Used to be, I’d look out the window and be able to spot my social media BFF in the stream. Today? Not so much…times, they are a-changin’. People come and go, and this The Happy Friday Series has seen so many amazing contributors who have been part of this community since the earliest days. It’s not that friendships are fleeting, it’s just that we know how much of a time suck social media truly is. When there are bills to pay, mouths to feed, and billable gigs at which to work, that means there is less time to stay connected.
This multi-tribute recognizes seven authors in this highly popular and longest-running series. Without each of you helping with your personal stories and shares, there is no way I could have made this series happen. Fact. Where else have you seen a year-long series every Friday without fail about a toughie topic like happiness?
Happy Friday Gratitude
Nowhere. You guys made this happen; I am forever grateful. In no particular order, here is my gratitude for this Friday:
- Geoff Reiner. Oh where oh where has the little dog gone? Geoff? Your contribution to this series was so heartfelt and showed the work you do to always grow into maturity. Geoff wrote about the science of happiness and do-overs. I still love this post because it shows that Geoff isn’t going through life happenstance; he’s a serious young man on a mission. Come back and see us again, Geoff! Happy New Year!
- Betsy Cross. Ahhhh; there’s absolutely no one on the interwebz more genuine and generous with her love, blessings, carings, and friendships. She writes the most heartfelt posts on her blog, and she wrote here about being the sun and about serving. If you ever need a dose of authenticity, please stop in to Betsy’s house. About now, she’s snowed in huge and perhaps without electricity (be safe Betsy!), so perhaps you’ll consider waiting for spring?
- Stan Faryna. Oh, Staneo, Staneo, wherefore art thou? I miss you profusely, Mistah. I have not had the pleasure of hearing your voice on the phone, and I haven’t seen you about these parts in quite some time. We established a strong thing, you know, and I really want to rekindle; stop in, Friend…say hi, let me know you’re well. Miss you mucho. Happiest of the season! Thanks for contributing here with your so-fitting piece.
- Brian Meeks. When Kaarina Dillabough and I decided to blogjack Brian’s lonely blog one day it was the start of a firestorm. Brian, who goes by @ExtremelyAverage (I have never liked that negative, but there’s a story about it that pertains strictly to him), was a budding author back in the day, and now he’s quite famous. He timed a series of guest posts and interviews on a number of blogs, including this Happy Friday Series so he could launch his first book, Henry Wood Detective Agency Series Brian is one analytics guru; I’ve never met anyone who knows his book sales to the minute. I need a bit of his sauce to give a care about mine! Thanks for writing, Brian!
- Nancy Jean. Although we’ve never had the privilege of speaking, Nancy pops up in the stream to tell me she’s paying attention (when I least expect it and what a lovely surprise!). She jumped in to write, and her piece is so personal and therapeutic; I applaud her for sharing the work she does to create and sustain happiness. As a communications professional, she is one of the most private personally. We spend our lives promoting others, and that means we don’t want or wish the spotlight. Get further acquainted with Nancy here.
- Brad Lovett. Of all the gems on this page, I’ve had the privilege of meeting Brad not once, but THREE times IRL at Social Slam in Knoxville! How’s that for the odds? Brad was a Dayton, Ohio resident (gahh, we never met here); yet, I had to drive five hours annually just to say hi to Brad in person. If you don’t know Brad, he’s a trivia treasure. I cajoled him to write here because I knew it would be a tribute to a walk down memory lane in the days of radio. Heck, he just posted something on Facebook about Larry Lujak on WLS in Chicago when I was there, and I went crazy! Hey, Brad…why don’t you resurrect Social Slam?
- Sharon Gilmour-Glover. I have had the privilege of getting further acquainted with Sharon in the last several months of this year. There’s absolutely NO ONE on this Earth more committed to our planet, to curing the heart of a company, and for nurturing businesses one person by one person. She’s brilliant, and in tandem with her husband and business partner, Tim Glover, the two are formidable. She is co-owner of Jump-Point and is the voice and trainer in the amazing online business course, Clarity For The Boss. Sharon knows that happiness drives success; read her piece and see if that’s so. Thanks, Sharon, for your contribution! Here’s to awesome 2014!
With that? Indeed…here’s to an awescious and #RockHot 2014!
Jayme! No snow here to speak of… but the kids are dying for some. I do have a fear of losing power. People think that just because I swim in the cold that I don’t get cold! I do!
You’re amazing, Jayme – I can always count on you to make my day. I’m not around a lot because I spend most of my time drawing whereas I used to spend most of it reading and writing. But as soon as my portfolio is well-stocked I’ll take a break every now and again to stop here and there. I’ve always loved your blog and your smiling face and uplifting attitude.
