Can happiness really be yours?
The state of happiness is simply a decision usually achieved by those who got sick and tired of being robbed of living by unhappiness (a broken heart).
Our life is impressed mostly by things we don’t see or understand. That is why happiness seems so elusive.
The first thing we associate with happiness are outwardly things like fame and fortune.
Happiness cannot be bought.
Money has zero impact on whether you are truly a happy person.
There are miserable rich folks who live pathetic, unhappy lives who do the darndest things (waste) with their money.
On the other hand, there are the poorest of the poor souls around the world lifting up hands with joy and thankfulness, happy for the gift of another day.
The truth is, there are either things that are more important to you than happiness, or you’ve just simply lost your way (mind).
Happiness thrives in recognizing and being thankful for the simple things in life.
Most folks do everything they can to complicate their life by seeking to indulge pleasures they believe will bring them happiness.
Big problems get created right about here for many!
Drugs, alcohol, sex, big houses, fast cars – nothing can fill the void within you except happiness itself.
Happiness thrives in quiet time within so you can understand who you really are.
There are some folks who are just lost in the woods; they don’t have a clue as to who they are or where they’re going.
There’s nothing more unsettling or confusing than not knowing who you really are.
This usually stems from living a life that others think is right for you, or going out of your way to please others with no regard for your own happiness.
Happy people have embraced the fullness of who they are and as a result of being that “complete” person, their happiness over-flows to others.
Happiness thrives in the moment.
It’s easy to lose your moments of happiness in the busyness of life.
The mind runs a million miles a minute about the past, the future, your problems, needs, goals, and the pressures of life, which pretty much doesn’t leave much time for your moments of happiness any day.
They are moments you will never get back. Gone forever.
Have you heard the saying, “Stop and smell the roses?” There is a reason it’s such a well known phrase…
Happiness requires that you shut off your mind and open your eyes and embrace the happiness that’s right in front of you.
This is where happiness exists.
NOW is the only place you’ll ever experience it and be it.
So, why not choose to be happy today? You deserve it!
About The Author
Hi, my name is Mark Harai and I help entrepreneurs get their ideas out of their head and into the marketplace. I share real life tips, know-how, lessons I’ve learned, inspiration and insights I think might be helpful to you.
You can connect with me here: Personal Blog, Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn and Mark on Google+.
Hi Jayme, thank you for the opportunity to share here at your place… Friday is a good day to write and read “Happiness!”
I can only write what my experience has been. You start your climb to the top of business and life from the bottom. The rest of your life is that climb to the top.
It may not always seem like it, but today you are the most capable at any other time of your life to accomplish whatever you set your mind to.
Today you are stronger than you were yesterday, even if you feel you’re at your weakest point. There is much power gained in weakness. It’s called wisdom.
The bottom line is, you are here for a reason…when you identify why that is, it will unlock your happiness.
Cheers, miss : )
@Mark_Harai I love the multi-facets of Mark Harai. Tip of the iceberg? Indeed.
“On the other hand, there are the poorest of the poor souls around the world lifting up hands with joy and thankfulness, happy for the gift of another day.”
Mark, what you said here about the poorest of the poor lifting up hands with joy? I’ve heard that Americans who go on missions trips to those poorest-of-the-poor communities always come back changed by the experience. An affluent 17-yr-old girl I know traveled to Mexico with a group of teens from her church. She said she was blown away by the joy expressed by an elderly woman who had so little, she had to flip bowls and buckets upside down on her dirt floor to provide seating for her guests. Yet this woman was filled with a joy inexpressible.
The girl said that woman was the richest person she’d ever met.
@New England Multimedia Wealthy, fulfilling, joyous, over-flowing life is always found in the simple things of life. It’s so right in front of you, most people just miss it 😮
Americans have over-complicated things in my opinion.
What a powerful story, thank you for sharing it here, Michelle : )
@Mark_Harai @New England Multimedia And, I know, Mark, we who have lived abroad and currently are an ex pat can see this absolute. You’re right.
@New England Multimedia I love this story. Michelle, I’m sure you have many of these to share! Thanks for adding it here.
Happiness, like motivation, is an inside out job that I’m happy to embrace each and every day. Cheers! Kaarina
@KDillabough That mindset in and of itself brings magic to life… Hi, Kaarina! : )
@Mark_Harai Hi right back at’cha my friend:)
“So why not choose to be happy today?”
Mark, in this small sentence, you summed up what took me 28 years and a personal catastrophe to learn. Happiness, joy, has nothing to do with what we have, where we live, what we know. It has everything to do with where we dwell inside ourselves and what we focus on. Living from a place of joy is indeed a choice.
