Social media has not only leveled the playing field for small businesses, it’s enabled professionals of all ages to compete.
If you’re not learning, you’re dead.
The opportunity social media presents for learning is so vast that anyone, regardless of age, who has gumption, passion, and energy can compete with youngsters in a highly successful way. More and more, avatars with gray hair are populating Twitter. I’m making an assumption they are aging gracefully and wiser as a result of social media.
Someone on a Google+ Community posted a suggestion that we should petition Advertising Age for a Top 50 Over 50 instead of the customary Top 40 Under 40 feature. (I concur.)
What prompted this whole post is a short email from a woman I never met or spoke with. She mentioned she was 50+ and was feeling the light dimming on her career path because she was a former print graphics artist. She had little enthusiasm for PowerPoint graphics nor did she know where the road ahead would lead.
…which got me really thinking, and that’s always dangerous.
Mastering what social marketing presents for anyone in the at-large field of marketing communications would take a lifetime and then some. So, instead of saying you’re all washed up at 50, why not re-invent and re-invigorate and get excited about the learnings available for the plucking?
How I’m Reinventing
I’ve just signed on with Hubspot. Don’t you say a word, internet marketers and digital marketers and SEO folks; I’ve heard enough about your negatives about their poor technology. (I concur, and it’s terribly out of my control.)
I plunked down the money because I know myself. I know that I need to go large to ensure I do what’s required — the lessons, landing pages, website tweaks, buttons, and etc. to make the leads pour in and put my website to work.
It’s called inbound marketing or digital marketing, and it’s an area I’m investing in. Everyone who’s been a loyal member of this community knows I’ve written willy-nilly for three years on this blog. I’ve not needed to care about analytics and blogging ROI. Life has changed, and that’s prompted engagement in a whole different way.
I’m jazzed, nervous, worried, and 100 percent vested in making this thing go and grow. I’m greeting a side of marketing I’ve been circumnavigating.
With each accomplishment, I feel bolstered with energy and excitement about what the future may bring. When I get my first genuine lead in my dashboard I’ll rejoice; when I get my first slice of new revenue, I’ll celebrate and know I’ve made the right choice.
When you hit 50 as a professional, your career is not over; in fact, it’s just beginning. How many companies would relish hiring a mature practitioner at the leading edge of social marketing to guide them strategically?
Fighting Cherry Pits
With that said any of you who thinks life is a bowl full of cherry pits right now (no matter how old you are):
1. You have to find the strength from within and want it.
2. Set your goals and aim high.
3. Take little steps and do it right; earn confidence.
4. Consider obstacles a challenge; find a solution around them.
5. Align with a solid, excellent core team of IT folks.
6. Grow your business by investing when that decision is right for you; you’ll know.
7. Rejoice in each accomplishment, but do celebrate.
If you have any tips you can add about how you feel about getting wiser each year, let me know…this is a topic we may be revisiting soon!
Subscribe to Soulati Smart Stuff and this blog so you don’t miss a thing…it’s right up there to the right!
You had me at Fifty Shades! (more on that later…)
Anyway, well done, Jaymes! Well done. I’ve often flirted with the HubSpot relationship, only to back out when other items came into focus. I’m glad you’re doing it. I see nothing but good coming from it for you and support you 100% – as always.
With wisdom comes a selective palate. Fill it with what makes you happy and take advantage of the opportunities that come along!
@EricaAllison So happy to have you be the first over here this morning. Not sure this post will resonate with too many; however, I firmly believe age is no longer a factor in business. When you hit a stride in your career and learnings, then you keep on.
Thanks for the Hubspot support, too. It is a ton of work, but since the start of this month, I’ve been doing more strategic thinking about my business than I ever have. Why not give myself the same high-level thinking I give to my clients?
Because we always short shrift ourselves. No mo!! We’re gonna catch up live this week! Watch for my call, K?
@EricaAllison oh God no tell me you’re not serious
@jennwhinnem @EricaAllison Girl, whatchutalkin’ about?
Would be very interested in your take on HubSpot — ease of use, helpfulness and results!
@Frank_Strong Like you, Frank, I too am interested in how it goes, Jayme – so first, congrats for taking the step, I know it’s a big one, and second, I look forward to hearing about it!
@Shonali @Frank_Strong Thanks, Shonali and Frank and Shelley and Josh! Man, I don’t know whether to keep my mouth zipped right now or just spew.
The tech transition has been an extreme nightmare and still unresolved. As per what I mentioned above (the comment about developers and IT guys giving me the negatives), it’s true. Each of those who have to help folks integrate have nothing but horrors to share.
So far, from the frontend looking at the content and webinars and trainings and coachings, I’m excited and think I’m doing the right thing. For a solo doing this, it’s daunting; there isn’t a team to make it all happen. Trying to mix it with client work is the challenge.
Knowing that I’m a keen starter, I am going to have to push myself to finish. There are issues oriented to what the “finish” looks like, too. So, long story short?? I have lots of opinions right now, just biding my time on when/if to share them.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Shonali @Frank_Strong can I help?
@Frank_Strong Hi, Frank! See my answer below in reply to Shonali and et al…happy to speak via phone on this, too!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I saw! Thanks! And I’ve weaved it into a future post!
Congrats on signing up for HubSpot! If you have any growing pains, feel free to reach out.
@Shelley Pringle If you see my IP address all over your website, uhmm, you now will know why!! Heh. Yep, your site has been an example in my coaching sessions as I mentioned you to my consultant!
I hope things have turned the corner for you and you’re seeing more activity, too, Shelley.
