Hello world; I’m a mompreneur in summer. Not a day goes by starting April 1 that mom-owned businesses don’t struggle with June, July and August. It’s called summer in the northern hemisphere, and we who also dual as moms die. That’s right, we die, and don’t tell me you don’t. Let me be equal opportunity and include dads here, too. Dads, you die.
*The kids are off school.
*Camp starts 90 minutes later than the school bus arrives, and ends an hour earlier than after-school programs (-2)
*Taxi service daily required to and from camp and appointments. (-3)
*Bedtime is up for grabs; likely 90 minutes later. (-4.5)
*We may as well just subtract 30 more minutes of quality work time to make it an even five; that’s FIVE HOURS of LOST WORK DAILY IN SUMMER!
Sorry, I’m screaming; it’s what summer does to me bar none. It’s the biggest lack of routine I’ve ever experienced, and I begin to wish for school about July 1. This year I’m not going to stress out as terribly as I did last year or the year before or the year before that. How will I do that? Not sure, but here are some things I’ve put in place:
*Hired three people to help pick up the slack in between their kidlets being home for summer and their vacations and their full-time jobs. Heh.
*Hired the 14-year-old across the street to come 3-days a week from 4:30 to 7 p.m. so I can exercise on the trails and pick up lost work time (that means finding food for the sitter, too, right?).
*Begun to query moms for play dates in the evenings and perhaps will ask the folks to help out, too.
*Promised to unplug from social media. (KIDDING! But, wow, wouldn’t that buy me five hours of time a day, and I’d be back to center?)
I have no idea how this will work, but it’s a start. What are you doing with your kids this summer when you’re working?
You know I feel your pain. Right after we talked last week, I set about finding a new solution. I think I have one, but as you so well know, things can change – especially in the summer. I think the biggest thing we can do is just adjust our expectations – for everything. Not saying we should do “less than” work, but just recognize it will be a tad more difficult to accomplish what usually takes us half the time. Go easy on yourself (tough, right?). I think you 4-7pm plan sounds pretty awesome. I think I might add that into my routine as well. Smart!
We should also have a summer-mamas support group…at your place! or mine!
OHgosh; love this. I must keep to the get out of the house for me time to calm the anxiety of losing time. I think the cool basement with Netflix is also going to be an option, too!
It’s a struggle! I work out of our home office while hubby is at our office. However, this summer, I may find the need to make the 5 minute drive to the office for sanity sake!
Our oldest is almost 13, so she can give me some relief if I bribe her with shopping! All three are used to business calls around here, so, that helps. I plan pool time for afternoon, so they understand if Mom’s stuff doesnt get done in morning, no swimming for them!
I’ve been harping on my kid since 2 (when I’m on the phone conducting business do not interrupt me). No matter 9.5 or 25; I still struggle with this basic rule. I have one who can occupy herself and will need to; it’s also about the guilt. Nah, really?
Not mom and not a preneur. Oh my goodness I don’t know how the mompreneurs do it. Hats off.
You’re 1/4 mom…you’ll feel it, I’m sure!
M. is sad when I come home late on nights he’s with us…I feel bad!
I hear you!
And – I agree with Erica. A big part of the “solution” is adjusting our expectations.
This is my 4th summer as a single mom and entrepreneur. I’ve definitely had my share of pull-my-hair-out, why-the-hell-do-I-do-this moments, but this summer I’m doing my best to try and pull back a little so I can remain sane and maybe even – gasp! – have some days with my daughter.
Why do I think this is possible?
Because I stepped back and looked at the Big Picture. I did a mid-year assessment of where I’m at with my business and got nitty-gritty about what I need to do between now and the end of the year to keep us out of the poor house. Surprisingly, it’s not as much as I would have thought.
I think many mompreneurs (especially single moms like me) tend to get into a scarcity mode where we feel that we must work every single minute that we have free (and many that we don’t – including time we should be, say, SLEEPING). In my case, I have my Puritan, Yankee heritage to blame, but the truth is that sometimes we’re our own worst enemies … our own worst bosses!
When I looked hard at the nuts and bolts of what I have to do, I realized that I have the bandwidth to make some different choices about how I handle summer. I’m not saying it’s going to be a walk in the park – far from it – BUT … I already feel a little less panicked.
Just my two cents. Hope it helps.

PS – Be sure to watch my various mommy blogs over the summer … I’m sure I’ll have at least ONE total meltdown on just this topic, and then you can send me a “told you so” tweet followed by a virtual hug.
Jamie, I am a single mother by choice. Enough said.
Please share your blogs here! Absolutely will not do a “told you so” but will provide virtual support!
Moms are superwomen; they handle so many tasks it’s incredible and oh btw, they actually birthed the baby. How many dads do you think will sign up for that? Yikes……….
My children are out of the house and I kind of miss those times; but I can see where it is very stressful for the working moms.
Thanks for sharing and oh by the way, I one upped you and talked on my first vlog so next time you will have to sing and dance to top that……just sayin’…………
Hope your day went well.
You’re sweet to acknowledge us, Bill. I know there will be a time when kidlet is gone, too; then I can work always, eh? Sounds so shortsighted saying all this, but it’s imperative to get quality time to work.
Oh, yeah, and about that vlog, where’s the link? Let’s see it!
Boy, do I feel your pain. Usually, I nail this down in winter. But so many things were up in the air this year, that I’m still trying to nail down my childcare arrangements! A mix of camps and babysitters. I have three that I still feel need to be supervised–boy does it add up!!! Good luck to you.
I’m over here whining about one; no way could I manage three/four. Wish you best of luck! Thanks for stopping in, Neicole!
I’m reading this and not feeling much like the mompreneur I am, because at the moment my 2-year-old’s screaming at the breakfast table over something she wanted and couldn’t have and being told to hush… but all this is occurring not with me, but with her auntie.
Not a day goes by I don’t thank God I have family around me, or I can’t imagine even working a regular job, let alone running a business on top–summer OR winter, at her age. We all do what we have to do, though, and I’m sure the sitters will be glad to feel like businesspeople in their own rights while you get some “you” time in.