When Jayme started her Happiness series, I started to think about all the really important things in life that make me happy. And I realized they aren’t things: they’re thoughts, family, friends, relationships, paying-it-forward and simply being the best I can be, to best benefit those around me.
But then I did begin to think of the “things” that add to my core happiness. They don’t create my happiness, but they certainly add to it. They enhance, enrich and enlighten me. They bring a smile to my face and lightness to my step.
Things That Make Me Happy
First and foremost…me ?
I’m responsible for my own happiness. It’s not someone else’s responsibility to make me happy. But the following are some things that send my happy-meter soaring.
- The smell of freshly cut grass
- Warm Spring rain and jumping in puddles
- Combing for seashells on the beach
- Browsing through bookstores, especially second-hand bookstores. Pulling out titles of interest. Glancing through the pages. Observing the font and paper stock. Finding that gem that begs to be bought.
- Songs like “Dizzy”, “Build me up Buttercup”, “Four Strong Winds”, “Unchained Melody” and of course anything and everything Beatles, Roy Orbison, Burton Cummings and Eva Cassidy. They take me back in time and elicit strong memories.
- Writing longhand
- Taking photos
- Champagne with frozen strawberries
- Blankets, especially cozy ones. I own too many.
- Giving gifts. I’m a constant collector of great greeting cards and little “special something” gifts that I tuck away, either with someone specific in mind, or for that occasion when it will be “just perfect” for someone I know.
Rocks. I collect them. Ones that speak to me, and many do. They’re all around my house, inside and out. On my desk. In my gardens.
- Vintage postcards, chosen for the stamp that’s on them and the beautiful handwriting that is now almost a lost art.
- Doodling
- Red wine and aged cheddar
- My red wellies (to jump in puddles with ?)
- Antique hunting and auctions
- Movies like “The Jane Austen Book Club”, “Sliding Doors”, “Rear Window”, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “Con Air” (does that last one seem out of sync with the rest?)
- Moon and stars on a crisp, cold night
- Single malt scotch
- Writing journals with beautiful covers and pens that feel like they were made for your hand
- Being barefoot
- Asparagus
- Being fully present with whomever I’m with in the moment. Being fully present in each task at hand. Being in the moment.
Yes, these things add to my core happiness. I often say I’m happy even when I’m not.
In workshops, I draw two pictures.
One is of someone with a smile in their heart and on their face.
Another is of someone with a smile in their heart and a frown on their face.
My stance is that, as long as you’re happy in the heart – to your core – you’re always truly happy, even on crappy, crummy days when there might even be a frown on your face. Core happiness is an inside-out job…but “things” can certainly enhance, enrich and enlighten what’s already there. Cheers!
About The Author
Kaarina is a business/life coach living in Ontario, Canada. For over 25 years her high-voltage energy has inspired those she has worked with to reach beyond their grasp, to attain great things in business and in life. A former Olympic sports colour commentator and coach, Kaarina parlayed her coaching skills from the gym floor to the boardroom, working with business owners to improve their profitability and prosperity. Kaarina is known as an inspiring motivational speaker in areas such as branding, marketing, business growth strategies, and personal growth and prosperity. She loves nothing more than helping people achieve their goals in business and in life. She blogs here, and you can find her on Facebook here and Twitter @KDillabough.
Kaarina you always give me a smile with your photos and posts. Awesome list! I love lists!
Happy Friday!
Ann Jane
equuisdancer22 Thanks Ann Jane: Happy Friday to you! Cheers! Kaarina
Kaarina, your writing and you. Happiness! Thank you!
Soulati | Hybrid PR That makes me very very happy:) Cheers! Kaarina
1. My #1 Personal Commandmant is: Happy is a Choice, so pick it & get there! This fits right in with that philosophy, so thank you! 🙂
2. I’m pinning this to my “Happy-ish Things” Pinterest board! 🙂
3. It’s really weird to read this right while I’m participating in a Daily Gratitude Challenge! Let me know if you want the link — it’s hosted by celestinechua of the blog Personal Excellence.
Andi Roo celestinechua Nice to meet you here Andi, and by all means, post the link in a reply:) And thanks for pinning it to your “Happy-ish things” board: much appreciated! Cheers! Kaarina
KDillabough celestinechua Here is the link for the Daily Gratitude Challenge {https://personalexcellence.co/blog/gratitude-challenge/}. While it began on August 15, it’s not too late to join in! There are some really neat and creative ways of showing gratitude displayed via Celes’ community. I hope you decide to participate — it’s been fun so far, and I’ve already made new friends! 🙂
Welcome here! Maybe you might consider writing a post for this Series?
I would love to have you contribute!
Soulati | Hybrid PR Andi Roo Do take Jayme up on the offer Andi!
Soulati | Hybrid PR – I would love to! Shoot me off an email {andrejia-at-hotmail-dot-com} to let me know what you’re looking for specifically, length, time-frame, and all those pertinent deets. Thank so much for the invitation! 🙂
Andi Roo Soulati | Hybrid PR I will just put all those right here, Andi, for all to see! Thank you!
Guest Posting for The Happy Friday Series
No rules. Your interpretation of happy.
Send an image you like.
Give me your author bio (2 lines) and image.
Send links, too.
Need in 10 days.
Send to jayme at soulati dot com
Easy? I am eager to have you!