Has anyone missed @Soulati? I know a few have and thanks for the well wishes. But, guess what? I’ve not been sick; thank my fortunate stars.
Where I have been is under a rock in the dark trying to muddle through an intense time at my blogging house and for my brand. It’s what every company must experience. You can call it transformation, and it’s a journey that takes awhile…a long while, with lots of introspection and grappling with the demons of the past that form you into today’s persona.
As a result of this experience, my blog has been basically dark since prior to January. I can’t say I’ve missed worrying about what to write on a near-daily basis, but I’m feeling the absence of expressing myself and communing with you, too.
Today, I can honestly say, I see the light. It’s just around the bend, but
having brand new digs is making the light waves brighter.
I need to give my second child (to be born in my next life) to one astonishing businessman, friend, colleague, and partner by name of Dr. Jon Buscall of Jontus Media. Jon is the consummate digital marketer, a brutal editor, and a whiz at website design. His team, anchored by an adorable man named Juanjo, made my new website and me simply gorgeous.
Hire Jon Buscall of Jontus Media
Please hire Jon Buscall for ALL your digital marketing needs and to assess your future journey with digital. Better yet, hit this landing page and schedule a free Marketing Intensive with him!
Essentially, long story short, the lights are back on.
- I have a #RockHot new brand — the Message Mapping Master. You can download my FREE e-book with that link!
- I have a new website — it’s all mobile, responsive and built for conversions.
- I am doing digital marketing the right way because I hired Jon Buscall.
- I have a project manager on my team who is also the consummate writer and knows my fears and challenges about failure in Jenn Whinnem. Tweet Jenn @TheJenn, but don’t hire her, she’s mine.
- I give a mega shout out to Cathy Tetrick for spending a Saturday as my photographer.
- I have a new auto-responder series I wrote all by myself, and you can sign up for it via my blog page right here in the sidebar. (That was an astonishing feat, mind you!)
- I am building my email list because the experts said I have to; so, if you don’t mind, sign up and see how it’s done!
I’m so happy in my new house that just launched not even 24 hours ago!!
Find any kinks? Please do share. It’s always great to have fresh eyes on a labor of love. And speaking of love, I have missed you and love you to pieces.
In gratitude…
Hey Jayme – love the new digs.. much cleaner and clear. Jon did an awesome job on your site ; )
Mark_Harai Hi, Mark!!! Thanks for being the very first to send some love! Jon is one #RockHot professional. He impresses me extraordinarily! (As you know first hand, too!) Let’s catch up soon, Friend!
You’re too sweet. Congratulations on the fruits of your hard work.
Way to go, Jayme!!!!
jennwhinnem I could not have done it without you!!! Jenn, you are amazingly #RockHot!
susancellura Thanks, Susan!! I appreciate it!
Soulati | Hybrid PR jennwhinnem
I love working with you guys ! Thanks for sharing the love.
jonbuscall Soulati | Hybrid PRjennwhinnemJon, you’re just #RockHot. I will promote you ’til the cows come home.
susancellura Hi, Susan! Thanks for riding the pain points with me and coming over to take a peek, too! I will get your post public soon!
biggreenpen Hello, Girlfriend! Thanks for that! Always morphing, Am I. I hope this is the last for awhile! How’s by you?
Huge congrats, Jayme!
The place looks beautiful and the thought of all those bells and whistles doing their thing in the background makes my marketer’s heart go pitter-pat.
I’m also in flux on my site (and feeling guilty over being “dark” on the blog for … um … quite a while.).
Fingers crossed, I’ll have a new reveal in the not-too-distant future.
Meanwhile – enjoy your new digs. They are lovely – just like you!
suddenlyjamie I think like the road, we sometimes veer off path. That’s what blogging does to us…it takes us places unexpected to teach us lessons and get us straight until the next curve. Having a home you like to showcase your wares is just about the single-most critical element to confidence.
Do consider taking Jon up for his Marketing Intensive. I know you have a relationship, but so did I. Then we really blossomed in a brand new way. It just may be good fuel for you to get some of Jon’s expertise! I know this from fact! Thanks for coming over, Jamie. Really and truly.
Soulati | Hybrid PR suddenlyjamie Jamie, if you’re interested, the link to the intensive is here: https://bit.ly/1pJV6mw
Who are you?
