Happiness is pervasive; everywhere you look and listen, someone is talking about studies on happiness at academic levels, about books they’re reading, about happiness jars they’re creating, and the love they have for their fellow man.
I applaud them all. We need more positive spirit and positive mental attitude and smiles and giggles and belly laughs to endure the constant stream of negativity, backlash and strife in this entire world.
Peggy Fitzpatrick is one of the happiest women I know; every day, her avatar greets us with that infectious wide grin complete with a sprinkling of stars in various colors behind her head. Her posts are always positive, always supportive, always full of love, and generosity. Her spirit is so alive, and she leads the 12Most.Com community with Paul Biedermann. Run to her blog and Facebook community or Twitter to see what I mean.
Happiness jars are being crafted all over and posted online. Do you know why? Because we need to share the good things we’re thankful for and recognize what makes us laugh and smile every day.
Did you know laughter is the best medicine? Not kidding; that tired old cliché is tried and true – laughter indeed makes the heart healthier. And, it releases the negative acids and endorphins and hormones into the sky leaving you with a rosy feeling and a spritely step.
On Fridays, please hold me to it, we’re going to find GOOD news that brings a smile to your psyche. Maybe it will make you happy, or maybe it will send away a negative thought, or two.
And, to make this really work, I’d like your help…here’s how:
- Guest Post here on a Friday about happiness, good mental energy, spiritual positiveness (yep, word coin), laughs, or whatever tickles you. I don’t mind if you have no blog of your own and want to get your feet wet. Send me 400 words if you don’t know what to write; we’ll get a story going.
- Share in comments something you saw or read that makes you or made you happy. I’ll cover it here.
- Send me links to happy stuff, and I’ll sprinkle them in the channels.
- Join my Bloggers Unite! Community on Google+ — we’re nearing 90 members and growing. It’s where we lend some levity to our seriousness with banter, XO and LOL. Knowing that Alaska Chick Blog of Pioneer Outfitters (yes, it’s Amber-Lee Dibble) is my co-moderator should bring a smile right off.
What think? Join me in our collective pursuit of happiness, would you? All writers and stories welcome. You will smile; that’s the goal.
Nicest and most happy pingback EVAH. Thank you so much, Jayme.
Your kind words mean a lot to me, really and truly. The Happiness Jar project is so special and meaningful to me. Liz Gilbert is a gift and a treasure. A lovely woman on G+ wrote me the most lovely comment last night about finding my happiness jar post, loving my content and finding the APE book which was exactly what she needed at the time. I really feel like the right people, articles, movies etc. come along when we need them the most. Thank YOU for being so caring and wonderful.
I’d love to have a guest spot on your rocking blog, sistah! Let me know.
@PegFitzpatrick What? Are you kidding? I would be so honored to have you here next Friday to kick off The Happy Friday series! I’m thinking you’re my first go to source for LOL, happy, XO, and more, anyway! Please, will you?
That’s such a #RockHot; I’m so excited.
You’re so right; when we least expect and most need, the signs of love and care are right in front of us. We need to be open with eyes and heart and ears to see, feel, hear. You know what I mean.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Hooray!!
I’m for the happy and xoxo but I don’t lol. For real, it just annoys me for some reason. lol, loz and lmfao annoy me. I’ll send you 400 words of positive FAB for next week.
ps – Don’t be surprised if all the positive spirit and joy from this post keep coming back to give you a big squeeze.
@PegFitzpatrick You’re right. LOL is over done by many. For me, it’s real. When I laugh at someone’s writings, I have to say it and that textspeak just works. But I’ll be more cognizant about how/when I use it. I use FAB too, but not as much as #RockHot. It’s a way to express or ebullience. (Woah, where did that come from!?! Heh…see, was gonna right an LOL there! Hahaha. Oy; gotta work on that.)
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing You can lol…that’s just not a thing that I do. I love your #RockHot, it’s AWESOME!!
I’m putting a list here of peeps I hope will take me up on my need for GPs about happy things — @NewEnglandMultimedia Michelle D. Quillin and Kaarina Dillabough and @AlaskaChickBlog @pioneeroutfitters @suddenlyjamie Jamie Wallace . I’m so hoping you’ll write a post for a Friday to help with this series?
Doing the Happy Dance:) https://youtu.be/p1d7Omb4fUI
Cheers! Kaarina P.S. As I was doing my Happy Dance and getting the link, your comment below appeared:) OF COURSE I’ll be writing a post for you:)))))
@KDillabough Hurray! This whole thing is making me happy. Not lying. Feeling the love and excitement! Our community needs to feel that bond again; we’re disjointed and worried about the new year. A little ‘raderie is good for the soul. Ooh. I think I have to use that in my email signature!
