Nothing new in this headline, right? I mean, everyone must be aware that speaking to audiences of your peers with a presentation that is #RockHot is good for the brand.
Joining a panel as a speaker or being a presenter on a local, regional or national scale do not happen overnight. In fact, it may never happen; some are confined to quarters listening to others in webinars, on podcasts, on YouTube or during Google+ Hang Outs.
That’s OK, too, for every speaker needs an audience.
So, please join me in these two locales and venues as I ply my speaker skills and delight you (I have solid expectations!) with creative insight:
IABC Kentucky & Louisville Digital Marketing Association
On September 10, 2013, I will take the dais at the2013 Integrated Marketing Summit hosted by IABC Louisville and the Louisville Digital Marketing Association.
The best news is about who else you can expect to hear:
- Gini Dietrich, of the infamous Spin Sucks and Arment Dietrich and co-author of Marketing In The Round
- Heather Whaling, president of Geben Communications and a PR maven extraordinaire who tweets @PRTini (I love that Twitter ID).
Jason Falls, himself a maven (can guys be mavens?) across the great divide of social and digital marketing is the master of ceremonies, the emcee, the guy who put us all together.
I’ve been cursing Jason a lot of late as I attempt to build my deck. He assigned me a topic that is sure to give you pause as it has given me paws.
Jason said, “Jayme, you’re going to speak on how social media integrates across all the marketing channels.” Say what??
And, so the heavy duty thinking began with a new title,
Savvier Social Media Across Blended Marketing.
Please do drive or fly to Louisville for this meeting. It’s not going to be the customary “everyone has to jump on the social media train;” it’s going to be about how marketers can better apply social media throughout integrated disciplines and break down the marketing silos.
Here’s the link with all the deets. With the demise of Social Slam in 2014, this conference is a good one to consider as a replacement. The location is central, the price is right, and ohmygoodness, you’re getting PR Rock Stars in the flesh!
Join Me At ConvergeSouth
Here’s what happens when you write a book, you get invited to present in front of some really cool audiences about the topics you love to write about. At ConvergeSouth October 11, 2013 in Greensboro, NC, I am keynoting the content marketing track.
By now, you know how much I love to generate original content that is #RockHot with more ideas you can shake a stick at. There is no lack of blog or landing page fodder in this house, and I want to share that passion and verve for content with you when I present:
Community Is King; Content Is Queen
Yes, I’m dethroning the “content is king” mantra. I’m getting tired of hearing it for the last 18 months. You know who really deserves the new title, right? It’s you; this community. Without a community or loyal followers, readers and lurkers no social media strategy can be successful.
Put that in your crown and ponder!
Join Jayme Soulati
IABC Kentucky & Louisville Digital Marketing Association, Sept. 10, 2013, Louisville
ConvergeSouth, October 11, 2013, Greensboro, NC
You go girlie and rock it!
bowden2bowden Hope to see you at one of them, Randy!
Wait, what? No Social Slam in 2014? I missed my opportunity last year. Doggone it.
That’s OK, Jayme. With your being such a hotly-pursued speaker right now, and promoting your BOOK, you’ll surely be headed our way soon! I can’t wait to see you speak in person. What a treat that’ll be!
New England Multimedia Me? Promoting my book? One can only hope I make that happen soon! Seriously, I’m on to my second book; nearly done. The first one (a few boxes in the garage) is still viable, but that was oh so yesterday! (As my daughter informs me!)
Thanks, Michelle. It would be wonderful to come your way some time.
New England Multimedia Soulati | Hybrid PR no Social Slam 2014? How did I miss that?!
Jayme you will be sensational. Can’t wait to read the excited tweets about you.
We need to help you with your Yiddish because a man can most definitely be a Maven. Of course you need to hear how it is being used because a maven is a know-it-all. 😉
Joshua Wilner/A Writer Writes Maven = Know It All? Who knew?