If you’re not familiar with Mark Harai, you better dash on over to every social media channel to easily find him. Better yet, head directly to Blogger Beat, do not pass go, do not go to jail…just run already.
I began the privilege of getting to know Mark just prior to his hiatus from social media and blogging. He disappeared for some five months or so until we all encouraged him to return to blogging. Mark has one of those genuine writing gifts that open the flood gates and make you take a moment to ponder with feeling. Usually his comments on blogs are blog posts in their own right…well, back in the day, anyway.
I have become quite close to Mark spending time on Skype practically every day, and when he wants something he’ll track you down, corner you and relentlessly tell you why you have to do this or do that all in the name of growth and profit.
Mark is a formidable business man. He can generate leads like white on rice; I’ve never seen anything like it. He has built million-dollar companies over and over only to blow them up and start anew. Apparently, it’s a pattern we all have – entrepreneurs eventually blowing up their businesses (I know this as fact).
Why Mark Harai as Social Marketing Man of the Year
- From little known ex-pat blogger to a visionary and internet influencer and entrepreneur
- An aggressiveness second to none to get the job done and find ways around the obstacles
- The intense ability to overcome the obstacles about what’s new and not in his wheelhouse in order to develop the win
- Salesmanship with nurturing and relationship building extraordinaire
- Development of Blogger Beat from a seedling that blossomed into a magnificent vision. BloggerBeat is a community of professional bloggers writing and selling in a marketplace of content, goods and services. Mark inherently knew the little guy was no longer going to make it without being surrounded by a team. I encourage you to reach out to Mark and get in on the groundfloor of his baby; no doubt about it, the best is yet to come.
- The reblogger king. When Triberr launched its reblogging feature, Mark took to it like a kid to candy. He became the reblogging king (with pros and cons, IMHO). His traffic soared as a result of posting others’ excellent content with attribution on his blog, and the light bulb paved the way to his development of Blogger Beat.
- A heart is a heart is a heart. Mark consistently wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s a man with passion second to none, and he will bend over backwards to share his generosity so authentically with you.
Don’t get me wrong, if Mark has a goal and you’re part of it, he’s relentless until he gets what he wants. This guy is a force to be reckoned with, and everything upstairs? TRUTH!
Mark, I thank you for your intense personality, a passion that buoys you through thick and thin, a relentless drive to climb the tallest tree, and many virtual hugs you share with anyone who needs them. Your zest for life knows no bounds; when you fall, you get up, and when you’re up you bring everyone around you on the ride.
Can’t wait to see what 2014 brings; thank you for you.
Jayme, I really don’t know what to say… I’m at a loss for words. This is so very kind of you.
If I’ve learned one thing over the years, it’s that business is people and personalities. Every business has a personality established by the owners/ founders that runs thick through the business.
Building business is all about building people – and what I’m learning a great deal about at this late stage of my life is that aligning with right fit employees, suppliers, customers, et al is key to sustainable growth and profits.
I used to look hard at bottom line revenues and profits to base my decisions… The individuals who could get my to where I needed/ desired to go the fastest got my attention. This is where the disconnects, bad partnerships, and just wrong fit people can have a huge negative effect on your business.
To realize and live your vision, you have to align yourself from the bottom up! The foundation of “who you are” and “why you do what you do” drives everything else…
When you skip this part from the beginning, you’re basically doomed! Soooo many businesses neglect to establish a strong foundation to build on, which only leads to disappointment and failure. Successful business is more than just making money.
Once you have your foundation identified and established, then, and only then can you build long term success.
Your employees, suppliers and customers become more like partners of your business. And this will ultimately enable you to provide services and products that serve the interests of the whole.
It’s energy, aspirations, and life-long vision/ goals of people aligned to good in the world through business.
There are many pressing issues in the world we all face today, and I want to be involved with the folks who are progressively doing something about it.
Thank you so much for your generosity, support and friendship, Jayme – you’re an inspiration, miss! 🙂
Oh, funny thing on the Triberr reblog feature – I was speaking with Dino about the plan I had for BloggerBeat before I started to build it, and he actually suggested the reblog feature, so I went down that road, and it worked beautifully… Now it’s time to start injecting our personality and fingerprints into the content we publish… What do you think?
Mark_HaraiYou deserve this, Friend, for what it’s worth. It’s just me, you know. But, I see you!
Mark_HaraiTell me more? I don’t reblog and won’t for a solid reason…
Yay! Good on you Mark. One of the true gentlemen on the Net. All the best to you Mark.
Soulati | Hybrid PRMark_Harai Triberr enabled me to syndicate/ publish quality content 5 days a week, which has enabled me to gain solid traction and traffic in a short period of time.
Quantity absolutely has an effect on your rankings, and Triberr provides access to value driven content.
What is your reason for not using Triberr for the reblog feature?
jonbuscallI like that, Jon – I do try to be cordial and helpful with my activity on the social web… I believe I can live up to that 🙂
I thank you again as well for your support, and help with bringing attention to BloggerBeat… I appreciate it, and you very much.
Happy Holidays to you and yours, sir!
GroTrafficSoulati | Hybrid PRMark_HaraiI’m huge on authenticity; reblogging removes the blogger from the equation entirely as it did you. I no longer read blogs due to reblogging b/c it’s not the authentic content from the original blogger. Traffic vs. Authenticity; the debate will never die, but the latter is losing, and I’m sad.
Soulati | Hybrid PRGroTrafficMark_Harai Well, I had limited choices and resources… I needed to invest my time in getting the foundation in place to build a business…
Now that there’s a solid foundation in place, it’s time to inject our personality into our content and really launch this business.
Authenticity will take us to the next chapter and evolution, so you’re right on target with your strategy in my mind.
The best case scenario is traffic w/ authenticity!
You know I know authenticity – I’ve just been in building mode since I came back at the beginning of this year, and haven’t had a chance to get my social game on just yet! 😮
After all of the delay’s – 2014 is launch time!
Mark is a great guy and someone who’s encouraged me lots over the last couple of years.
Somewhere along the way, I’ve lost touch with a few people in the blogosphere. Something I want to put right in 2014.
Mark’s one of the people I need to get reacquainted with and get to know on Skype!
And is he ever the Skype man too, Tim!
Hey will u count me in on a Skype? Perhaps you will be my guest on Soulati Media on The Street via G+ on Air??
Happiest holidays Tim!
timbo19731 I’m in, Tim – and I don’t miss a post from you, I’ve just really had my head down building the foundation of my business 😮
Let’s take 2014 to the next level!
Happy Holidays – cheers to you and yours! : )
Oh my Gosh!! Why was I NOT invited?! Sheesh, Mark is one of my FAVORITE humans!! Oh, Mark! Man of the Year, indeed. I am so proud to call you my friend.
AlaskaChickBlog I love my friends on the social web : ) Man, you’re an inspiration, Amber, your words always move me… And love the Campfire Chats as well!
Cheers to another great year of growth and successes in 2014 – let’s take the next level!
Mark_Harai Yes, indeed!! FEARLESS is the One Word that will represent 2014 ~ The Year of the Horse for Pioneer’s 90th Anniversary in all it’s efforts, successes and how we meet each challenge.
Merry Happy and Blessed Christmas, my friend!!
Throw in the fact that Mark is generous with his shares and engagement…nice tribute, Jayme.
dbvickery Hi, Brian – thanks a bunch for your generous support… Let’s elevate things in 2014, shall we? : )
Merry Christmas to you and yours, sir!