I spent the first 28 years of my life mostly focused on what wasn’t working, what I lacked – materially and as a person – and how unfair life was. I’ve spent the last 24 years focused on living from the core of who I am, living a life that has meaning and purpose for me.
I still have times when I’m frustrated or angry or feeling wrung out but they are temporary; passing moments in time. Underpinning all of that is a deep sense of gratitude and joy for what I have – the ability to live a life of meaning and purpose.
Thanks for another great post and Jayme, thanks for this series. It’s one of the things that help me to keep my focus on what’s important.
@Sharon Gilmour Glover You’re a lady with much substance and wisdom. I enjoy your friendship and leaning from you… We have only scratched the surface and that’s exciting!
Life is about making things happen.
@Mark_Harai And you are a lovely, generous man. Right back at you Mark!
@Sharon Gilmour Glover So glad to have you here. Your vast life experiences with ups and downs have contributed to your passion for what you do each day. Those trials and tribulations were not for naught; how could you teach had you not experienced that in hind sight?
You’re welcome, and I do look forward to your post in this series one day, soon, Sharon!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Thanks for the very kind words Jayme. You’re quite right – impossible to teach without all of the experiences, especially the challenges and the brutal ones.
Do you have anything in particular you want me to write about? And any guidelines? And shall I just send you something when I’ve written something?
Inquisitively yours,
@Sharon Gilmour Glover Lady! I got nothin’! This is the beauty of this series; it’s totally up to you. Thank you!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing You are a brave woman! I will put on my best creative thinking cap and send something along in the next little while.
Thanks so much for the opportunity,
@Sharon Gilmour Glover Nah. I have full editorial discretion!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Oh so you’e actually a very wise woman. Not that I didn’t know that already…
Hi Mark,
Happiness starts with self! Awesome point my friend and I love how clearly you articulate this. So many people search for material things to make them happy and spend time “looking” for happiness when all they have to do is spend some time looking in the mirror and reflecting.
Thanks again!
@GeoffReiner It seems like ages, bro! Good to see you, Geoff and we definitely see eye to eye on many things, sir : )
Let’s catch up soon!
It has been ages! Good to see you too my good man 🙂
And yes, definitely chat soon!
K…I made myself laugh:
“Happy people have embraced the fullness of who they are and as a result of being that “complete” person, their happiness over-flows to others.”
Made me envision eating and overflowing…on to others. HA!
Thanks, Mark. Don’t know if I’m “completely” aware of who I am yet….we are all more amazing than we know, I think. Don’t you?
@BetsyKCross We haven’t even scratched the surface of our true potential… but I do know the right words expand it : )
Cheers, miss! : )
@BetsyKCross OK, Ms. Betsy. You’re in the hot seat next week! @Mark_Harai you can some back and see what she has to say!
BetsyKCross YES!
Honestly? This happiness business is painful too. Allow me to explain. My face hurts from smiling soooo much today! See? Oh, what’s that? Hmm… you may be correct. Maybe my happy muscles are wimpy. Well, hey! That’s getting easier to fix by the moment!
I loved this, Mark. It really is THAT simple. It doesn’t have to take an hour, or even 30 minutes…. we are all busy, living, surviving… trying, all it takes is as you say “Happiness requires that you shut off your mind and open your eyes and embrace the happiness that’s right in front of you.” Just breathe.
It IS those poorest of poor souls with so much appreciation of what really matters that have helped me to focus. I am safe, my children are safe, healthy, scary smart and mostly happy (!!), we have a nice home (although it could be bigger), we have plenty (and more) food to eat, books to read…. I could go on and on and DO, when these thoughts go through my mind, JUST to remind myself, “We are as happy as we CHOOSE to be.”
I am alive. I know that my end will be sooner than I wish for (affairs in order- check!) but the flip side is that I was blessed with so many more than anyone can fathom. Why? Because my job here is not finished. I am not all done yet becoming who I need to be. The blessing in all that is I feel the more I embrace the world and people in it, the more I can give and learn, the stronger I am.
Certainly, the happier I am.
Thank you for this post Mark (and of course Jayme for bringing us all together). It really is great.
AlaskaChickBlogYou know, we’re too very like-minded people. I feed off of your energy.
How cool is that?
I love how you spill your guts out on your posts/ comments/ et al… keep digging : )
You just added tons to this discussion, thank you, miss!
@MarkHarai1 AlaskaChickBlog She is the most genuine person I have ever met; and, the other thing? She really doesn’t know it.
I am happy to be back. Ha!