If your parents are stilted and unable to hug you with a genuine squeeze and vibration of love, then your journey to love, share love, open your heart to love, say “I love you” with meaning and be secure with that amazing emotion will be unsettled.
All around us, there are studies on happiness. Have you read my series here each Friday that began Jan. 11, 2013, called The Happy Friday Series? It consists of your stories about happiness; there are no rules, just an interpretation, recollection, and often therapeutic sharing of life’s journey. Please read a few; here is the list from the first half of the year.
Please also consider writing for the series, as my goal is to get through year end without needing to fill a gap in guest writers.
Happiness research hit academia a few years ago; I still have the Harvard Business Review with happiness on the cover. Another Fortune company is going to find ways to make employees happier as it leads to greater productivity and morale.
Love on the other hand? It’s a sensitive emotion. Does it belong in the workplace? Should you use it to describe your services and products? Will anyone believe you if you do?
Kaarina Dillabough addressed respect as a topic for her post this week. She raises solid points about the lack of respect just about everywhere and mostly the lack of respect in the home. The children shooting adults out of boredom? No respect for life or happiness. I assume also there’s no love in the home or the foundation of the big three – happiness, love and respect.
That’s what the gangs are doing; encompassing and embracing errant children off the street and providing some semblance of security. At the same time the gangsta masters are delivering a foundation of structure and negative reinforcement; however, the flipside at home could be much worse.
Every Creature Thrives On Love
Every single living creature thrives on love. Perhaps it’s attention and love follows. Well, maybe snails don’t thrive on love; I’m not sure! Infants born with drug dependency react to cuddling and a warm embrace. When left alone, they suffer and cry uncontrollably. Heck, infants without chemical dependency thrive with warm and genuine hugs.
Think about someone ill or someone alone in a retirement center? What’s the best way to make them feel loved and secure and together? Hold their hand and squeeze. Feel the love from your heart travel to your hand and theirs. Watch it vibrate with healing energy to their heart and eyes.
Mark Schaefer wrote a post this week on a similar topic. He shared how his rigorous attention to analytics nearly drove his blog to disaster. His new approach is to be more relaxed with his writings and let his heart guide his content. What’s happened? His community found him back with more engagement than before.
So, I ask you…why are you doing what you’re doing today? If you’re unhappy with the results or you feel compelled to stay the course for the wrong reasons, then your heart is hurting. You do not love what you do in business. Love cannot pay the bills, I get it; however, love, passion and compassion are the very foundation of how you show up to others.
Is there a place for love in business?
Can you show it more so people can feel that you’re genuine?
Love comes in many sizes! Because we’re interacting more with perfect social strangers, we can show the love in a variety of simple ways:
- Your gesture to someone on Twitter in the morning can be as simple as “Hey, how’s it going? I miss you @3HatsComm!”
- You can honor love by thanking someone for a retweet or pingback.
- You can pay attention by reading and sharing content.
- Comments — always comments (and people have less ability to visit as often as we did). So, coming by to comment or take a survey shows care for your peers.
I’ve often spoken of genuine authority. What that means is subject to your interpretation. It’s not the purchase of Twitter followers; it’s not the grandiose presentation of your wins and successes at the expense of others; nor is it your false massaging of self to build up who you’re really not.
What if, as Betsy Cross always writes, you bared your soul on a scale beyond your comprehension? What if you were able to share one thing so painful right here on this blog and then you began to heal by revealing your inner pain?
The love and support you’d receive would be therapeutic, and you can be assured that I love you until you disrespect me back.
And, so, I ask again…is there a place for love in business?
Only if you truly love yourself first.
There most certainly is a place, and a need for love in business. This is a topic I have written about on my blog and you have inspired me to revisit it. We don’t think about it in a business context. It’s too hard to put into a spreadsheet. But it is fundamental to bringing influence in the world, including the workplace and the marketplace. Thanks for opening the discussion.
Great post Jayme… I am so excited to read, and share your life-affirming perspective on the importance of, and need for “love in business” Your data is impressive! ~Rae
There’s a place for love everywhere in this world, and business benefits when people feel loved, respected and trusted. Thanks so much for the LOVEly tip of the hat, my friend. Sending love and respect your way 🙂 Cheers! Kaarina
KDillabough And, businesses benefit when they emanate that emotion, too!
Dr_Rae Hi, Rae. With the work you do, I know this topic is right in your wheelhouse! Thanks for coming over today!
