She’s the mom of two and wife of one, thank goodness (because I’m not sure how any woman could manage TWO husbands ever; don’t you wonder why the woman in various religions isn’t the one to have multiple spouses?), and she’s also a runner. Paula Kiger recently ran for the Michael J. Fox Foundation and in support of Gareth with MCAD (you’ll have to ask her what that is).
Paula is a unique individual from her interesting Twitter handle @BigGreenPen to the Happy Friday Series she wrote here on Feb. 1, 2013.
She shared her happy while in traffic; Creating Optimism While In Traffic On Foursquare, actually. She is a woman after my own heart as a Foursquare checker inner, a author and a peer blogger on the path. But what most intrigues me about Paula is the fact that she dashed over here to write the fourth in the series of Happy Friday posts, and I hadn’t had the wonderment of being introduced to her.
And, Paula gets the award, amongst about 45 guest authors, for the most interesting angle and take on happiness. Who the heck is ever happy while sitting in doggone traffic? Especially at the “Punishment Light?”
You can find Paula’s blog here, called Persipacity, and there she writes about wonderful topics (I assume with a Big Green Pen) like motherhood, teens in the workforce, and humanitarianism. When you read her blog post I provided the link to, you’ll find an effervescence and natural sincerity in Paula’s genuine nature.
I’m so happy she made us all happier getting to know someone who gives of herself unto others with love. It’s so obvious to me without truly have the privilege of knowing Paula IRL, that she’s the real deal.
PAULA?! Thank you for contributing right here and being part of this happy family.
Wow, Jayme, I am overwhelmed with happiness to read this. Thank YOU for a post that is a perfectly timed gift in every way. (And to answer the question about MCAD — it is a mitochondrial disorder — Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency — I wrote about Gareth (and it) here (thanks for asking!): :-)
Happy Friday, Jayme and Paula — good to run into you over here!
I just popped over to reread Paula’s Happy Series post about “The Optimism Light,” and yes — I remembered it! Sadly, I’d never put into action what her post inspired in me, which was to use those times of waiting to pray specifically for the strangers around me, whether I’m in line at a grocery store, sitting at a traffic light, or waiting on the phone (that one is my patience-tester). This was a timely repost, as I’ve been especially harried and always running late recently, which stresses me out. On the other hand, praying for OTHERS always calms me down and reminds me of bigger, more important things in life. Thank-you, Jayme and biggreenpen! ~Michelle
RobBiesenbach Awesome you’re here to celebrate green girls, Rob!
biggreenpen You’re so very welcome. I bump into you around the interwebz often; so glad I could dig a bit deeper and get to know you more, Paula.
New England Multimedia biggreenpen People who share, serve, love and support others are those who hold the threads of life together, Michelle. I know that’s you and Scott, and I also know Paula is among those who nurture, too.