We’ve all heard the phrase, “bloom where you’re planted.” It conjures visions of sunflowers swaying happily in the breeze, right?
But what if your current environment makes you feel like a weed? A dandelion squeezed between the sidewalk cracks?
You have the power to uproot and move to richer soil.
I know what I’m talking about.
As an adult, I’ve moved all the way across country twice, voluntarily. You see, my husband and I had a conversation about 14 years ago that went something like, “if you could live anywhere, where would you go?” We both had a deep curiosity about the Pacific Northwest, so we visited, loved it, and decided to pack up a U-Haul, two dogs and one cat, and move from the Washington, DC area to pretty much the farthest point away in the continental United States.
We happily spent about 12 years in the gorgeous, lush, remote Northwest. But then we started to get an urge…with kids in the picture who wanted to know their grandparents, a severe Vitamin D deficiency, and a vague need to be back on the East Coast, we started researching a new place to bloom.
Once again, we chose a place to visit, fell in love with it, and packed our family (now 3 kids and one cat). The winner? An island town outside of Charleston, SC. I’ve always dreamed of living at the beach, so I’ve literally moved to my “happy place.”
However, this post isn’t about how awesome it is to be barefoot 75% of the time. (It is awesome.) It’s about taking control of your happiness, and choosing where you want to be, rather than feeling stuck where you are.
Maybe your happy spot isn’t a physical location. Maybe it’s a new career. Regardless of what it is, make your move!
Bloom where you plant yourself, and be happy.
Rosemary O’Neill is Co-Founder/President of Social Strata, which makes the Hoop.la online community platform. For the last 15 years, she has been evangelizing the social conversation and helping customers like Mattel, Long John Silvers, and HarperCollins grow thriving communities. She has also appeared on Fox & Friends and NPR as an HR rebel. You can find her online via Twitter (@rhogroupee), on her small business marketing blog at https://rhogroupee.com, and as a weekly contributor to Liz Strauss’ Successful and Outstanding Blog. She makes a mean blueberry pie.
LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/rosemaryoneill
I asked the exact same question of my wife – if you could live anywhere in the US, where would it be. It is the first time that we picked the location FIRST, and then found the job. Ironically, we were living in the PacNW (Woodinville, WA) when I asked that question – and that got us to Denver.
dbvickery I think more people should have that conversation! And I’ve heard from lots of people that Denver is cool…
rosemaryoneill We love it – proximity to the mountains, sun 310 days out of the year, good sports town and place to raise the kids…
dbvickery When you visit a city, it speaks to you. That’s what Chicago did for me and Asheville, too. I’m likely headed there next; it’s always important to have a wish list.
Soulati | Hybrid PR Asheville is very nice, too.
Hi Rosemary, I Jayme! What a great story and an interesting departure from “Bloom where you’re planted!”
Sometimes the roots in life, emotionally, are not that great either as we live our lives based on decisions about life and about ourselves which were made when we were way too young! We need to move from that too – but that means pulling up the root! Funny, too, my book which is about that is called The Happy Place 🙂
Lori Thanks for making that excellent point, Lori! I’ll have to go look for your book 🙂
Lori Please consider writing for this series, Lori. Sounds like you have a lot to share!