John_G_Olson Hi, John! Please share your links to your content. I would like to read! Something in business has got to give — there are too many mechanical emotions that contribute to the robotics of life today.
When can we get back to the basics of heartfelt respect with a sprinkle of genuine love?
Jayme, this is a beautiful post. Thank you for writing it.
I believe, very firmly, there is a place for love in business. I agree with you that compassion, respect, passion, core beliefs, comprise the foundation of any successful business. Of course you have to get out there and do the work but what really matters, what sustains success is the intention behind the doing.
I work in business because I believe it is the biggest lever we have to make deep, meaningful, systemic changes. I firmly believe that entrepreneurs will lead the way. I want to help, participate and be part of the conversation. That’s love in action.
There are so many talented, passionate people working in their own way but to a similar end. That’s the best thing about social media. We get to find each other, support each other and work together. I have been amazed by the really wonderful people I’ve met since venturing into this wide open space. People like you. Who are helpful, supportive, thoughtful and doing really great work.
Loveee the post, Jayme!
I thrill at a kind word, a smile, an unexpected conversation! Just to be acknowledged with an “hello” can brighten my mood and sustain me for a long time. Learn my name and use it when you talk to me, listen and joke around – that really makes me feel appreciated. Thank you’s are awesome!
I truly believe that everything we DO is given to us as an opportunity to connect who we ARE. We feed ourselves when we nurture others in love!
How could it NOT be a good idea ANYWHERE??
Sharon Gilmour Glover After posting this, I thought of you and your audience. Perhaps I can re-angle this for you and your peeps up there? The topic is broad and rich; I think more people need to stop and think about this — core values that contribute to business success. Including LOVE. Thanks, Sharon!
BetsyKCross For someone as yourself, Betsy, who lives, breathes and shares love every day, this topic is likely commonplace. Hard to think there are folks who don’t have the same mantra, right?
So much of what is happening today is due to a lack of genuine compassion for our neighbor. In business, you reach a time where you realize another day, another dollar is no way to live.
Soulati | Hybrid PR Sharon Gilmour Glover You see??? This is exactly what I’m talking about; compassionate, passionate people all working together to help make the world a better place through business.
I love the idea and leave it to you to deliver whatever makes sense for you. You send, I’ll publish.
Sharon Gilmour Glover Soulati | Hybrid PR E-Z!!! Thanks, Friend!
Soulati | Hybrid PR John_G_OlsonI’d be happy to, Jayme. I didn’t want to be that guy who
stops by just to drop a link! I’ve been most interested in how to live in love
and put it to action in everyday life. One post looks at leadership: https://wp.me/p2fKwR-vd and
another how it activates the law of attraction regardless of a person’s
position: https://wp.me/p2fKwR-yx Thanks for your interest.
John_G_Olson Soulati | Hybrid PR Thank your for sharing! I love your writing and voice, John! I encourage everyone here to head to your house and read these two selections.
You’re a natural blogger; now, please see my comments there so I can subscribe by email! You know the drill; build that list!!
Soulati | Hybrid PR John_G_OlsonHi Jayme, thanks so much for referring your community
members and for sharing on Twitter. I’m definitely feeling the love! I’m glad
you enjoyed the posts. I will follow up with you offline regarding your
comments, etc. I’d greatly appreciate your advice.
My pleasure Jayme… You have my appreciation, and gratitude for your love, kindness, and support in ackowledging my work! ~Rae
Hi, Jayme!
Love is an action word… Some say “I love you,” and beat the crap out of you in love?
I prefer the action over talk any day of the week!
Folks who don’t understand this don’t know what love is.
There’s lot’s of opportunity to share ‘love’ across the social web.
This kind of love develops from genuine ‘heart to heart’ connections that go beyond casual, and become friends/ people you care about.
Here’s where so many miss it! You can feel the heart & soul of people who putting themselves out there, just as much as you ‘don’t’ feel empty words.
It’s the difference between doing meaningful work that has lasting impact, builds credibility & authority – or just joining the mindless, heartless, work that litters the social web.
To be successful online, you must build on a foundation of ‘friendships’, people who know, trust and love you to make it big.
It’s nearly impossible to ‘love’ thousands of people – but anyone can strategically build a foundation of 100 or 150 folks they love dearly who can help build them the house of their dreams…
Business is about building people, and the more love you invest on those people, the greater opportunities you will have to impact humanity through your work.
