Taking a deep breath, pulling the crisp, clean air into you, filling you, pushing all the dark and insanely busy out.
Taking another, wiping the smudge of all the small and seemingly unimportant issues and little dramas of life, away.
Breathing deeply and freely now, just in and out, until you can feel the chill of the air in every part of you, from your fingertips to the organs inside, clean and fresh.
There it is. I found my happy. As I look around, I realize that everything else is extra. The air. The mountains and the river.
What I am curious about is, am I so different than everyone else? Am I especially blessed? Is it simply being aware of what my purpose is that makes it so easy to find my happy?
How Do You Find Your Happy?
The #RockHot Jayme Soulati started the Happy Friday series and in doing so has brought many smiles to many faces over the last few months. The talented writers that have written the posts we have all enjoyed are a blessing.
They have also made me think strongly about why we are focusing so hard on happiness. The reason I would say such a thing is…
Shouldn’t happiness come easily to us all? We have read these posts and know that happiness isn’t money or possessions.
We all know that happiness, giving it and receiving it, can be as simple, and as precious, as a smile.
And, we all know that as bloggers, we tend to write about what people need.
My question is why do we need help finding our happy?
As I read and research and study, day in and day out I have taken note of a few quotes that may help you find your happy.
“When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?'” – Sydney Harris
“Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ~ Voltaire
“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” ~ Roy Goodman
“The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” ~ Joseph Addison
“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” ~J.M. Barrie
“Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.” ~Karl Barth
…and of course, my favorite…
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” ~ John Muir
I know how much simply “trying” wears a person down. I understand that certain sadnesses cannot be unfelt.
But finding your happy? Maybe, just maybe, if you stood still (only for a moment) and breathed and remembered what made you happy the last time… it could fill you again, if you let it.
My hopes and wishes are for you to find your happy (if it seems to be missing). Remember this, as you search for your own…. you are not alone. I’m here. 🙂
About the Author
Amber-Lee Dibble, aka Alaska Chick’s Blog, is a Professional Alaska Guide and Manager at Pioneer Outfitters. Find and chat with Amber-Lee and Pioneer Outfitters on FaceBook , on Twitter as @AlaskaChickBlog or on LinkedIn as Amber-Lee Dibble.
Happy Friday Amber + Jayme. I hope you are both well and doing great. I love these Friday inspirations. Keep them coming. Here’s to a fabulous weekend ladies. Cheers.
rdopping Me too! I even caught myself looking forward to Friday this week! Ha! And no, not because this is my post, because I didn’t even know who would be up next! But because each time I read one of these, and get to read all the comments from people I know and simply adore, I find myself smiling too.
(tink!) That was cheers right back atcha!
AlaskaChickBlog rdopping Your simple grace, Amber-Lee, is so fetching. Thanks for being you and all your writings.
rdopping Are you working on yours, please, Ralph? I would love to have you join us in this series!! Thanks for considering it.
Hi Amber and Jayme, “Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” That’s funny, that’s exactly the way I look at it! I’d not seen it before. I love the Alaska photos, Amber. Every time I see them I think I want to travel. Today my husband left on a trip out of the country so it’s like a double whammy – hey, maybe I should put “traveling” back on my list of happy. Have a great weekend ladies!
Julie | A Clear Sign Julie!! I love that one too…maybe because it helps to remember that as long as we are alive, we can be happy. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow… but it IS coming.
Traveling has NEVER been on my list! LOL, funny I know, because hey (!) look where I am, but really, I am happy HERE. The one thing above all else that really makes me happy is sharing HERE with people. People. Anyone. My children, a perfect stranger, and everyone in between. Sharing all the happiness and beauty I have found here, with other people.
Thanks for stopping by, Julie! I’ll keep sharing the stories and pictures with you.
Julie | A Clear Sign Hi, Julie…travel is ingrained in my blood…I can’t imagine life without it. It makes me happy to see others, cultures, styles, foods, etc. and always dream where I want to be next. Thanks for coming by today! Amber-Lee has a veritable museum of imagery on her website.
What I need her to do is copyright each of them as these photos are gold.
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Julie | A Clear Sign I know, they are gorgeous! I used to travel for a living and when I was done I decided I was staying put for a nice long while…it’s been 18 years!! What was I thinking? I need to get the little guys a bit more grown and I will get them up in the air…
Julie | A Clear Sign Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Yipee-Skippee! How old are they?! I have an almost 6 year old…in May she’ll be 26…yeah and my baby boy who is 14 and I almost come up to his shoulder these days!
In my life, happiness has always been a choice. I find that after a lifetime of taking joy in whatever caught my fancy, happiness comes easily.
I used to live with a guy named Rodney. He was my best friend and we were both really poor. It was rare that we both had a job at the same time. It seems that on the day he would get a job, I’d be out of one, and his crappy job would last until the day I found a new one.
Sure, living on eggs, velveta, bread, and Ramen, was a drag at times, but we used to get excited for buying a twelve pack of diet mountain dew. We could, when having no money to go to a Saturday football game, watch on TV and then get fired up for a nap. Seriously, we used to jump around yelling “Nap”, for a few minutes and then he and I would rock, paper, scissors for the long blue couch, and…well…nap!
It was often the ridiculousness of how much we collectively sucked at getting by that made us happy. There is joy and happiness deep within us, if we choose to let it out. At least, that was the case for Sully and I.
ExtremelyAvg Do you want to know what popped into my head, reading your comment?
We are not alone. (wait!) People make people happy, simply by being there, by sharing what ever it is they are doing or feeling… Cool.
YOU made me very happy, Brian, by just stopping by and sharing that. So who was he, Rodney? Or Sully? LOL
AlaskaChickBlog ExtremelyAvg He was both!…and many nicknames. Rod, Wod, Sullasauras, and it goes on and on. 🙂
ExtremelyAvg Brian, you so moved me with this. Will you please contribute to this series? That comment alone warrants a guest post. Pretty please and thank you?
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing ExtremelyAvg Yes, I’d be happy to contribute. Send me the details at . 🙂
ExtremelyAvg Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing I actually am not sure that email is legit; it’s April Fool’s Day, right?
All you need to do is write a post on whatever you want that pertains to happy. Email it to me w/ any links to your blog and a short About The Author. That’s it. jayme at soulati dot com
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing ExtremelyAvg No, there is a story to Ecocandle Riel. For a couple of years I made my living building spaces in the virtual world of Second Life.
When one signs up for an avatar, one must create their own first name and then pick from the list of available last names. So my name was Ecocandle Riel.
Now, the story of how I came to use Ecocandle for my moniker, that is another tale for another day…but it is awesome!
If you do a search on Youtube, you can find some of the stuff I built. My channel is Ecocandle…obviously. 🙂
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing ExtremelyAvg (ya know…not EVERYONE is as tricky as you are Miss #RockHot….)
Hi Amber, Hi Jamie. I just came in from a cold, windy Spring walk..my Happy Place is outdoors too, and here I find another Happy read! What more could a Gal ask for, well except to be riding instead of walking of course!
I’m really enjoying the Happy Friday Series. Extra smiles for the day.
As Always Amber… ~*~
equuisdancer I know you come here as a result of being in community with Amber-Lee; I am extremely grateful for you and your support of her and my blog, too! If you have a yen to share your perspective on happy, please do, right here. Welcome it.
equuisdancer Amen to THAT, sister of my heart! I just told Dad, that I was “uninspired”. Period. Bla. I want to go PLAY!! LOL, he has no idea how much fun I have with all of you…but we don’t need to let him know that!
Thank you for being here too, Ann. Are you gonna write one for The Happy Friday Series? Oh! Please DO!!
AlaskaChickBlog equuisdancerYou two Gals. I had to chuckle. Thank you for the thought and asking.
I’m a reader, not a writer. It pretty much takes being struck by lightening for me to actually write, and then having someone tie me to my chair and duct tape my hands to the keyboard! It’s happened once or twice.
I have written about my Happy Place and someone (Amber-Lee!) so very kindly and to my surprise included it in her book! (shameless plug for “My Identity Crises” by Amber-Lee Dibble here.) I’d be hard put to write another I think, until I’m actually “in” that place. Then I’m pretty sure I’d see rope and duct tape being threatened..but she’d still have to catch me first!
equuisdancer Don’t worry your pretty little head, Pal of mine… I’ll just send it on over….. Yes?!
equuisdancer AlaskaChickBlog Yikes! Lightning? Rope? Duct Tape?
Nice to meet you, equuisdancer … : )
MarkHarai1 equuisdancer Sheesh! Guys.
AlaskaChickBlog MarkHarai1 equuisdancer LOL
equuisdancer22 AlaskaChickBlog MarkHarai1 equuisdancer oops..on a different computer.
equuisdancer22 MarkHarai1 equuisdancer BESIDES, I don’t need any of those things… I have Thunder! You just CAN’T outrun Thunder…
AlaskaChickBlog MarkHarai1 A Ha, that’s no fair! I’ll need MY Gnushaka then, the race/chase is on!
“I know how much simply “trying” wears a person down. I understand that certain sadnesses cannot be unfelt.”
So true!
I’m not jumping up and down, smiling happy all the time. But when the clouds are thick and one sliver of sunlight shines through (a call from a friend, a kind word, a small success, etc.) I feel it profoundly and am always so grateful for it!
I think that accepting your reality and hoping for better is also key, as you do the best that you can with what you’ve got.
This put a smile on my face, too. Thanks, Amber!
BetsyKCross I didn’t want anyone, who happened to be reading today…or someday in the future, to think “&^&^%^*&*&!!!**(*”
Sometimes…life sucks. I am not talking about putting a fake smile on or walking around saying “have a joy-joy day!!” (cue Sandra Bullock’s voice)…
I am talking about, what we are all here talking about and sharing our thoughts about, is when a person, maybe that person who knows better than anyone how bad and sad life CAN be….coming out of it, can be reminded that Finding Your Happy… can be simply closing your eyes and breathing deep or seeing that ray of sunlight shining through the clouds or canopy…. just shining. It can be opening your email and a simple “I’m thinking about you” note. Or a thank you from someone. Or a wink, a shared half smile of someone who can share the moment of “Ahh”.