<i>…which got me really thinking, and that’s always dangerous.<i>
Yes it is and we have noticed.
Your Hubspot experience could easily be turned into an ebook or a series of posts.
@Joshua Wilner/A Writer Writes You would notice that statement. I think you’re right, and I’ll also need to couch that content in the right vein…can you imagine honking off the supplier you’re spending a chunk of change with during the engagement? But, I can butter them up all day, and that’s OK.
Maybe I’ll draft the posts and keep on the dashboard for exactly what you suggest…now, get back to HuffPost — aren’t you the resident “dad” now? With lots of “Mommy Guilt”‘ surrounding you?

I feel that the Internet has leveled to playing field in terms on age. Sure, we all have our avatars that kinda show our ages but we really don’t know, do we. I know bloggers and online entrepreneurs that are 17 and 86! It is crazy good! And they are doing the same thing. It is so nice to be able to create networks, business associates relationships and even friends online that are any age, and even any gender and anywhere!
The Internet is grand!
I see everyone else mentioned hubspot so I guess I will too. There. I know nothing about them.
@AllieRambles LOL, that was hilarious, Allie! In re Hubspot. That must mean you’re already a pro and don’t need to make the investment!
As for getting older…well, you can embrace it and feel confident and hate the wrinkles and gray OR you can hide behind a younger avatar and be afraid to do video. As Ms. @Pioneeroutfitters aka Amber-Lee so blatantly disregards; my age does make me wiser. Poo.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @AllieRambles Oooo, I dunno… the older I get, the wiser, maybe… but mostly I just sit back and shake my head. And you aint THAT much older than I!
Great attitude, Jayme, as a 40+ web entrepreneur myself, I’m right with you. A bit of worldly-wise nous and a boat load of great attitude will see us through.
Now, what’s with the Hubspot questioning/bashing? I’m not a paying user but my intuition is that they are very clever and I am a big believer in their mantra of ‘disrupt with simplicity from below’ – levelling the playing field as you put it. Is their beef under the bonnet not as slick as the fancy chassis on the outside?
@HughAnderson Hi, Hugh! Great having you with your bonnet speak…love it. Good way to put it; is anyone crystal clear under the bonnet? The front-end presentation, branding and image we all strive to present are where they shine. The training, coaching and how-to assets are spotless; it’s the tech where it’s gray. And maddening.
Although I encourage everyone to enter the IT profession, I know if I had to go back for a redo, I would still do what I do today…some are cut out for that tedium; not moi.
I forget all the time, that you are not that much older than I… in blogger terms, I mean. (snort…I’d delete that, but that isn’t what I meant at all and I can’t stop giggling now!) Shoot. Shoo!
Ok. First, in January of 2011, I joined with HubSpot. They taught me, were there for and with me, and gave me a fighting chance. You can’t go wrong with them. Truly. Congratulations!
As always, I’m in your corner, Jayme.
@AlaskaChickBlog So, I’ve been thinking of how not to write a sour grapes response, and I came up with this…remember who you turn to for help…someone mature, wiser and full of answers and that ain’t no 30-something, Dude.
Three years of solid blogging? It’s a lifetime considering most bloggers never make it beyond year one (I just made that up).
So, you learned from HS and now you’re doing it all on your own? If I had one product to market that everyone had on their bucket list, I bet I’d be able to show a boatload of success, too. So glad you are.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Umm, I’m the one shootin in the dark! AND I may have a real-life-once-in-a-lifetime-thing-a-ma-do …but it is unbelievably (for me) difficult to twist everything we (I from HubSpot, Ameena and Brankica, you from your examples) learn to begin… well, we are so completely different from everything… I am still at a loss!
It IS working. I know it, I can feel it, I see it. The benefits (to me, as Amber-Lee) and gifts I have received being part of this world, even knowing I may not save us, are infinite. Truly.
And WHAT do you mean sour grapes?
I have to admit, I’m not sure I understand Hubspot and its potential. I’ve heard of it, but beyond that, don’t know what they do.
Would they be helpful to someone who would like to sell books?
@ExtremelyAvg Essentially, they can probably help with anyone wanting to market a product online. I wonder, though, whether it would be the best use of an author’s budget. Let me ponder that a bit more; I’m seeing many companies engaging…for now, I’m one of the few solos on board (in the training I’m taking).
You need to explore how to sell your books, Brian?
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I have done a poor job of marketing my books, so this year I hope to improve in that area.
I am proud of you Jayme Jayme Jayme. You’re not a digital native, but you’re determined to learn the language, and thus you will be a shining example of digital immigrants. I’m serious. Applause.
@jennwhinnem THANKS, FRIEND! It is such a complex journey for me; not natural tendency — an entirely new way of thinking and when it starts to work, I’ll be a convert like the best of you.
Awesomeness, Jayme!
It will be interesting to see how far you go, now that you’re really getting serious about your blog!
You can count on my support miss!
We must catch up on Skype soon : )
@Mark_Harai Was thinking the same thing (about catsup/ketchup/catch up!)! How bout tomorrow after I get these curls cut for the first time in a year?
Let me know what you think of Hubspot, Jayme. It’s something I’ve considered and may do it at some point. I look forward to hearing you share your thoughts on it down the road. Kudos to you for knowing your strengths / weaknesses and where to spend your time!
@lauraclick Knowing how many are totally interested in this topic will push me to write on it, and I will. I need to get through the very rough spots first and control it rather than have it control me. The “it” is exactly it…IT!
@lauraclick Me too on the HubSpot thing!