Our The Happy Friday Series continues with a steady stream of guest authors I am so delighted to welcome and appreciate (I hope you do, too). Today, we’re happy to warmly greet Ms. Amber-Lee Dibble aka Alaska Chick aka Pioneer Outfitters (got any more brands I missed, Amber-Lee? Heh, that’s a years-long joke between us smilers.) Amber-Lee is the voice and face of Chisana, Alaska. She lures wild-westers to the remote Alaska expanse of these 50 states with images of wild-game hunting, frozen tundras navigable only by snow machines, and cozy fires with all the kids and hot chocolate. She’s one of the most admirable bloggers I know, and she can spin a yarn…see what she has to say today about happy!

Amber-Lee Dibble
I was invited to Jayme’s #RockHot Happy Friday Series to share a little of the happiness I have found in Alaska.
Now, Jayme really is pretty wiley because she is well aware how much I actually dislike Friday’s in general, but I must admit, this series has given me a few smiles too, so I’ll pay my dues this week.
Happy, happiness, happily.
Despite what stories and fairy tales may lead one to believe, happiness isn’t sprinkled over your aura by magic. It isn’t something that happens to you. YOU, are the magic, YOU are the only one who can create it.
Do you know what makes you happy? Aside from the big deal, the win, the things you’ve worked so hard for, do you know what so many people have forgotten or don’t realize?
The Little Things
It’s the little things. They are called “Little things” because they are so easy, and we tend to take them for granted.
A smile, from a complete stranger, has the power (almost like magic!) to pull a smile from you in return, from a busy and preoccupied mind, worried about the sick children, worried about the bills and if you are going to be late for that meeting you are headed to; that is the power of a smile.
We are taught that we have to work hard, even struggle for what is important in life. A smile is so easy, it’s like breathing, so it must not be important, right? Wrong. A smile is the most powerful piece of magic we have to call our own.
I read an interesting statistic as I was fiddling around the other day, online. It is estimated that we, as humans, have about 60,000 thoughts a day. How many of those, I wonder, are happy thoughts?
There are endless sources of advice on how to be happy and they all have one thing in common; they don’t cost a thing.

Pioneer Outfitters’ Amazing Amber-Lee Dibble
Look For the Bright Side
No matter how bad things can get, tomorrow always comes with another chance. Maybe not a complete “do-over” but with an entire day of opportunity, to do something, to meet someone, to see something, hear something…
Forgive.Yourself and others.
Forgiveness is a HUGE gift. To yourself and to others. Holding something dark inside yourself is like going out and asking for cancer. It eats at you, physically and emotionally. Forgive the pain, forgive the mistake, forgive the bad or evil done. Forgive it all, remember the lesson(s) it taught you and just let it go. Let. It. Go.
Be grateful.
Gratitude is a beautiful thing. Appreciate what you do have. Even if is only that you woke up this morning, remember the whole day could be a downpour of blessings. It is more than saying thank you to someone holding the door, it is a sense of appreciation and wonder to the life that offers you this kindness.
Take care of you.
Yes, I am going to say it. Exercise. People who get outside, breathe, move around, go for a walk, take a ride or work out are happier. Why? Because they feel good. They are healthier. Eating right, resting and exercising makes you feel that wonderful thing called happiness. Your body deserves to be happy too!
There are studies that insist that smiling (the movement caused by the muscles in your face) elevates your mood. It is absolutely contagious and smiles cause (yes, causes) happiness and happiness creates more smiles!
And lastly, remember that you are not alone in this thing we call life. There are people just waiting to meet you, waiting for the day to change your life, waiting for the day that you will change theirs.
Be happy. It’s Friday.
P.S. Did you know that there is a small town in Alaska named Happy Valley? There is!
Hi Amber! The little things add up to big impact in your life and the lives of others.
If you don’t pay attention to those little things; the bigger things will never come.
I see you spreading the love all over the social web…
Spread your wings and fly with the eagles. You belong there.
@Mark_Harai Honestly. You nailed it. “If you don’t pay attention to those little things; the bigger things will never come.”
They do….but will you even notice? If you don’t open yourself to all the blessings of the day, put yourself out there, in the sunshine (even if you have to make your own) then how will you feel the real warmth and pleasure that the world is holding, just for you?
Mark (and Jayme!!)… I can only say it over and over again… being here, sharing our place in this world with you, has made me happier than I have ever been in my life. Knowing that there is an unlimited number of people… I may be able to touch just one and make them smile. PLEASE, really, is there anything bigger or better than THAT?
Thank you for always being in my corner, Mark, with your funny monkeys.
Love it! Love it! Love it! I especially agree with the exercise….we all need to do that…it’s true, it helps so much. Those endorphins get to work and boy! What a difference they make. Excellent post..!
@SandyAppleyard I am so happy you LOVE it!! LOL, it does work, even if it is just a walk around “the circle” (the route I take with my little around the compound), it makes all the difference to GET OUTSIDE. I work out and lift weights…but my sticking point is getting outside. Even knowing how happy it makes me (and the Alaska-Chick-let), it is hard for me to just go outside. Offer me a horse or a snow-machine and I’m all good, but just to go outside (even knowing how good it makes me feel) and take a walk is hard for me. It is worth it every time.
Be happy Sandy, it’s Friday!
@AlaskaChickBlog Here here! Three cheers for you!! lol….:)
Yay for Friday!!!
I did. I smiled reading this!
As Always ~*~
@equuisdancer And I smiled back, seeing you here!
Look what the cat dragged in! Great seeing all of you here to honor that Alaskan transplant. Thanks, Little Miss Amber-Lee!
