Nick Kellet, someone impressive you should know. Woah.
The best new shiny gadget launched this week to much fanfare; did you see it? It blew up Triberr and subsequently, the blogosphere. Or, is that the other way around?
What is this new toy that kindly brought to the hungry game players? Why, it’s– making them for eager readers to tick off and feel good about themselves.
At least, that’s what I read in one of the posts last night that was touting this new social game to feed the masses.
Apparently, people love lists, and the more you make them, the more they show up on the blog to read what’s on the list, to tick off what they already know, and to walk away satisfied that they are better off than the rest of the jamokes who had 1-2 ticks from a list of 10.
I can attest to that behavior…first off, when I write list posts (which I do all the time and seldom tout in the headline; I better change that up), more readers stop in.
Secondly, when I see a is famous for, and he is off the chain when he does these, I read each to see if I’m engaged, aware, have it, done that, already in the works, and I’m happier that I’m not behind the eight ball as much as the rest of those poor readers. Then, along comes who insists on being a big tease, just sayin’.
— We Love Lists
So, have brought you a new shiny plaything, and everyone is rejoicing because “Facebook is boring,” said one Triberr mate last evening, as I was catching up on my stream.
Is Facebook boring? Hmm, shall we make a list? The Top 10 Reasons Facebook is Boring, comes to mind.
Do you automatically see the impact List.ly is going to put on blog fodder? Those bloggers without ideas of what to write can head on over to the new toy. Mind you, I haven’t gotten there yet, but I sure will. (Correction: Since I wrote the post and fixed it up to publish, I have my first list building on List.ly!)
That’s the beauty of being a social media game player…the first to pass Go wins. Maybe I still win if I’m the 100th to pass Go?
In the form of a list….
1. Thanks so much. That was awesome to wake up to discover this post.
2. You should embed your list in this post, so people can add and vote on your Top 10 Reasons Facebook…
3. By way of a PS we need to get you off Monopoly and onto games like Settlers, Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne:)
Have a great day. I’ll go look for your list
@nickkellet I failed to say that I’m the biggest player around…well, when it comes to new shiny toys, Nick!
You’re rock’in it; I am so impressed and delighted you came by this little ‘ol blog to say hey in list.
Now, I’m gonna figure out what you said in that comment and head back to add that to my blog post, or whatever.
Congratulations! So pleased to be part of our historic adventures.
@nickkellet I did it; I have created that list; why Facebook is boring…now getting plug in for blog and let’s see how to embed and we’re rolling!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing Great – I’ll have to add to it:)
Thanks, @nickkellet for adding to my Top Reasons Facebook Is Boring list on List.ly. I see I need to add some urls for images, too!.
I have an idea; is this off the wall? Top Reasons to Hire XX (Company name/ME) and then list all the cool things I can think of; embed that list in my website pages (if that works) and drive link love back to my site. Does that work? Self-serving, but isn’t that what this game is all about?
Wait. List.ly isn’t new, is it? I thought it’s been around awhile. Or, am I confusing it with something else?
@lauraclick Hilarious. I was just typing the very same word, List.ly, on your blog; what serendipity. Well, you know Laura, that when people have the flu and lose a week of work, then all the blog posts that are several days old in Triberr look new!
Actually, my Triberr stream blew up about List.ly — every channel with mentions. So, I’m just a game player getting in on the action!
@Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketing You are such a power Triberr user! I’m only in the one tribe with you. I’ve still never really figured out how to make that work for me.
I digress…
I didn’t realize List.ly got a makeover. I thought it had been around awhile, but I guess it got an update. Time to give it another look.
@lauraclick Actually, I just checked the date of the post I reference above with the how-to List.ly, and it was yesterday.
@lauraclick We launched a new version of Listly on Monday. It’s now fully responsive and restyled. also more scalable. You really need to embed a list in your blog for the full experience.
We have solid momentum for Listly with many 1000’s of blogs of blogs embedding lists
@nickkellet Thanks for the heads up. I’ll have to check it out!
Thanks Jayme! Another social tool I have to figure out. Uugh.
That being said… Your write-up worked — List.ly sounds really interesting. I expect a personal tutorial at #soslam. 🙂
@Adam | Customer Experience We need to make a portion of the hotel into an interview suite, Adam! I’m waiting and excited!
I saw a few posts on Triberr also about this Jayme and am still trying to get through them all to find out what’s the big deal. I did see Dino’s comment on one post that it seemed to go on forever but that’s because of list.ly doing it’s thing right in the middle of it.
So I’ll be sure to drop by and see what this one is all about too. I appreciate you putting the word out as well and I guess thanks to Nick too right!
@AdrienneSmith I love the potential of driving traffic to the site; your site, however? You got plenty! Heh.
@AdrienneSmith We should chat. You can get the big deal direct if you like. Save you reading.