Thank YOU, Betsy, because you, without fail, bring me into your world and I always leave feeling like I have been listened to, spoken with, shared with or simply accepted. That is YOUR gift to us all.
~ Happy Friday!
BetsyKCross Jumping up and down all of the time? Don’t you get tired?
Just joshin’ you, Betsy – cheers to you, miss!
My heart smiled when I saw that you are the author of today’s post. And there may have been a smile on my face. [grin] Of course, there was. And I smile as I write this comment.
A few minutes ago, a gray squirrel was standing on its haunches on the other side of the glass wall. He was chirping aggressively. At me.
My universal translator suggests he was saying something like…
“Where’s the bread crumbs, a——”
And I laughed at the furry, little guy’s angry sense of entitlement. And I laughed more at me than the entitled squirrel.
Hello to Jayme!
Faryna Hey. Watch out for them squirrels. I know these things. Boy I have HORROR stories about squirrels.
Oh. Wait. Where am I? Oh.
Entitlement, eh? Hmm… I have actually been thinking on that word myself. (must be all the nuts I eat…)
Have a happy-joy-joy-day, Stan!
Faryna Stan? Are you working on your post for me, please? I am thinking you’re reading to spit.
Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Faryna
Working on it, Boss!
Faryna Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing YEY!!
Faryna STAN!
Hey, I’ve been missing you, Jayme! Amber, girl – you know how I feel about you!
Love this quote;
“Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.” ~Karl Barth
This is an inspiring series, miss… Looking forward to Faryna getting off his duff and submitting his article!
Some of the most inspiring writers on the web are right here at your house, who cool is that? : )
Mark_Harai I miss Miss #RockHot too…she’s off gallivanting. She zips by at the speed of light and POOF! You’re like, “Huh? Was that..? It looked like…”
And where is YOUR next post? Hmm??
AlaskaChickBlog Mark_Harai I obviously can’t spell.
“Snort. Poof.” I’m stealing some of your expressions miss [Grin] <<< you know who I got that from, right?
Don’t know what I would do without my friends… I’m finally developing a digital dialect : )
Good thing, I can’t seem to write English properly! 😮
MarkHarai1 AlaskaChickBlog Mark_Harai LOL! Personally, I love the language I learn from @margieclayman !
AlaskaChickBlog Mark_Harai Hey, I ran across @margieclayman today – she is so matter of fact… have you seen #HecklersHangout hangout she does with @brian vickery ? It’s the virtual Margie on steroids. {there was some kind of hotlink to my hootsuite, so had to re-submit this reply…}
okkok… Margie (YEY!!) on steroids (umm)?!?! WOW. I have of course HEARD of #HecklersHangout…I live in Alaska, not under a log…sheesh. I, however am still waiting to be invited! I have never really been one to crash parties…. well, unless I have my Gang with me… that is the #TeamBlogJack…then all bets are off!
Amber-Lee – Beautiful! Happiness lives in us. We just have to stop and feel it, tap into it and release it. We get caught up in the BS of daily lives and that we tend to forget to be happy….thanks for the reminder
Jen Olney Hi!! It is one of my most favoritest Ladies!! You said it, just so. “We get caught up in the BS of daily lives…” Yes. That is me, for sure, and I know I am not the only one. I am getting better (in no small way, I think because of the silly thing called The Happy Friday Series) at “catching” myself…. being so-sooo busy and remind myself of exactly that.
This is a pretty special thing, I think. If THIS can show/help/remind ME to breathe, laugh, enjoy and find my own happiness, than I am certainly all in to help anyone else to find and remind them of their own happiness. Yey! I am so happy you stopped in, Jen! It means the world.
How the little and simple things can make a person happy. It means you’re a rich person 🙂
Truly, a happy person. Yes. Wealthy beyond any… Have a wonderful weekend!
Such a beautifully written post! 🙂
Hajra Aww..Thank you! I haven’t seen YOU in so long!
AlaskaChickBlog haven’t been around!
Hajra I agree, Hajra – Amber-Lee Dibble can write… She has a gift : )
MarkHarai1 Hajra Amber-Lee Dibble aww, shucks… Hey! Have you watched “Wreck it Ralph”? I’m her…
When we emanate happiness, we improve the world around us. Why would we choose not to do so? So, sing along with me…if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands…Cheers! Kaarina P.S. I’m clapping 🙂
KDillabough Clapping along with you, miss… Hi Kaarina!!! : )
MarkHarai1 …and singing and dancing too! Hi Mark xo
KDillabough “CLAP, CLAP!!” oh, ok, nobody really (really) wants me to sing…Although! You can come along riding with me ANYTIME Kaarina! (I make my team sing TO me as we ride! LOL)
AlaskaChickBlog Now THAT’s a vision…us riding and singing along into the sunset…or sunrise…or anytime!
KDillabough AlaskaChickBlog A-MEN! I need a ride… I need to get out into this beautiful sunshine!!