You guys know by now when you comment you get to write a post for this series!! That’s you @Mark_Harai and @equuisdancer !!!!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Mark_Harai @equuisdancer Now I am even giggling! Gotcha Ann!
@AlaskaChickBlog @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Mark_Harai @equuisdancer Oh Lordy..runs for the Dunes in the Blizzard!!! 🙂
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @equuisdancer Hey, Jayme – let me know how your calendar is looking for guest posts for this series and I would be happy to contribute, miss! : )
You #ROCK!
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @equuisdancer
Hey Jayme, I share the same thoughts with Mark on this one! Let me know if you need contributors 🙂
@Geoff Reiner @Mark_Harai @equuisdancer I would relish a post from you, Geoff! Please and thanks!
@Mark_Harai @equuisdancer Please, please!! Send me something in 10 days, please? Does that work?
Gratitude and forgiveness are somewhere in my personal 10 commandments. Or I spend a lot of time thinking about those concepts. Something. I actually consider them HUGE things.
You’ll never get me in Alaska though.
@jennwhinnem I totally agree, they are HUGE.
No? Ahh, well, you’re here, though! And THAT is good enough for me!
Thank you for being YOU!
@AlaskaChickBlog @jennwhinnem Yeah, she can’t wear heels on a horse!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @AlaskaChickBlog @jennwhinnem Well, I could…
What a great post! I have such a big smile after reading this. Thank you
@Jen Olney (Mission accomplished!) Big smiles right back atcha! Jen, I am SO (!) excited about Luck & Leadership (no, don’t cringe, I’ll do a good one!) LOL, I really AM happy today! It works!
I hate livefyre, I hate livefyre, I hate livefyre, I hate livefyre, I hate livefyre, I hate livefyre,…. But I am starting to LOVE Fridays!! LOl
The little things in life are what life is all about!
However, so many times we get so far down in the weeds that we don’t allow ourselves to step back and see the bigger picture. Why not stand on a horse and enjoy the view! Seriously though, this is what we all need to do more of… especially in business!
Awesome post Amber!
@Geoff Reiner @AlaskaChickBlog She rides Grizzly bears, Geoff – just FYI… 😮
@Mark_Harai @AlaskaChickBlog You know Mark, it wouldn’t surprise me!!!! 🙂
@Geoff Reiner @Mark_Harai (It would surprise them!!) I just sneak up on them!
@Mark_Harai @Geoff Reiner No, no, no!! (I have explained this to Mark…sigh…it’s the monkeys) I ride the horses and chase Grizzlies!
@AlaskaChickBlog @Mark_Harai As long as you are taking the proper safety precautions! LOLWhatever that means 😉
When I try to tweet, I keep getting an error message – just FYI @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Hey, I tweeted and it worked! (It’s the monkey-man)
@Mark_Harai It also happens to me; then I use the share bar above and it works. I think I have to delete the one and keep the other. Shareaholic is the best social media sharing tool around.
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Mark_Harai Personally, I don’t like that it inserts ‘via shareaholic instead of via @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing … I think you should have your twitter account getting the benefits – shares/ follows/ engagement of the content you create.
But, that just me.
@AlaskaChickBlog — that’s not just wisdom, it’s happy wisdom! Great stuff, Amber-Lee
I am so glad you guys are having a party at my house! Thanks, Amber-Lee for roping them in…literally! Do you swing a lasso?
I would also be honored to have @Mark Harai and @Geoff Reiner and @ Barrett Rossie to write for this series! So far, there have only been women! What makes men happy?
Party on…
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Mark @Geoff Well, I happen to like women A LOT : )
@Mark_Harai @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Mark @Geoff and sha-BOOOM!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Let me know what information you need from me. I’m happy to help 🙂
And I’m with @Mark_Harai on the liking women a lot comment 😉 Couldn’t agree more!!
@Geoff Reiner @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing @Mark_Harai Sheesh! Well of COURSE you do. Bummer. Miss #Rockhot is only looking for those special guys that like lemurs for the next post..
Lure is right; I took my golf clubs out there and didn’t catch a single fish…plus, all I brought were short sleeved shirts so I had to wrap the bear skin rug around me when I went outside.
Great post ALD, well said and well written. Be grateful indeed…….
@bdorman264 Yikes! You’re going to sweat your butt off in that bear skin 😮
Jayme, Bill-boy, Monkey-man, Geoff and Barrett…. there may be something unexpected in all this “happy horse poo” after all… What I mean is, this post for example.
Writing it was a little rough for me and honestly if it hadn’t been Miss #Rockhot asking, I probably would have gratefully declined. Answering the comments, reading them as well as my own post.. well, has made me very happy. I intellectually understand endorphins and all that chemical stuff that happens when you smile and engage with other humans that are smiling and or positive, but actually feeling it?
THAT is the bomb. BOOM!
I can’t wait to give you another, Jayme AND to read the ones you include in the future Happy Friday Series. Mission accomplished. Happiness contagion.
@AlaskaChickBlog Oh my gosh..! Did you explode?
@Mark_Harai People just crack me up….
@AlaskaChickBlog That makes two of us my wilderness (wild) friend, @AlaskaChickBlog : )
Hey @AlaskaChickBlog Amber! I just finished reading The Happiness Advantage so I am especially happy right now. Ha! The small things. There’s a Japanese method outlined in the book for improvement called Kaisan. It suggests that tiny improvements in a process can, over time, turn into big improvements.
Change something small or think of a few little happy things each day. I wonder if, over time, happiness will simply be your state of mind?
Thanks for having doing this Friday thing @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing