When I launched this series on Jan. 11, 2013 quite by happenstance, I had no idea where it would go, what it would become, or how I would write on happiness every Friday. I instinctively invited the very happiest person I know online and with whom I’ve never spoken or met, to kick off the first official guest post for the series.
She accepted my invitation with relish, and did me and us justice; The Happy Friday Series was official and rolling.
Every Friday since January, I’ve been jazzed with a cadre of #RockHot guest authors. People who have shared their most personal thoughts and feelings, and people who have shared their passions about what puts smiles in their hearts. The series hasn’t been off the hook giggles; it’s been about life and the pursuit of happiness. Sometimes we find that happy in odd ways, with one little bit of graciousness and generosity.
As the series has continued and my invitations to many to author here have become more sparse and peoples’ time has become less to commit, I’m turning the tables to you.
This series is taking a turn; it’s my turn to thank each and every one of you for your generosity of sharing and caring right here.
And, so, today, I thank Peg Fitzpatrick for her spirit and generosity for kicking off this series right here.
Peg, Positively Peggy, writes a blog that is always generous. She’s a teacher extraordinaire, she shares happiness for real with her community, and if you don’t follow her, you’re truly lacking.
Peggy is one of those sincerely genuine nurturers and givers. She puts herself last, she puts her community first.
She’s a managing partner at 12Most.com, she manages the Google+ community for APE, The Book by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch, she is on all social channels, and she’s writing her own book. If you link to that blog post of hers, you’ll get a positive sense of this woman’s creativity and how she teaches you with relentless giving.
May I say, she’s forever in smiles, too?
Please give Peggy a nod your way; she will imbue positivity and inspire creativity — promise.
Peg Fitzpatrick, thank your for your Happy Friday. You are #RockHot!
Oh shoot, Jayme. It’s too early to get all teary. You’re just so darned awesome.
Thank YOU for being such a fantastic, power chica. We could actually have a conversation sometime. It’s a thing. We could do it. 🙂
PegFitzpatrick Gosh. That would be like…logical, eh? A true dial up. XO! I’m watching you!
Jayme, I agree with Peggy. You are so generous with your time, support and energy. I’m very grateful that somehow I entered your orbit. Do you know how wonderfully generous and giving you are???
Peggy, wonderful to meet you! I’ve met some really lovely people through Jayme and it sounds like it’s high time I found you and your work. I am really new to the social world and appreciate being able to learn from some pretty wonderful people. Looking forward to learning from you too!
Happy Friday ladies and have a wonderful weekend,
Sharon Gilmour Glover Hi, Sharon. It’s my nature to nurture. To a fault and I enjoy when I can truly help. Thanks for your lovely words; very appreciate it! Have a lovely weekend, too!