Keep it up, Jayme. You are an anchor to an ever-changing community. We all had so much fun for almost 3 years (for me at least) and it’s hard to believe that it’s drying up….
But change is good and livens things up. I sure do miss the camaraderie. I used to get up every morning and jump in to the mix…
Love you and what you stand for. Happy New Year if I don’t see you before it gets here! (AND THANK YOU!)
BetsyKCrossOh, you’re feeling it, too? It’s changing so very much, and I’m struggling with the lack of authenticity. I have to take a turn or my business will suffer, and I will continue without a solid strategy for growth.
When you reach this level you HAVE to keep changing, and now I need a guide.
Can’t wait to see your drawings! Sharing any pictures on Instagram yet? Happiest new year, BetsyKCross! P.S. Thought for sure you woulda got the big Maine dump.
Soulati | Hybrid PR BetsyKCross The Cape is unusual that way…we are very protected.
I post all of my pics to Facebook. Just finished another this morning and one either yesterday or the day before.
Yes, I feel it, too. But we have to roll with the changes and find new foot and hand-holds as we climb. Right? Wonder what’ll be next???
You carry the torch, Jayme! Hold it high. There is ever need for light and notice. And cheerful fits of good will!
The near future remains to be written, collaboratively, regardless of the outpouring of enchantments wanting to pass for writing, relating and collaboration. But you can make your mark, Jayme. You can make the difference.
And you are.
And, yes, one day I will call you up out of the blue and read to you some Dr. Seuss. Maybe Horton Hears A Who.
The best of the best of the best of the best!! LOL, you sure do draw and gather the best, Jayme! Each one has given me more insight into my own happiness ~ that just goes without saying. But more, each one of these folks; Stan, Betsy, Geoff, Brian, Nancy, Sharon and Brad have also had such an impact on my life, personally and professionally. I have learned so much from them all.
BetsyKCrossSoulati | Hybrid PRBe FEARLESS!!
And if you cant be fearless like Amber Lee….do it anyways!
Thanks so much for the kind words and for asking me to write in the Happy Friday Series! Who knew we’d be talking about Seeburg jukeboxes! It’s always a pleasure seeing you in person. I’m going to miss Social Slam. I’m probably not up to the task of putting it together myself, though we did kick the idea around at work for a few minutes. Maybe if it’s not back by 2015 there could be a possibility. We are sponsoring some lunch and learn and daylong events geared to the travel marketing industries. Hopefully we’ll find a good conference to go to this year, maybe we can start getting some smaller events going on in Knoxville again. Take care all and let’s have a great 2014! (and RIP Uncle Lar….Larry Lujack)
BetsyKCrossSoulati | Hybrid PRFacebook? OK, well, that will for sure give me a reason to go there more often. I have to say, that’s what’s changing big for me…FB. Me no likey.
Brad_LovettWell, at least you gave it some attention for a minute, Brad! I would’ve pulled out the stops if I had been invited to help save it. Alas, I was not. Boo. Have a lovely new year in your beautiful arena down there!
AlaskaChickBlogAhhh, I have to agree, AL. Everyone here is brilliant and comes bearing gifts. This series (AND community) has been truly wonderful. You’re such a sponge.
FarynaStan, my lovely. You make my heart sing, really. You soften the edges and remind people to take a moment from all that’s crass and just feel special. Now that I know you’ve surfaced here, I will leave you to your machinations for a small while and then I’ll be knocking again. Happy New Year! Thank you, Friend.
Hey Jayme,
I still come by here occasionally to see what’s up. I have always liked your style and writing and that’s what keeps me hanging around. Nice list. I wish I could say I am willing to spend the time reading all these great folks. It’s just nice to know they’re out there doing their thing.
Best for 2014! Lots happing in the on-line world so surely it won’t be any less of a roller coaster.
rdoppingHi, Ralph!!! So GREAT to have you pop in today! Thank you! I see you’re beefing up your content oriented to your business; smart. Yep; the online world is changing so fast, and those who ignore the hints it’s new again will probably be whining in their spilled milk! Best to you in the new year! I know where to find you!
Soulati | Hybrid PR BetsyKCross I watched a video yesterday that someone posted to my timeline and it gave me a new perspective on Facebook. In it he said, “I’m thankful to social media(esp. Facebook) because it it gives me access to your emotions…” The man has thousands of followers because he’s a celebrity. I didn’t expect to get anything from his video, but I did. I have a lot to learn, but my bias against Facebook is changing. The key is to show up as yourself first. I have no clue what comes after that! LOL!
Soulati | Hybrid PR ~ It’s a curse. Sigh.
(giggling madly!)
Oh how I miss the #TeamBlogJack days! I must put it in my priorities for 2014 to find places to resurrect the ‘raderie of #TeamBlogJack. Cheers! Kaarina