The last in the series of Social Slam 2012 videos is here, front and center, with Jenn Whinnem, a member of this community and a full-timer at the Connecticut Health Foundation where she indulges in social media. Listen closely (my iPhone 4S was too far from her soft-spokenness) and she’ll inform you about how she made the transition from being on Twitter for personal branding to being on the Interwebz for business and her company.
The foundation she works for has different objectives than a pure not-for-profit; objectives about fund-raising are not what most in the non-profit sector are accustomed to. Jenn’s been writing a bunch to share that information with folks about her foundation; you can see her thoughts more here and here. So, tune in for a few minutes, and listen close!
Phew, I am such a dork! But I love #soslam. Feels like a family reunion to me. And it is ALWAYS great to hang with you Jayme.
One note: CT Health IS a nonprofit, we just don’t have a development (jargon for fundraising) arm.
But such a lovable dork…………:). Yay, Jenn Whinnem semi-live and in person; cool beans indeed.
I’m glad to see you finally have a legitimate gig going however; probably keeping you out of trouble.
Great series Jayme, thanks for sharing.
@bdorman264 Ha ha you are sweet Bill! Been at my legit gig for over a year now. It’s going well. Did you go legit yet? For some reason Bill I can almost imagine you riding box cars and carrying a stick with a little bag on it.
It’s Jenn! Glad you could catch her, Jayme. Though I miss your energy on Twitter under your own name, it IS nice to see you’re keeping out of trouble as @bdorman264 says, lol. But seriously, though–you say below you don’t have a “development” arm–is social media helping CTH do some of the things development would do?
@ShakirahDawud @bdorman264 Shakirah I miss you and your “bright morning”s too.
“Development” is jargon for fund-raising. We don’t do fund-raising at this time (read about how this works here: So, strictly speaking, no, social media does not help us accomplish this.
There is a relationship-building aspect to good development, so if I stretch it, yes, we are using social media to strengthen existing relationships, as well as foster new ones. Thanks for letting me talk about it, it really is a lot of fun.
You can imagine that as an organization whose mission is to improve the health of Connecticut residents, we are eagerly awaiting the ACA ruling. It’s a busy time.
I know I’ve suggested it – think you have tech issues – but for anyone reading this: if you can, use different clients or web interfaces to toggle back from one account to others. Blogging takes on many forms; content and keywords or good but yes, the ‘how-to’ posts that can give insights for achieving results, even for a different field or industry can be pay dirt too. @jennwhinnem that was a great point. FWIW.
@3HatsComm I’m so glad we met in person. Using different clients gets tricky for me but I know you’re right. Been head down the past few weeks – Jayme’s post got me to lift up my head and say hi to some friends. yay!
@3HatsComm What? Me? Tech issues via iPhone 4S the first time trying these people on the street videos? Nah…just a noob, is all!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing She was referring to MY tech issues! How strange that I was soft-spoken; I think I’m known for being the loud laugher and speaking much more authoritatively than I actually feel.
Oh, this was awesome ! Great to see you, @jennwhinnem , on video. You always get one sense of people from text but without the paralinguistic you miss something. What a great voice! You have to come on my podcast in the fall. Nice to “see” you.
@jonbuscall Aw, thanks Jon. I’m a little shy about being “on cam” because I think I sound like a big dork. Would love to be on your podcast!