The Happy Friday series is the brainchild of one of the brainiest chick I know, the #RockHot Jayme Soulati. I have been here a time or two, as have many others and we all speak to you (and each other) through our writing about being happy. What it really means, why you can be, should be, how to do it, how to get it back and how to live everyday just plain happy.
Are you happy?
I am. Yes! Now, many people, those who know me best, might read this (yeah, like if I twisted their arms, shoved their faces in front of the screen and threatened to take away their birthdays….) and say, “Huh? Who? You?! Happy? Pshaw.”
But it is true. I am very happy. (Hey! It is the face I was born with, quit pickin’ on me!)
Let’s be very serious for a moment because I want to impress upon you how important this is to understand.
This is “Cubby”. It blew up sitting on the ground. Cubby has been an Icon in Alaska for almost 30 years. It is also thought to be the lifeblood of Pioneer Outfitters. It’s jobs and responsibilities were enormous. A hero, Cubby has saved lives, numerous times. It could (and did) land anywhere in the remote wilderness of Alaska. Many times, Cubby was called upon to find lost people, lost aircraft and even lost horses or dogs in Alaska’s mountains.
RIP, Cubby, September 16, 2013.
Back to happy.
You may wonder how all of this strengthens my thoughts on happiness. It is very simple, really. Cubby, as valued and treasured as it was, was still just an airplane. A very special, experimental aircraft, but an inanimate object, just the same. Master Guide Terry Overly, known as the youngest old-timer in Alaska, was Cubby’s heartbeat. Master Guide Terry Overly, one of the last old-timers and mountain men of a largely gone era. Terry Overly, the only Father I have ever known and my children’s beloved Papa, was not in Cubby when it exploded into the flames that devoured it.
That is and always will be enough to enforce and enhance my happy.
Some of you may know me as the Manager at Pioneer Outfitters. Some of you may know of me through Social Media and all the different channels that I have frequented over the last few years, dealing with my own identity crisis, through Alaska Chick’s Blog and my first book titled, ironically, My Identity Crisis (Which by the way, the #RockHot Jayme Soulati actually named and helped me cure!).
As Alaska Chick, of Pioneer Outfitters Blog, I have most recently been sharing the trials, tribulations, wonders, blessings and dramas of the 7-week long 2013 International Horseback Adventure. I have also begun sharing the effects of that Adventure has had on Pioneer Outfitters 2013 Fall Big Game Hunting Season, and as the weeks to follow will come to show ~ it aint all been rainbows and unicorns here in the wilderness of Alaska.
Through it all however, one thing remains constant and prevalent: the blessings that surround us all, if we care to see them. The kindness in people, everywhere, towards strangers and friends alike and their own willingness to help as they can, anyone at all, because that is what people do. The beautiful world we live in and the moments that leave us in awe to witness are a blessing that surrounds us all.
What Cubby reminded us all at Pioneer Outfitters of, on the morning of September 16th, was that no matter how valuable, how needed something is or was, was that it was just a thing, a tool and something that could be replaced. Master Guide Terry Overly, a son, a brother, a Father and a Grandfather was so much more to us than a thing, a tool and something that could never be replaced.
As so many people have lost loved ones, and so many times our hearts break for ourselves and others for their loss, I wanted to share my own joy and yes, happiness, with each of you here, for the reminder of how simple happiness is. When everything else is taken away we all, each other and each of us, are what matters.
I wanted to share my happy with you all and I hope you have happy in your life today too.
About The Author (by Jayme)
Amber-Lee Dibble is one tough cookie and one of the most genuine wilderness women I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting. Reading her stories, listening to her free think in her blog posts, and her love of pink (my least fave color), make you want to squeeze her in a Midwest bear hug. Knowing that her excursions are more real than any of us can imagine makes me want to escape the continental U.S. and move to the outer reaches of Alaska where danger lies in frost bite and mosquito bites. Thanks, Amber-Lee for writing here a third time; you are welcome always. RIP Cubby and so sorry about your loss.
You are a beautiful woman, Amber-Lee!
Yes, it’s always about the love of and for the people we share our lives with. Thanks for the reminder with this vivid example!
My first thought after the safety of all of you who could have been inside the plane was, “Does that mean there’s no getting in or out of Chisana?!!”
Four days later and I look at those photos and I still get the same goose bumps that got hippty skippty even knowing you all were safe. Anything else I said isn’t repeatable here..LOL
After the wild, crazy year you’ve had so far, I honestly think there was a Flock of very special Guardian Angels created just for all of you there!
Jayme..Your description of Amber is just perfect! 🙂
Oops! I forgot to include the bio! LOL, thank you Jayme, I love yours better! We are incredibly blessed. These last few months haven’t been easy, emotionally or physically… but as we were scrambling to keep up and as life became trickier, scarier and crankier.. I always had in the back of my mind, “Well?! Ha! You keep saying that one is as happy as they choose to be!” Sigh. Look what you have all done to me. I AM happy. Want to know what the coolest by-product of that feeling is, that I have come to realize? It seems to make everyone else happier too! LOL, seriously! Thank you, Jayme, for it all.
Ann, Days later even I look at the photos here on my computer as I am working to get more of the notes transcribed of the 7-weeks in the wilderness, or when my little Alaska Chick-let drags me away for a walk and I see the skeleton on the airstrip.. I feel just sick inside. For a moment. Then it matters less than simply another messy spot to clean up. Because simply put, it just doesn’t compare. I thank the Highest Power, over and over again each day, for the blessing and through the blessing the reminder- that as we work so terribly hard, to pay bills, to buy supplies, to make improvements, to be more, get more, do more…. That all that really matters is us. People. Each other. Not the stuff… not even the important stuff. People are what matters, the ones you love the most, the ones you have just met, the strangers walking by and the ones just around the corner of time… that you haven’t met yet.
RIP, Cubby.
I don’t feel beautiful, but I certainly with no doubt at all feel incredibly blessed. We were all reminded, Betsy, and I immediately knew that I had to share that reminder. My Goodness, the sick horror that almost buckled my knees vanished instantly when I saw Papa running towards me. Then, was only relief and a sadness for the loss.
Our first thoughts were similar. There are some lean and mean times coming ~ but we haven’t always had airplanes and grew strong without them once before so I suppose it is time to remember what truly makes us strong.
AlaskaChickBlog It’s so not about me; I only nurture and grow the seeds that are already planted. And, watching you grow these last several years has been a true delight.
AlaskaChickBlog BetsyKCross So how will your people get to you now? The ones who want to go on an excursion with you?
Soulati | Hybrid PR AlaskaChickBlog BetsyKCross Same-same, for guests and clients. We do not fly our guests or clients, different air taxi or charter companies do that.
As for fuel, supplies and our personal travel.. well, that is where life has become more difficult for us now. Now, instead of being able to do for ourselves, we wil have to somehow be able to pay others to do it for us, until we can purchase another aircraft.
Terry’s son and a good friend will arrive today (with their airplanes), weather permitting (it’s snowing again), to help us finish our Fall Big Game Hunts, flying camp supplies and meat, pulling gear and camps and moving them and them closing everything down around October 4th for the Winter. After that? We’ll just have to do what comes next.