional unafraid to question the status quo or make others think a bit differently.
I look forward to seeing what comes in 2013. I endorse you, recommend you and encourage you wherever the pathway takes you.
+1 🙂
@SteelToad And, here’s a +1 right back atcha, Ray; in the midst of all your adversity, I admire your courage and bravery…BEST ever in 2013, Friend.
@SteelToad ^5
Jenn is absolutely wonderful and, along with a certain Jayme Soulati, one of the most thought-provoking tweeps out there. If you want to hear Jenn laugh, giggle and provide plenty of outstanding commentary, please check out her appearance on the OMC podcast:
@jonbuscall Oh, no. How did I miss that? Good grief; going there right now. And, you, my friend are #RockHot for acknowledging me with a little gift; thanks, dear Jon!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @jonbuscall oh really you didn’t know? I want Jon to have great metrics but don’t listen!!!!
@jennwhinnem @jonbuscall Listening; as we speak — “Hi, Jon, Glad to be here!! A fortuitous day!” said Jenn. Just listened to @SuddenlyJamie Jamie Wallace over there; she rocks, too!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @jennwhinnem @jonbuscall Thanks, Jayme! And – Jon/Jenn – queuing up Jenn’s episode for later listening – though (like you, Jenn) I’ll probably have to wait until after the holiday. Deadlines abound and then we have this here holiday thing. 😉 Hugs to all!
@jonbuscall you are very sweet Jon. I was honored to appear on your podcast. Some day we shall meet yes?
You kill me Jayme! You are so funny. Thank you for your friendship. Also, GINI DIETRICH IS A TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOW what are you trying to do to me????
I am overwhelmed by your praise!
@jennwhinnem You earned this hands down. I don’t just give this to anyone; mind you. Use it as a reference; go…GROW. XO and be safe on the road!
I love this post so much, I want to marry it! You and Jenn, too! xoxo
@EricaAllison OMG; almost lost the food in my mouth. LOflippinL, Girl! Thanks and chat soon??? If not, do enjoy the holiday and kiss the kids all day long.
@EricaAllison I knew you had the hots for me! WHOO huuugs
@jennwhinnem @EricaAllison Nope; I’m certain it’s just the shoes,
Wow, well-deserved Jenn! Congrats!
@rosemaryoneill You are really too kind. thanks much. Happy Holidays!
How wonderful is this?! Congratulations, Jenn! I am so happy I got the chance to meet you.
@AlaskaChickBlog It is very sweet of Ms @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing to honor me in this way! I am glad we met too.
Hi @jennwhinnem what a ringing endorsement and because it came from @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing we know it to be true! I have enjoyed the banter with you both this year and appreciate all the great thinking that comes from you both.
Jenn, you are an inspiring human being.
Jayme, you amaze me with your tenacity.
I wish you both a happy holiday and I send good vibes your way for 2013. It will be a great year. Cheers!
@rdopping @jennwhinnem @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Hello hello Ralph and thanks very much. I hear Time Magazine is interested in doing a piece on me…stay tuned, I may have them call you for a quotation.
@rdopping @jennwhinnem Happy New Year, you two! I’m back with a vengeance and trying to fix IT issues with this new look…don’t come over yet!