I too went dark and was about to throw in the towel, probably different reasons than you, but I read something in @GiniDietrich’s book about writing and how that process helps you think like a writer and your mind is always looking for stories. As I move forward, I will be working on some kind of branding and hopefully it’s not the Circle Bar B kind, so I’m glad I didn’t just abandon it.
Good luck on your journey as I’m sure you will figure it out.
Jayme, I love you new home. It’s vibrant and full of energy. Just like you! I LOVE the new photos of you and your cute orange Mini!
Journey of transformation are not for sissies. Congrats on going on the journey and embracing it, bumps and all. Exciting things await this year!
bdorman264 You’re so great coming by, King Bill! I’m glad to see you writing again, too. It does make you more alert in conversation and how you listen. I bet you could start featuring some of your clients at your place to send the a little love, too! Get with Jon Buscall; he’s killer. Don’t be afraid. I had no idea and look what happened!!
Sharon Gilmour Glover Thank you, Sister! Launching a new home is a scurry of activity as you know! Thank you for coming by to the soft launch party in comments! I love my Mini, too! She’s orange!
Has spring arrived there yet? I have daffodils and hyacinth blooming! Almost picture time!
Soulati | Hybrid PR Sharon Gilmour Glover Spring has arrived in the form of many of the songbirds having returned, warmer sun, melting snow and bulbs are starting to poke their little heads out of the ground. I’m on the north side of the road and so I get less sun, takes a little longer.
Wait, this wasn’t THE party??? Oh good! I’ll bring wine. Let me know when.
Sharon Gilmour Glover Soulati | Hybrid PR Nope. We’re gonna have a real party soon!
Soulati | Hybrid PR Sharon Gilmour Glover Oh good. I love parties.
Congratulations Jayme. It looks great. So good to have you back in the blogosphere!
Good to hear you are back, Jayme. Congrats on your new digs.
Looking good.
Wow! Love the new look and direction. Congratulations.
Congratulations, Jayme! I’m really getting a lot out of email marketing, but I need to work on my signup forms—yours looks great, as does the rest of the site (content and appearance).
Love it! Welcome back to the light (we missed you) 🙂
Thanks so much Jayme for known you and work at your side!. Find solutions to you is our pleasure at JontusMedia team. Because clients and partners like you are fantastic, then, to transmit this into your design with all your power and energy was always a pleasure.
Want to profit this comment and say Thanks too, to all people and your professional opinions here that make me proud and of course, a Happy Design Worker!. Hugs Jayme!, enjoy your new tools and stay in touch ^^) kiss JJ
Juanjo Montilla You rock my world with your love and command of the English language, Juanjo! I am so admiring of your talent in the digital space and with design. You and Jon have taught me more in 3 months than anyone can learn in school. Thank you for your professional expertise! XO!! I am coming to Spain to meet you in person. After I travel to Stockhom to see Jon! #That.Is.All.
rosemaryoneill Good Morning, Dear Girlfriend! The lights are back on, and I feel an immense weight lifted off my psyche. You have no idea. It’s such a delight to walk into a new home the likes of this one. And, it really doesn’t matter how anyone else feels, when this glee emanates from the heart everyone else can feel it, too! That’s the beauty of what we do. It is a gift and only a few of us truly know that!
Gahh! I’ve gone all smarmy, sorry! XO, thanks for coming over!
RobBiesenbach Good Morning, Fellow Chicagoan! Yep, I still call Chicago home and miss you guys every day! Thanks, Rob! I’m a late bloomer to email marketing. It’s a new path and one few truly do well or know how to. Thanks to my team, this place is beyond comparison; the digital talents with them are #RockHot!
As mentioned, do consider a chat with Jon; link in the blog post. You never know what may come for you!
Shelley Pringle Good Morning, Shelley! Thank you so much for coming over. I failed miserably with HubSpot, and it was not fault of theirs, really. I didn’t have the knowledge to work the software and magic that Jon Buscall does. Absolutely no way was I going to make it happen even with the tutorials. I hope it’s working for you still?
