It’s with the greatest of #RockHot pleasure I introduce a new product I’ve been dying to publish for several years. With my co-host John Gregory Olson, a peer in the marketing sector and blogger extraordinaire, I’m so pleased to announce the debut of The Heart Of Marketing Podcast!
In our first 6.5 episodes already available on iTunes for your listening pleasure, we explore a variety of topics oriented to heart marketing, marketing with heart, who’s doing marketing with love, and how a mid-tier business gets to the heart of the matter.
Care to listen in to our pre-launch episode where we do the intros and giggle through the whole thing? Well, I do the giggling and John lures me back to center!
Episode 000 of The Heart Of Marketing Podcast
You Subscribe And We Give!
Our official launch is today, February 9, 2015 and it’s Heart Month, Valentine’s Day and, yep, Jayme Soulati’s birthday. There’s a special promo we’d like to share. When you subscribe to our podcast in iTunes (Stitcher is coming soon!) and (see below how to do that), John and I will donate $1 per subscriber up to $500 to The American Heart Association! W00t!
When you listen and give us a rating (we like 5 stars!) and review, there very likely could be a special something saying thanks and we love you coming your way. Of course, that’s not a definitive because that would be like buying votes! Gahh!
Open For Suggestions
There is so much we can talk about in our 30-minute show, but it’s no fun coming up with the topics without your input. So, please, in the comments below or via my contact form on my site, send along your suggestions for show topics.
If you’d like to be a guest on the show, feel free to send along a pitch, too.
The OMGosh we did it still amazes us both. Our show has been in the works since September 2014. While the barrier to entry is pretty high for a podcast, the medium is so fun and natural for us both, and we’re really jazzed to share with you.
How to Rate, Review, Subscribe to The Heart Of Marketing Podcast
1.Click on this link in to get to the home page of our podcast. Open in iTunes via the app.
2. Listen to an episode — I like Episode 000 above (introductions), and I also like Episode 001 about Taylor Swift.
3. Click on the ratings and reviews section (we like 5 stars if you can afford them!) and drop in a few words in the reviews section.
KDillabough Thanks, Girlfriend! Saw all your snow up there…wow. And, it was nearly 60 here yesterday but 30 today. Winter has become really zany.
Hi Jayme,
Congrats! Love that lead in and laugh 😉 And what a day too….happy belated B-day. Awesome present, and hey, my birthday is February 8th so we’re almost sharing the same one 😉
Happy to share this, great energy here!
Tweeting and G Plus sharing from Bali.