@KDillabough P.S. Snoopy just has a way of putting on smiles! Thanks for sharing that!
Jayme, you are the BESTEST!
I would be delighted to write a post and am happy-happy-HAPPY to be in the mix with other like-minded, let’s-get-happy people. There can never be too much joy in the world, and yet we so often gravitate towards the opposite. It’s like some bad habit we can’t kick. Hell! We don’t even realize we do it!
Thank you for initiating this.
Oh – and I will definitely join you over on Google+ … I’m almost there. Just transferring all my “stuff” (docs, calendars, reader) to a new Google ID (my default one was silly). I’ll be there soon! 🙂
XO and HAPPY Friday! (That now takes on a whole new meaning for me!)
@suddenlyjamie Feel free (Everyone) to take over this blog on Friday with thankful, joyful, happiness stuff. Sounds corny, but darn it, you’re so right. There are too many people suffering and even amongst our own communities (see Mark Schaefer blog yesterday with the story about Nancy Smith).
Our inspiration may help someone get out of the doldrums a bit. Thanks, Jamie. Looking forward to seeing you at Bloggers Unite! too!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I hadn’t seen Nancy’s post on Mark Schaefer ‘s blog, but I read it just now and got a lump in my throat. I am constantly amazed at what people can survive, and – more importantly – how they can grow so beautifully even in the most trying circumstances. I am often moved to tears by the generosity of strangers in this place called the Internet. Wonderful. Thanks for the heads up. I’m glad I didn’t miss that one.
@suddenlyjamie Apparently, she is staying with friends somewhere and has no computer or email right now. Yes, I was moved and tearful upon reading that.
I definitely spread the happy in Facebook throughout the week. Similar to many of the friends we have in common, I actually pay attention throughout the day to find anything I think may bring a smile or get a belly laugh! What’s cool is that it even suits the lurkers. They do not post much, and they rarely comment, but they Like different comic posts or mention it IRL.
I *think* I’m already in that Google+ Community…
@dbvickery Then, perhaps you’ll keep your list and post it here on occasion? Or, I’ll grab it and share with accolades. We know who’s typically living life with laughs; it shows on the face. It’s so wonderful when you see it; there’s an aura. I have only really seen it on one person for real. It was amazing.
I was standing in line at the grocery store telling the clerk about this NPR interview I had heard about the study of happiness. I felt the woman behind me tune in and when I went to look at her, she was beaming naturally. Almost angelic, really. I won’t forget that vision of her face, and I told her so.
Sorry, had to share that. Thanks for coming over!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing May sound cheesy, but my wife is that lady in the line that is always beaming, sees the best in everybody, will laugh to the point of tears, and then excitedly passes along her enthusiasm.
Anything with the Gangnam guy. he has made the whole world smile. Over exposure? Yes. But I have not seen one person say they did not laugh at that video : )
@markwschaefer I need to go watch that again…You’re right, but over exposure means viral, right? Thanks for that tip!
I’m so happy to be here, I can’t stand it! ;)))
I’ll gladly share with you and oldie but a goodie that makes me laugh out loud each time:
Kids are just so stinkin’ cute, aren’t they?
@EricaAllison OMGosh. I am laughing my ass off…I shouldn’t ‘use body parts. That is flippin’ hilarious! This guy is precious. Thanks for sharing that! I hope everyone watches; it’s about 20 seconds. Great seeing you, Girlfriend! You’ve been on my mind!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I love this one. I had forgotten about it, but we were talking about it in the office yesterday and I just had to find it! Glad your post reminded me to do that.
@EricaAllison Worth your time to find it. Wayyyyy hilarious. Thanks for doing it!
@EricaAllison That child is adorable…he has an acting career…or political career, ahead for sure.
@anitahovey He is adorable, isn’t he?
Great idea…I decided to focus more on positive things this year, too, and just posted on my blog about it this week: https://twirp.ca/2013/01/winning-week-1-the-telus-monkey-responds
And I agree… @PegFitzpatrick is definitely the most pervasively positive person on the planet 😉
@anitahovey @PegFitzpatrick And, the colors on your blog are infectiously happy!! Love that combo!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Thanks! I do love my branding 🙂
@anitahovey It’s like me when I was a bold and sassy chica (wait, I still am) with Pantone Red and Pantone Violet!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @anitahovey Thanks for the love , ladies! <3 I love my blog a lot too, thanks!
Happiness is infectious and @PegFitzpatrick is a shining, sparkly beacon for that. I also like to spread positivity and support together with my own brand of humor in my interactions — everyone can use those things. Admittedly, I do “LOL” every once in awhile, but sparingly. Great post, Jayme!
