The distinct pleasure of hearing Heather Whaling, CEO of Geben Communication in Columbus, Ohio, was all mine.
In her presentation to IABC Louisville and the Digital Marketing Association (where we both presented), Heather gave a #RockHot delivery about various successes she’s having with clients of late. There’s so much more to learn from Heather on her blog, PRTini, right here.
As a traditional public relations professional blending digital marketing into her core, Heather recently shared a big success with Sprout It for MiracleGro. Facebook has been a tremendous boon for her and her team, and in this short video below, she shares several tips how you can emulate her expertise.
Oh, and by the way? There’s a major
in this video, so don’t skip out before the end!
Jayme, you’re attention to detail is quite amazing. You got all of this helpful information based on real life experience from Heather Whaling AND we got to see some very nice shoes! Pretty impressive/
Sharon Gilmour Glover Giggle. I have no idea from where I pull half the things I say on camera, Sharon. Just always laughing. Thanks for stopping in!
Hey, that video went from Heather’s directly to Gini’s…how did that happen? No matter! I love them both!
Soulati | Hybrid PR Ha! It’s the YouTube channel.
Even the fishmonger ginidietrich couldn’t steal the show from those baby blues 😉
annelizhannan Fishmonger. As if!
Oh, JOY of all JOYS! I get two of my fave chicas right here this morning! LOVE, LOVE!!!