The world needs more love, and the social web has definitely provided an avenue to spread ‘big love’.
Keep spreading the love, Jayme – your house just keeps getting bigger!
GroTraffic Mark! I didn’t know it was you writing as I read your comment from an email. How sweet, and after reading, my smile was a bright sun. Then, I see it’s you; my friend on the path.
I know you’re all about love as you show it to people every day.
Yesterday, I chatted with a new member in my community, featured in these comments, and we shared some love. I gave because I saw a hidden treasure and wanted him to know he has potential to join the fray with a spirit of genuine caring.
When you see folks around the social sphere touting and tooting and never giving back, you know their goal. I don’t fault them. But, the world was never built stepping higher on peoples’ backs. If you sense yourself weary from the race, then it’s time to step back and ponder why.
It’s because you’re focusing inward too much and being selfish. When you focus out, on others who need your attention with a little hand squeeze and smile, you’re giving from the heart and you realize it’s what we all need.
My heart does grow weary with the news of this global strife and this country drawing nearer to a lose-lose situation in the Middle East. I’m saddened by zealots who demand attention by starving innocence.
What can we do, Mark? Share from the heart, give to others sincerely, and ensure that we check the ego at the door and remain humble.
I’m learning and it’s a balancing act. For that thing called income does get in the way. My heartfelt thanks to you for being such a loving member of this community. I appreciate you, and I’m not far away; just turning the corner is all. XO
Soulati | Hybrid PRGroTraffic Well, here are a few more thoughts on what we can do;
Goverments, churches, and powers that be have ‘created’ this divisive mentality around politics and religion all in the name of power, greed and control through organizing and progamming the minds of people. <<< They both use fear to maintain and grow their power base.
This activity and mindset in itself is evil.
When you get organized religion and goverment out of the picture, you’re left with glorious human-beings, who for the most part just want to build productive lives, given the opportunity.
What can we do? Create, infect and empower people through words and vision that inspire people to take positive actions, because it’s the right thing to do – – and realize there are very few, if any governments, big corporations, or churches that give a shit about you or your family… See above.
If you don’t believe me, embrace one, just one idea that goes against the grain of either of these institutions, and you will be an outsider… No longer accepted in the beloved family… Idiots!
While the U.S. was won by regular people who had big love for each other (they fought and died together), and won freedom under impossible conditions – today it’s run a muck with a bunch of idiots.
I’m not judging individuals here; I’m simply judging the actual actions, things stated, and results that have been achieved for her people – – and if you look at all the facts, it’s complete and utter foolishness, hot-air excuses, undelivered promises at every step, and deeper division that divides the country more. Did I say idiots?
A divided country has already lost the battle, it’s just a matter of time…
What can we do? Build another country, one without walls, that welcomes any brother or sister who desires, and is inspired to do positive things with their life, and in the world. It’s the only condition for citizenship. Build an army of these around the globe and you will be a force to contend with.
There will always be good, evil, love, and hate at work in the world; there will always be struggle and fight in life.
What should we do? Take a stand and leverage the air, talents, gifts, and abundant love we’ve been blessed with to make a difference. This is the most powerful weapon against darkness in the world today.
Just a few more thoughts to chew on – cheers, Jayme! : )
GroTraffic Soulati | Hybrid PR Well said. Form another country? I think our social community can be regarded as such. As you said, about 100 keen relationships that continue to grow on strength of friendship and getting to know one another. Sometimes the light for others is knowing that friend is right there.
And, right HERE. Boos Boos (Farsi for kiss, kiss).
Love this post. Because I feel there can be love in business. But it is very hard with so many struggling on their own. Even people who work for companies struggle on their own with no healthcare, retirement, low wages, etc
So I feel in the US challenges to being free to love is hard when you worry so much about things that in other countries you wouldn’t (like Europe).
In fact half our country feels the only love you can have in business is counting your money. Kind of sad if you ask me. But we should all be able to feel the love. Sad that most of us can’t. And you can’t give love unless as you mentioned with people’s parents, we know what it feels like to receive love.
Howie Goldfarb Howie!! What a lovely surprise to have you over today! Thanks so very much, Friend. When times are rough and we have a truly challenging time finding our sense of direction, we have to look inward to our spirit and soul to guide us. Perhaps others turn to God to seek strength; regardless, we each must choose a path to reach the other side.
I think it was Fulton Sheen who said, “You must remember to love people and use things, rather than love things and use people.”