@PaulBiedermann @PegFitzpatrick And, you and I, Paul, are just becoming further acquainted, and for that I’m smiling. I will do better honoring your posts with a smile and a repost here, too! Thanks for coming by!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @PaulBiedermann I have tried to break Paul of the LOL habit. 🙂
Jayme, this whole comment thread is fantastic!!
Happy, happy, happy… I’m in..!
Hi Jayme : )
Happiness is a choice – if you’re not happy, chances are you’re not seeing your other options 😮
It’s also hard to find if you don’t surround yourself with happy, positive, progressive, optimistic people. You really do become what you hang out with the most.
I don’t have anything against negative folks; I just avoid them at all costs.
Love your new series, miss : )
@Mark_Harai I’m thrilled you’re in! So glad. I know you can whip out a post here in no time with your positive spirit I love so much! XO!
Jayme, I am so happy (to use a phrase) that you are doing this. We all need that little extra mental push and reminder to relax and smile. Peggy has inspired me in this way as well. One of the nicest folks I have had the pleasure to know online and always a supporter for those at 12most.
I had wanted to do something similar on my own blog, but I don’t have nearly the time I wish to work on it. I was going to call it everyday strength. Things you can do in 10 minutes to improve your mood during the day. I will try to send a post your way about it.
@susansilver Very kind of you to say, Susan. You should save your idea for your blog, it sounds like a wonderful weekly anchor post. Wishing you well!
@susansilver I’m thinking Every Day Strength is an excellent theme. We all need it and need to know how/where to find it and from whom to get that inspiration to keep on. Put it here, put that on your blog on occasion; no matter, it’s worthy! (So are you!) Thanks for sharing.
Happiness is a great reason to say hello and say HAPPY FRIDAY!
@jeanniecw Nice to have you here, Jeannie! Thanks, and feel free to submit a post on Happy. I’m sure there’s something that strikes you?
<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/fRb1h989_jk” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
This is just for you….ALL of you.
@AlaskaChickBlog Can’t wait to hear from you, Amber-Lee, on how you make Happy happen in Alaska.
I’m happy just showing up here, finding @AlaskaChickBlog @susansilver @Mark_Harai @markwschaefer @dbvickery and @KDillabough ! Oh… and it’s nice seeing that big beautiful banner at the top of the page… 🙂
OK… I posted this at Ken Mueller’s blog for his musical game, and I’ll share it here. Not sure if anyone wants to invest 6 minutes in my rock’n’roll memories of long ago, but here’s a clip from a documentary on the musical scene in Charlotteville VA when I was in college — I’m was and still am fanatical about this band: https://youtu.be/dX518WcYW-s
PS: I’m now smiling…
@barrettrossie Had some great jammin’ on guitar and piano!
@dbvickery This is the danger of sending your lovely daughter to U.Va… look what it did to me!
@barrettrossie Hah, UVA isn’t going to happen because scholarships will not come her way even with her rank and touting a 34 ACT. So her music will get heard on some other college campus!
@barrettrossie Music Unites Us! I have a feel good playlist. It really helps me get through the rough times.
@susansilver @barrettrossie Maybe that’s the post you need to submit, Susan! I’m merely a listener and appreciate musical creations; yet, I have no capacity to remember songs by artists and what they say. Don’t do movies that way, either. So admire people who can and do. How about a Music That Makes Me Smile piece? Just pondering.
@barrettrossie @AlaskaChickBlog @susansilver @markwschaefer @dbvickery @KDillabough Nice, Barrett! Happy New Year, sir – it’s going to be a banner year : )
@barrettrossie @AlaskaChickBlog @susansilver @Mark_Harai @markwschaefer @dbvickery @KDillabough Well, we’re all complete since you joined the thread and shared your musical blast from the past! TU!
Jayme you have inspired a landslide of good feelings! Yay! The best way to start a weekend.
@susansilver Heck, and did you! 🙂
That’s an awesome idea Jayme. This one has always made me howl. I know it’s 4 min but it’s so worth it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=mSqSE6Gn2S8
@rdopping And, I bet you watched all 468 of those views, too!
I am Mr Happy………really; I can’t help it.
@bdorman264 And, you’re here to shout it from the rooftops! Yay! Nice seeing you around these parts. Thanks!
Hooray for Happy Friday! I created a #happinessis day on Wednesday where we focus on the happy in our lives. I don’t mind participating in yours on Friday, too, we could ALL use more happiness 🙂
crazyadventuresReally? I would love to have you!! Did you get to this post via today’s post?
On the bottom of that post today are some guidelines about how to submit a piece. I’m thrilled! Great having you here today, CrazyAdventures. Share your blog, too.