Joshua Wilner/A Writer Writes Good Morning, LA! Thanks, Friend! I appreciate you came by especially since your time is not your own! Looks like you may have gotten your hosting issues resolved and are back blogging! #RockHot!
annelizhannan Thanks, Anneliz! It was a labor of love, pain, tears and sweat…no blood this time, but looking back, it probably could’ve happened! So nice you came by! Thank you!
digitaljgo Morning, John! It is good to be back…I have missed writing and engaging with the likes of you! I hope the news is good on your front, and we shall catch up soon, OK? It’s past time!
Soulati | Hybrid PR Juanjo Montilla Oh dear Jayme! Thanks for your lovely words!. You deserve to enjoy each character you write on your fantastic new posts!! Hugs, Kisses, Blessings for you and … in one word … contratulations Jayme!!
Juanjo Montilla and Jayme, this is an absolutely beautiful example of employee-customer engagement. It’s clear that you genuinely loved working together. Juanjo, it’s equally clear you love what you do and what feel great about JontusMedia. Jayme, I know you’re a raving fan of JontusMedia.
Employee-customer engagement is the most significant driver and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of sustained profitable growth. At Jump-Point and now Light-Core, that is the end game of all of our consulting, regardless of what issue has brought us into a company and regardless of business size.
May I have your permission to use your relationship, this blog post and this reply specifically in a blog post I’d like to write about why employee-customer engagement matters and what it really is?
If you’d rather I didn’t mention you specifically, no worries.
Thanks for your words Sharon, from my own side opinion, I know that your words are the reality of a design agency. Yes, this is one example of the perfect communion in both sides of a project!. Each day is a new opportunity to discover the better use of our skills, to make something better for our clients and satisfy the new needs and responsabilities that work this window represents.
Design into JontusMedia is always a pleasure, the clients, the projects, are perfect. Each time I update our site portfolio, I have these smile, these “tsu tsu tsúu” wich make us happy, yes, make me work hard as ever! but, this is the reason, we WORK HARD for be one little small agency!.
All our reality are YOU, Sharon, all the world. Jayme audience, market, but the first: Human.
Thanks for everything! cheers Sharon!
Thanks for each day Jenn, together we #RockHot!
1000000% agree! ^^XX
Sharon Gilmour Glover Juanjo MontillaSharon, you are the epitome of what you said. Please do use the blog, comments and anything else you need as an example of engagement and relationships. You have my full cooperation! Thank you!
Juanjo Montilla You make me giggle.
Soulati | Hybrid PR Sharon Gilmour Glover Juanjo Montilla Thanks Jayme and Juanjo. I’ll let you know when the post will go live. Hopefully tomorrow but perhaps Monday. I’m in meetings this afternoon. I do so love being in a community with passionate, engaged people!
Hehe XX good!
Congrats on the book, the new site .. well done by all. Look forward to more now that you’re back. FWIW.
3HatsComm Yay! Thanks! This was a very long time in coming. It was a journey, too. Like everything. You learn, you fall, you get up and rinse to repeat. I have to remember when it’s uncomfortable, I’m learning; when I fail, I’m stronger. Tell me who I should speak with at you know where to help you land that gig! I’m good for that!
Soulati | Hybrid PR Thanks… if I think it’ll help, I’ll email you. Congrats again.
Sweet! Rock Hot 🙂 Congrats on everything. Love the new look of the site. The “book a call now” part of your sidebar is golden. Jon’s idea or yours? Love it.
WOW! #Smokin’RockHot:) Kudos to you Jayme, and I wish you all the best in the next steps on your journey. Cheers! Kaarina
KDillabough Hey, Girlfriend! I was just thinking of you the other day. Thank you for coming by to see the new elite digs! I think I just got the $1M home! I think you can make the analogy of websites to home buying, right? Hope the flowers are blooming up there! So glad it’s finally spring!
Craig McBreen Hi, Craig! You’re wonderful for coming by! Thank you so much! That “book a call now” is so simple, and I defer to my expert in jonbuscallfor that piece of #RockHot! I see how you’re working it, too…it’s certainly a major journey and hopefully my pain points will rescue others from having to endure!
Soulati | Hybrid PR No Spring here: it’s snowing…again…still. But your site here is blooming, so that’s great:)
Sharon Gilmour Glover Soulati | Hybrid PR Juanjo Montilla
Of course Sharon!. Have all our consent to write freely about our action with Jayme project or with any of our client cases https://jontusmedia.com/case-studies-2/. We are always interested on true opinions and receive meta-feedback for working better each day, working together!. Thank you!