We in social media often forget there are numerous industries and businessess nascent in social media adoption. While we continue to learn the intricacies about new channels, back-end tools, and amplifying our own brands, there are business leaders who still don’t know what Twitter is or why they need a Yelp profile to push local revenue.
This week, I gave a two-hour presentation in Chicago to a 20 group in the auto-repair industry on social media and amplifying brand. To the business leaders who are owners of five to 10 local collision-repair shops throughout the country, I provided the following recommendations to introduce social media and help them tie it in with the core marketing foundation:
- Engage, for if you’re not engaged you cannot create community, control the message, or build reputation.
- Re-trench the foundation that includes the brand, the Web site and the core communications strategy aligned with business goals.
- Execute public relations as part of that core strategy so powerful content can be developed.
- Cross pollinate all social networking sites with the Web site to drive search engine marketing.
- Develop a corporate social media policy and select and train a front-line team to help build community, trust, transparency, and reputation.
- Start slowly; do not tackle all social media channels at the same time. It’s not an all-or-nothing engagement, either.
- Yelp is a must for local businesses, and a breadth of opportunity exists to take the lead in a region and vertical.
- Because women 55-65 are the fastest-growing segment on Facebook, create a business page and begin a marketing thrust to create community and a new revenue stream among that demographic.
- Managing “grudge” emotion is critical to diffuse from becoming an actual complaint or negative comment.
- Leave Internet marketing to the professionals. It’s too complex to attempt on your own.
- Respond to social media interactions within 12 hours max. If you wait 2.5 days to respond, you’re losing your community.
In your company and to your clients, are there other tips you might offer to those who are late to the party? We who lead have a ton of opportunity to help executives educate and navigate new media before the online world migrates to Web. 3.0.
Because of the modern technology every business can succeed. The internet has a lot to offer than you could ever think of. Thanks for these useful information. By the way, I want to offer you a 100% success guaranteed solutions for your auto repair business. You’ll be surprised at what you can do too. Good luck!
Hi, Pat. Thanks for stopping by to contribute. It’s definitely a new world!
Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!
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These auto repair shops often uses social media sites to promote their business promos in example they are giving away oil change coupons all they have to do is post it on their facebook page or any social networking profile so they can spread the word about it.
I think that’s probably the best way to get customers through the door with an oil change, right? Then, when the new tires need to be purchased, and the belt is frayed for the blah, blah, well why go anywhere else? I’d like to think hair salons are also ripe for social media, and I’m getting a few Groupon offers from the largest ones in my area. How about you, Stacy? Thanks for popping in, too!
Social media is a great way to reach out to everyone whether business or on a personal level
There is currently quite a lot of
information around this subject on the net and some are most definitely better
than others. You have caught the detail here just right which makes for a refreshing
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This post is very impressive and insightful..The social media also plays very important role for the car repair as there are numerous website which provides information regarding this context!!
Thank you for this post. It is sometimes difficult to find this particular type of content you’ve posted related to a “niche” such as auto repair. Very helpful suggestions – I do believe more and more people are set up with Facebook than ever, so this does help to create a more targeted audience.
I really thought that the very first tip where you said that engaging with the community is essential for the media to stay alive, and thus, your auto shop. Another thing that caught my eye was point four where you suggested to “cross-pollinate” between different social media. I think that would be a critical tip to adhere to! It’s becoming more important to have a web-presence for businesses these days.